
  • 网络Division;division operation
  1. 会有对加、减、乘、除运算的简单测试。

    There will be simple tests in addition , subtraction , multiplication and division .

  2. 表示企图执行或已经进行非法除运算的指示器。

    An indicator denoting that an invalid division has been attempted or has occurred .

  3. NRSFPU中浮点乘、除运算的合并设计

    The unified design of floating point multiplication and division in NRS FpU

  4. 利用数据库的存储能力,在FoxPro中,给出了几个整数加、乘和除运算的连接记录的算法,改进了文献[1]中的结果,使任意位大整数的数学四则运算得以实现。

    In this paper , we introduce several algorithms of integer addition , substraction , multiplication and division with linkage record in FoxPro based on the memory power of database .

  5. 模为合数时多值模代数的模减与模除运算

    Modulo Subtraction and Modulo Division in Composite Multivalued Modulo - Algebra

  6. 本文提出并讨论了模加与模乘运算的逆运算&模减与模除运算。

    Modulo subtraction and modulo division , the inverse operations of modulo addition and modulo multiplication , are proposed and discussed .

  7. 简单的数学工具用来执行加,减,乘,除运算。

    Simple math tool to practice add , subtra-Simple math tool to practice add , subtract , multiply , and divide .

  8. 现在从1到10之间挑选两个数,包括小数和分数,然后随意进行加、减、乘、除运算。

    T : Now pick two number between one and ten , including decimal numbers and fractions , then add , subtract , multiply or divide them as you like .

  9. 一个指令周期需要44个时钟周期,速度较慢,所以只能进行基本的加、减、乘、除运算;本文提出并讨论了模加与模乘运算的逆运算&模减与模除运算。

    Moreover , an instructor period contains 44-clocks period . Modulo subtraction and modulo division , the inverse operations of modulo addition and modulo multiplication , are proposed and discussed .

  10. 利用已有的模糊数的定义,引入广义模糊实数及其水平集的概念,定义了广义模糊实数的加、减、乘、除运算和序。

    Based on the usual fuzzy real number s , the concept of generalized fuzzy real number and its level set is introduced . The partial order and the operations of these numbers such as sum , minus , product and division are also defined .

  11. 在DFT处理器中除WFTA运算器外,还有一个辅助的相移网络和一个供同时处理两个60路超群信号的分离(或组合)单元。

    In addition to the WFTA processor , an auxiliary phase shifting network and a signal separator ( or combiner ) for two 60-channel supergroups are included in the DFT processor .

  12. 简介了三进制加、减、乘、除的运算法。

    Generally introduces the operation methods of addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division in trinary system .

  13. 引入了模糊数矩阵的概念,并定义了其加、减、乘、除的运算法则。

    The fuzzy number matrix is introduced and its operational rules of addition , subtract , multiplication and division are defined .

  14. 简易计算器,能进行加,减,乘,除等运算,还有一些异常捉获。

    Simple calculator , able to add , subtract , multiply , divide , such as computing , there are some anomalies captured .

  15. 布尔减、布尔除与非运算构成完备集。

    Boolean SUBTRACTION , DIVISION and NOT operations make up a complete set .

  16. 无论是加或减,乘或除的逆向运算和年级、年龄有关,也和题目难易性质有关。

    The reverse operations of addition and subtraction seem more difficult than those of multiplication and division .

  17. 很多人用叫做计算器的小计算机进行加,减,乘,除的快速运算。

    Many people use small computers called calculators to add , subtract , multiply , and divide numbers quickly .

  18. 文章从运算角度谈高考试题中概率的加、减、乘、除及其混合运算,供同行在教学中参考。

    This article discussed the probability test of plus , minus , time and divided in the college entrance examination , and refers for the colleague in the teaching .

  19. 算法的分析和比较:加减法是设计的基础,乘、除、开方运算是设计的重点。

    Finished work is as follows : Analysis and comparison of algorithms : the add and substract are the basic parts while multiply and division are the important parts in the design .

  20. 加,减,乘,除都是基本运算。

    Addition , subtraction , multiplication and division are all basic operation .

  21. 讨论了布尔减和布尔除的定义以及逻辑函数在布尔减及非运算、布尔除及非运算完备集中的展开,给出了减-非和除-非逻辑函数的化简公式。

    This paper discusses the definitions of Boolean subtraction and division , and the expansions of logic functions in Boolean subtraction - NOT and division - NOT complete sets .