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  • 网络theory of yin and yang
  1. 人体食欲调节的阴阳观

    On Regulation of Human Appetite Based on Theory of Yin and Yang

  2. 科学和科学思想使人们走出了传统阴阳观而建立起现代的性别观念。

    Science and scientific thoughts makes people walk out traditional gender concept and establish the modem one .

  3. 扶阳之妙,培阴生阳,形成了独特的补肾阴阳观的学术思想。

    These form a unique scientific thought of " concept of tonifying kidney 's yin and yang " .

  4. 通过对人体食欲调节网络的分析,阐述了人体食欲调节的阴阳观。

    Through an analysis of the human appetite regulation network , the authors present their views on the regulation of the human appetite .

  5. 靳之林的本原思想是以阴阳观和生生观为核心生命文化意识。

    The original thoughts of Jin Zhi-lin is a cultural consciousness which is looked on the " Yin-Yang " idea and " Sheng-sheng " idea as its nuclear .

  6. 阴阳观认为心的含义有:心性属阳与心的生理功用和发病特点具有密切联系。

    In the view of Yin-Yang the meaning of heart includes : Heart belongs to Yang and the physiological function of heart have close contact with disease characteristics .

  7. 《四方八虎图》是彝族远古先民图腾崇拜,古老朴素阴阳观的反映,它多层次地反映了彝族独特的审美观和民族文化心态。

    The " eight-tiger-on-four-side " pattern reveals the totem worship of the Yi people in ancient times , from which their unique aesthetics and ethnic cultural psychology can be seen .

  8. 本文通过对中国传统养生文化的整体观、阴阳观、人与自然观等分析,为现代医疗环境人性化、生态化设计提供理念、参照。

    Through the analysis of global view and human & nature view for Chinese traditional culture of preserving health , the article provided ideas and reference for humanism and zoology design of modern medical environment .

  9. 本文从阴阳观、形神统一论、知行合一的哲学观点来剖析武术套路及当前所面临的问题。

    This article will analyse WuShu Routine and its problems in terms of the viewpoint of Yin-Yang , the theory of the unity of the form and spirit and the physical , point of combination of the knowledge and behavious .

  10. 中国民俗文化中的阴阳辩证观

    On the theory of Yin and Yang as expressed in Chinese folklore

  11. 阴阳辩证观在易老哲学系统中占有显著地位,它是易老哲学的基础,也是其真谛所在。

    The dialectical theory of Yin and Yang ( in Chinese thought ) takes a prominent place in the philosophy of Yi-Lao , and it is the basis and essence of the latter .

  12. 以整体观、阴阳平衡观、五行联系观为主要指导理念,结合五种文化表达方式,分别从五种应用路径详细阐述中医药文化在景观设计中的表达。

    In the view of the whole , relation theory as the guide , combining four kinds of cultural expression , respectively from the five ways of application in detail expression of TCM culture in the landscape design .

  13. 武术理论的哲学基础概括起来主要有三个方面,易经哲学,即“天人合一”整体观、阴阳辩证观、八卦哲学;

    To generalize , the philosophical basis of Wushu theory mainly includes the following three aspects : philosophy from Book of Changes , i.e. the entirety outlook of " combining nature and human being together ", the dialectical outlook of negative and positive , and philosophy of Eight Diagrams ;

  14. 本文通过汲取中国传统文化中蕴涵的管理智慧,以老子顺人性之自然说和阴阳辩证观为理论依据,提出了人力资源二线式管理这一研究主题。

    This text put forward the research topic of two line model management of human resource based on Laozi 's thought revolutionary , though drawing the management intelligence from the Chinese traditional culture , taking Laozi 's human nature and his yin and yang dialectical view for the theories basis .

  15. 中国传统养生体育的理论基础主要有阴阳学说、整体观学说、天人相应学说和五行学说。

    Chinese traditional keeping in good health in PE theory mainly includes the following doctrines : theory of positive and negative macrocosm ; theory of correspondence between man and universe and five elements .

  16. 从身体重心、劲力变化、战术意识等三个方面阐述了阴阳学说之虚实观在太极拳中的运用。

    This article interprets the application of the concept of Xu Shi of Yin Yang theory in Tai Ji Quan from the aspects of the body 's gravity center , the change of Jin and the consciousness of tactics .

  17. 作为中国神秘文化的代表,《周易》的阴阳和气化学说对中国诗学有着深远的影响,其阴阳交感生化观与气化思想成为中国诗学的基本构成意识。

    As a representative of the mysterious culture of China ,, the theories of " Yin Yang " and " Qi " in " ZhouYi " have a profound impact on Chinese Poetics and become the basic constitute consciousness of Chinese Poetics .

  18. 开篇就讲阴阳是韩国哲学的概念。后面还说中国的八卦、中医和武术中的阴阳观都起源于此。

    The idea of Yin-Yang is supposed to be originated from the old Korean philosophy of Samshin meaning three gods .