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mén fá
  • Gate valve;a family of power and influence
门阀 [mén fá]
  • [a family of power and influence] 门第阀阅,指世代显贵、有功勋的世家

  • 声荣无晖于门阀。--《后汉书.宦者传论》

门阀[mén fá]
  1. 试析门阀制度及左思、鲍照的诗歌对它的批判

    Trying to Expound a Family of Power and Influence System and Criticism on it from Zuo Si and Bao Zhao 's Poems

  2. 存在着门阀值,只有地区金融发展高于门阀值时,FDI的溢出效应才能有效发挥出来。

    The existence of the door threshold , only the area above the door threshold is financial development ; FDI spillover effects can be effectively realized .

  3. 可靠的产品质量和丰富的存货使DPV?公司成为您选择API铸铁门阀,球阀,止回阀的一家理想生厂商。

    Consistent product quality and availability of substantial stock makes DPV ? a dependable choice for API cast steel gate , globe , check , and ball valves where total reliability is of the utmost concern .

  4. 主汽门阀壳是大型汽轮机的关键零件。

    Main valve housing is a key part of giant turbines .

  5. 旧社会,门阀世家经常会享受到一些特权。

    In olden times , influential families enjoyed special privileges .

  6. 由你来做。去总控制台,把电路门阀都打开。

    Go to the central console , open up bolt of circuits .

  7. 论门阀世族社会地位的演变

    On the Evolvement of the Social Status of the Family of Power

  8. 其次,根据建立的数学模型得到电子节气门阀片运动的动力性方程。

    Then kinetic equation of electronic throttle system is established .

  9. 用门阀或用一种活动方式与门类似的装置控制。

    Control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate .

  10. 门阀士族的衰落与衰亡原因

    Of causes of the decline and fall of the family of power and influence

  11. 晋宋之际门阀士族由竞进到退让的历程

    The Course of Gentry Clans from Contending to Yielding between Jin and Song Dynasties

  12. 唐代门阀士族文化追求的转变及影响

    The Change of the Powerful Family Knowledge Pursuing with the Influence on Its Decline

  13. 门阀士族家庭良好的文化氛围,为这些女性的教育提供了丰厚的土壤。

    Lord Nobles family good cultural environment for the education of these women provide rich soil .

  14. 南朝国婚形态是东晋的继续和发展。门阀制度和人物风尚对南朝国婚影响甚大。

    Family status and persinalism are two factors to influence royal marriage in the South Dynasties .

  15. 九品中正制的考课作用对于士族门阀和庶族寒人是不同的。

    The Nine Grades Appraisal System functioned quite differently from the aristocrats to the ordinary people .

  16. 门阀士族的奢侈性消费对当时封建经济、政治的各个方面都有着深刻的影响。

    The aristocrats ' extravagant consumption deeply influenced the feudal economy and politics of that time .

  17. 其次,由于世族地主对社会、政治的控制和垄断,政治制度逐渐门阀化。

    Secondly , because the gentry hold social and political power , the political system gradually changes .

  18. 两晋时期,门阀士族的奢侈腐败是这个时代的显著特征。

    In the Twice Jin dynasties , the aristocrats ' extravagance and corruption was the remarkable character .

  19. 这对于门阀士族是十分有利的,他们仅仅凭借其门第和自我标榜的德行就可轻易获取官职并不断升迁。

    They could easily get positions and be promoted just because of their parentage and self-proclaimed virtues .

  20. “保守策略”向“调整策略”的转变意味着价格波动引起的资源的配置效率损失可能存在门阀效应。

    Conservative strategy to adjust strategy means that price fluctuation has a threshold effect on resource allocation inefficiency .

  21. 魏晋南北朝是门阀地主占主导地位的历史时期。

    This period is a historical period when the family of power and influence and the landlords dominated .

  22. 其二,阐释门阀制度对家史撰述的影响。

    Secondly , this part explains the influence of the ancestry system on the compilation of lineage history .

  23. 在以门阀政治为特征的东晋政局中,士族与皇帝分享权力,士族有时甚至凌驾于皇权之上。

    The politics in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was characterized by the politics of families of power and influence .

  24. 这种现象与东晋门阀士族颇具特色的艺术教育理念、教育方式密切相关。

    The discussion of this special educational ideology and practice will shed some light on today 's quality education .

  25. 北魏后期,鲜卑门阀在优裕的生活中已经完全腐化。

    At the late of the Northern Wei , the Xianbei nobles were gone rotten in their extravagant life .

  26. 这一制度在隋唐时期施行中的不完善,也是中国封建社会中在用人方面由贵族门阀制度向科举制度过渡时期的一种反映。

    The defect in implementation this system is the effect of transition from noble status system to imperial examination system .

  27. 中古时期的门阀士族经历了一个由不断衰落直至衰亡的历史发展过程。

    During the middle ancient times , the family of power and influence had a transformation from the decline to the fall .

  28. 东晋是门阀政治发展的鼎盛时期,皇权衰落。

    In the Eastern Jin period , the development of powerful family reached its peak as royal power was on the wane .

  29. 不过,此期的齐鲁史学从内容到形式都打上了门阀制度的烙印。

    But , the history of Qilu area was stamped a brand of the system of influential family on the content and style .

  30. 它们大都歌颂坚贞不渝的爱情,谴责封建礼教和门阀制度对妇女的迫害,并且经常运用写实手法来刻画人物性格和环境气氛,创造了一系列优美的妇女形象。

    These works create a series of beautiful women images by using realistic skills to depict characters ' personality and the environment atmosphere .