
fáng dàn
  • bulletproof;bombproof;shellproof;bomb-resistant
防弹 [fáng dàn]
  • [shellproof;bulletproof;bomb-resistant;bombproof] 能防子弹、炮弹或炸弹的性能

防弹[fáng dàn]
  1. 在卢浮宫里排队参观保护在防弹箱里《蒙娜丽莎》之后,他困惑地走了出来:为什么人们认为它比前一个房间里无人问津的其他三个列奥纳多优越呢?

    After queuing to see the " Mona Lisa " in its climate - controlled bulletproof box at the Louvre , he came away puzzled : why was it considered so superior to the three other Leonardos in the previous chamber , to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention ?

  2. 防弹车护有装甲

    Bulletproof cars sheathed in armour .

  3. 他开始坚持要防弹豪华轿车,仅仅是为了安心而已。

    He began to insist upon a bullet-proof limousine , just for peace of mind .

  4. 适合PP、PE、硬胶、防弹胶、尼龍、金属、玻璃、发泡胶、木材。

    Suitable for PP , PE , ABS , PC , nylon , metal , glass , styrene foam , wood .

  5. 高强高模PVA纤维的研究现状及在防弹复合材料中的应用

    The Present Research Situation of High-Tenacity and High-Modules PVA Fibre and Its Application in Ballistics Composite Material

  6. GE防弹采光板

    GE Bullet-proof Lighting Board

  7. UHMWPE纤维/LDPE复合材料防弹性能及机理研究

    A Study on Ballistic Performance and Mechanism of UHMWPE Fiber / LDPE Composites

  8. DDoS防弹墙验证调度层设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Validation and Dispatch Layer For the DDoS of Bulletproof Wall

  9. 将PUR胶片用于制造防弹玻璃,并全面测试了光学性能和防弹性能。

    Finally PUR film was used in the manufacture of bulletproof laminated glass .

  10. 他还曾为动作电影明星史蒂文•西格尔(StevenSegal)设计过日式防弹睡袍。

    He has also just designed a bulletproof kimono for movie action man Steven Segal .

  11. “防弹存储”背后的想法就是这样一个概念,IBM已经研究了两年,并计划在今后一至三年中不断公布进展。

    That 's the idea behind " bulletproof storage ," a concept that IBM has been developing for two years and plans to begin unveiling incrementally over the next one to three years .

  12. 由于本课题采用了目前防弹防护领域比较流行的超高分子质量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维,而UHMWPE纤维复合材料的冲击韧性很好,冲击吸收能量是各类化学纤维中最高的;

    The fiber material used in this study was Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene ( UHMWPE ), the most popular in the protection field .

  13. PBO纤维在耐热材料、增强材料、防弹抗冲击材料以及航空领域与军事领域广泛应用。

    PBO fiber can be widely used as heat resistant materials , reinforcement materials , bulletproof and impact-resisting materials in aeronautic and military field .

  14. 作为俄罗斯的核心政治人物当然是要备受保护,普京日常乘坐的是一辆奔驰S600PullmanGuard,这是一辆在业界很受好评的超级防弹车。

    As a political figure in Russia is of course central to much protection , Putin daily ride is a Mercedes-Benz S600 Pullman Guard , which is a very popular in the industry super bulletproof vehicles .

  15. 韩国男团防弹少年团(BTS)准备在8月份发行一首新的英文单曲。

    The South Korean boy band BTS is gearing up to put out a new English single in August .

  16. 43岁的VictorBout乘坐独立的囚车,囚衣内身穿防弹背心,由大量武装押送至泰国法庭。

    The 43-year-old Victor Bout arrived at the Thai court under heavy armed escort in a separate van and wearing a bullet proof jacket over his prisoner uniform .

  17. 分析了UHMWPE纤维复合材料作为防弹材料、结构材料等的优点和目前所存在的问题,针对这些问题提出了解决的思路。

    VER and epoxy which is commonly used by UHMWPE fibre are introduced . The advantage and problem of UHMWPE composites as bulletproof and structure material are also discussed .

  18. 目击者表示,嫌疑人已驾驶一辆黑色运动型多功能车(SUV)逃离现场,他们可能身着防弹衣或军用装备。警方随后对这辆车开展了追逐。

    Police chased a dark SUV after witnesses said the suspects had fled the scene in the vehicle and were possibly wearing body armour or military style gear .

  19. 本文探讨了用超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维增强低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)复合材料的防弹性能,研究了不同基体含最对复合材料防弹性能的影响。

    The ballistic performance of UHMWPE fiber composites with matrix of LDPE was studied in this paper . The influence of the matrix , contents on the ballistic performance was also sudied .

  20. 拥挤的《黑骑士崛起》放映式上的一名目击者对CNN说,这名枪手当时穿着防弹背心和防暴头盔,而且一身都穿着黑衣,戴着护目镜。

    A witness at the packed screening of The Dark Knight Rises told CNN the gunman was wearing a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet and was completely covered in black with goggles .

  21. 3)预制破片可击穿披挂在8m处的防弹头盔或防弹衣(防护标准为54级),穿透率不小于95%;

    3 ) Prefabricated fragments can penetrate the bullet-proof helm and the bullet-proof vest hung 8m away ( safety standard : class 54 ); penetrating ratio > 95 % ;

  22. 防弹少年团不仅要上台表演,还获得了三项提名,包括最佳流行、最佳K-POP和最佳编舞。

    In addition to performing , BTS is up for three nominations in the best pop , best K-pop and best choreography categories .

  23. 此次演出将是防弹少年团在MTV音乐电视大奖颁奖典礼上的首秀,也是他们计划于8月21日发行的英文单曲《Dynamite》的电视首秀。

    The show will mark BTS ' first-ever VMAs performance and the TV debut of their upcoming English-only single , " Dynamite , " set to be released on Aug. 21 .

  24. 士兵在车内发现了名身穿防弹夹克的男子,以及一支AK-47步枪和三个弹夹。

    Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle , along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition clips .

  25. 防弹少年团、哈里·斯泰尔斯、罗迪·里奇、波兹·马龙、Future、KarolG和今年凭借Dr.Luke创作的歌曲《SaySo》荣登排行榜榜首的DojaCat分别获得了3项提名。

    BTS , Harry Styles , Roddy Ricch , Post Malone , Future , Karol G and Doja Cat - who topped the charts this year with her Dr. Luke-produced smash " Say So " - also earned three nods each .

  26. 过去的人体装甲防护(如头盔、防弹衣、防刺戳织物及车用装甲材料),主要采用由高性能纤维制成的机织物、无纬单向布(UD)、无纺织物等。

    The traditional body-armor textiles ( such as ballistic helmets , bulletproof waists , stab-resistant fabrics , armors of private cars , and so on ) are woven fabrics , UD materials and non-wovens .

  27. 本文在测试分析PVA纤维的力学性能的基础上,研究了纯PVA纤维和PVA/芳纶复合防弹靶板的防弹性能,揭示了PVA纤维在单兵防护材料领域的应用前景。

    On the base of determining the mechanical characteristics of PVA fiber , the bulletproof property of pure PVA target board and PVA / aromid fiber combined target board were studied and the perspective application of PVA fiber in protective material field of single soldier was re-vealed .

  28. 今年早些时候,防弹少年团(BTS)曾参演了格莱美颁奖典礼和《今夜秀》,他们的直播结束后经纪公司BigHitEntertainment在这一组合的粉丝俱乐部应用程序WeVerse上发布了一则声明。

    The band , who performed on the Grammys and on The Tonight Show earlier this year , is repped by Big Hit Entertainment , who put out a statement on the band 's fan club app WeVerse after the band 's livestream .

  29. 基于实验结果和冲击波理论,研究了UHMWPE纤维复合材料受冲击时的表观破坏形态和微观损伤机理以及靶板面密度、冲击速度、冲击方式等因素对材料防弹性能的影响规律。

    Based on the test result and the impact wave transmission theory , the surface damage status and micro crack mechanism of the UHMWPE composites under impact and the influence of butt area density , impact speed and impact method on the ballistic resistance performance are studied .

  30. 为了加快这种新型复合材料的推广和应用,本论文系统研究了MBWK织物增强复合材料的结构、面内力学性能,并探讨了该类复合材料在防弹领域的应用。

    In order to quicken and broaden the applications , this paper systematically studied the loop structure , in-plane mechanical and ballistic properties of MBWK reinforced composite .