
  • 网络De facto
  1. 这一下跌加速了自阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯(CristinaFernández)去年11月更换其经济团队以来的长期跌势。

    The fall accelerated a long-running decline since President Cristina Fern á ndez replaced her economic team in November .

  2. 去年,出于对阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯(CristinaFernández)新经济团队的担心,阿根廷国债被调降评级,这导致许多机构都被禁止投资阿根廷国债。

    Its debt was downgraded late last year , to reflect concern at the new economic team of the president , Cristina Fern á ndez , so many institutions are barred from investing in it .

  3. 这些协议对阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•基什内尔(CristinaKirchner)领导的政府来说是鲜有的好消息。眼下阿根廷政府正在艰难应对经济衰退和高通胀局面,月底还面临债务违约风险。

    The deals are a rare source of positive news for President Cristina Kirchner 's administration , which is struggling with a recession , high inflation , and a possible debt default at the end of the month .

  4. 阿根廷总统认为吃猪肉是真的性感。

    Argentina 's president thinks eating pig meat is really sexy .

  5. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜

    Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , President of Argentina

  6. 其中,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•基什内尔名列第十三位。

    Argentine President Cristina Kirchner , one of23 politicians on the list , is in13th place .

  7. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜·基什内尔表明,将推进国家宣示对福特兰岛的主权。

    President Cristina Kirchner is vocally pushing for her country to assume sovereignty over the Falklands .

  8. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯是同性婚姻合法化法案的坚定支持者。该法案的推出预计会在阿根廷国内掀起一股同性恋结婚潮。

    President Cristina Fernandez is a strong supporter and the new law is expected to bring a wave of marriages .

  9. 阿根廷总统府宣布三天国丧来悼念马拉多纳,阿根廷足协也在推特上表达了哀思。

    The office of Argentina 's president said it will decree three days of national mourning , and the Argentine soccer association expressed its sorrow on Twitter .

  10. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜宣布偿还拖欠巴黎俱乐部19个债权国总额达67亿美元的逾期贷款。

    Argentina 's president , Cristina Fern á ndez de Kirchner , announced that the country would repay $ 6.7 billion in long overdue loans to the Paris Club of19 sovereign creditors .

  11. 有理论研究表明,和服用伟哥药片一样,食用猪肉会使你的性生活增添兴趣,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜基什内尔如是说。

    Eating pork is at least as effective as popping a Viagra pill to spice up your sex life , according to Argentine President Cristina Kirchner , who says she has tested the theory .

  12. 克里斯蒂娜•基什内尔,前阿根廷总统内斯托尔•基什内尔的遗孀,2007年成为阿根廷首位民选女总统,2011年赢得连任。

    Cristina Kirchner , President of Argentina Cristina Kirchner , widow of former President N é stor Kirchner , became Argentina 's first elected female president in 2007 and was re-elected for a second term in 2011 .

  13. 参议院和第一夫人CristinaFernandezdeKirchner本周将成为阿根廷参选总统的第一位女性。

    Senator and first lady Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner this week became the first woman to be elected president of Argentina .

  14. 阿根廷女总统:吃猪肉可提高性能力。

    Argentine president : Eat pork , spice your sex life .

  15. 克里斯蒂娜??费尔南德斯??基什内尔从其已故丈夫内斯托尔??基什内尔接过阿根廷的总统职位。

    Cristina Fern á ndez took over Argentina 's presidency from her late husband N é stor Kirchner .

  16. 阿根廷前总统卡洛斯·梅内姆因长期健康问题去世,享年90岁。

    Former Argentine President Carlos Menem has died at the age of 90 after battling long-term health problems .

  17. 阿根廷现任总统克里斯蒂娜·基什内尔是已故前总统内斯托尔·基什内尔的遗孀,她是阿根廷第二位女性总统,也是阿根廷第一位由民主选举产生的女总统。

    Argentina 's president Cristina Kirchner is the widow of former President N é stor Kirchner . She is Argentina 's first elected female president , the second woman to hold the position , and the first woman reelected to it .

  18. 布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷&阿根廷总统在星期一从哀悼中现身,发誓要纪念她的丈夫和前任总统,内斯托尔·基什内尔,由于她领导该国。

    BUENOS AIRES , Argentina – Argentina 's president emerged from mourning Monday vowing to honor the memory of her husband and predecessor , Nestor Kirchner , as she leads the country .

  19. 这位阿根廷的寡妇总统看来会以绝对优势在10月23日的总统选举中获胜,并有望赢得比四年前大选时更多的选票。这是克里斯蒂娜个人的胜利。

    That Argentina 's widowed president now looks certain to win a presidential election on October23rd and by a bigger margin than four years ago is thus a personal triumph ( see article ) .

  20. 在阿根廷,最近的总统大选曾发生因为蔬菜比肉还要贵因而抵制蕃茄的活动;

    Argentines boycotted tomatoes during the country 's recent presidential elections when the vegetable became more expensive than meat ;

  21. 阿根廷两位前总统的私人秘书在失踪数日后被发现已经死亡。

    The body of a private secretary to two former Argentine presidents has been found , after being reported missing .

  22. 那么:一位是已成为阿根廷首位民选女总统的女参议员,一位是希望成为美国首位民选女总统的女参议员,比较一下两者如何?

    So : comparing the woman senator who has become the first female elected president in Argentina and the woman senator who hopes to be the first female elected president in the US ?