
  • 网络Gate culture;the door culture
  1. 浅析中国传统门文化的哲理与意境

    On philosophic theory and artistic conception of Chinese traditional gate culture

  2. 数学首先应该是一门文化基础课

    Mathematics should be in the First Place Regarded as a Basic Course

  3. 浅谈天水民居的门文化

    A Brief Discussion of Gate Culture of Tianshui Residents

  4. 英语是中等职业学校各专业的一门文化基础课程。

    English is a culturally fundamental course for various majors in secondary vocational school .

  5. 长沙近代公馆建筑的门文化&从社会心理的层面上进行探讨

    Grand Entrance Culture of Changsha Neoteric Residence House Study Based on Social Mentality Aspects

  6. 装饰是门文化的显性部分,充分展现了门的精彩魅力。

    Ornament , the significant feature of door culture , shows great charm of door .

  7. 中国门文化源于上古时期,最早是人们用来设置在建筑出入口处的装置。

    Door culture of China from ancient times , the first is that people used to set the device in the building entrance .

  8. 梅花拳是传统武术中的一个著名拳种,同时也是清代北方地区具有鲜明教门文化色彩的松散型拳会组织。

    Meihua Quan is a famous boxing in traditional Wushu , and it 's a loose and distinct religious culture 's boxing organization in the Northern area of Qing Dynasty .

  9. 虽然英语是中等职业学校各类专业学生必修的一门文化基础课,但是多年来有关管理机关、教师、学生和用人单位对其教学质量一直不满意。

    Though English is the basic cultural course in all kinds of majors of secondary vocational schools , the related management authority , teachers , students and the employing units are not satisfied with its quality of teaching .

  10. 本文从近代日本中国学的学术性和侵略性两个角度着手研究这门文化学术,并考察论证近代日本中国学对日本侵华战争的影响。

    The thesis explores and expounds the impact of modern " Chinese Studies in Japan " on Japanese Aggression against China from the perspectives of both the academic nature and aggressive nature of this branch of study in Japan .

  11. 通过以上的概括分析,大致勾勒出了淮阳泥泥狗历史文化背景及研究传承的价值,以及如何通过大学美术课堂教学去传承和发扬这门文化的一些设想。

    From the above analysis , the heritage of historical and cultural background and values of Huaiyang Clay Dog are sketched out , as well as how to generate and develop this culture through classroom in colleges and universities .

  12. 《大学语文》课是高校面向文(除汉语言文学专业)、理、工、农、医、财经、政治、外语、艺术、教育等各类专业学生开设的一门文化素质教育课。

    College Chinese is a course of cultural quality education meant for liberal arts ( except for Chinese language and literature major ), science , engineering , agriculture , medicine , trade and finance , politics , foreign languages , fine arts , and education majors , etc.

  13. 蔚县村堡之堡门建筑文化特色及保护策略

    Cultural Characteristics and Protection Strategies of Village Gate in Yuxian County

  14. 门的文化与门式建筑

    Culture of Gate and " Gate Style " Building

  15. 巴蜀校领导率全校教师赴泰国、港、门作文化之旅交流考察。

    A Culture trip to Thailand , Macao and Hong Kong for all the teachers headed by school heads .

  16. 了解与研究旧时门的文化对于我们熟悉传统,发展和宏扬民族文化有着十分重要的现实意义。

    Understanding and study of old doors to our understanding of traditional culture , development and promotion of national culture has a very important practical significance .

  17. 本文介绍了跨文化护理理论的主要概念和结构,按照理论评价的标准评述该理论,并结合临床实例揭示了护理是一门跨文化照顾专业。

    The paper introduces the main concepts and the construction of cross-cultural nursing theory , proofing nursing is a cross-cultural profession as far as clinical practice .

  18. 在这种意义上,民族音乐学是一门音乐文化阐释学,它采用还原的方法,尽可能在当时语境中解释音乐,复活音乐。

    In this way , ethnomusicology may come out as the hermeneutics of musical culture , which explains and revives music under certain circumstances by means of restoration .

  19. 从哲学和美学两个角度对中国传统建筑的门的文化作了简要分析,展示了传统门文化所具有的丰富的精神价值,对创建中国建筑文化的未来具有重要的意义。

    This paper analyzes the gate culture in Chinese traditional architecture from the aspects of philosophy and aesthetics , and shows affluent spiritual values of traditional gate culture , which has important meaning to build future Chinese architectural culture .

  20. 这样,就形成了一种独特文化形式,也就是门的文化。了解与研究旧时门的文化对于我们认识传统,发展和宏扬民族文化有着十分重要的现实意义。

    In this way , to form a unique cultural form , that is , " the culture of the door . " Understanding and study of old doors to our understanding of traditional culture , development and promotion of national culture has a very important practical significance .

  21. 英语是一门商业和文化交流的新国际语言。

    English is the new international language of business and cultural exchange .

  22. 风水是中国一门独特的文化和学说。

    Geomantic Omen is a peculiar cultural and traditional theory of China .

  23. 两门语言及文化之间的众多差异导致了文化翻译的局限性。

    The great differences between two languages and cultures determine the limitation of translating cultural elements .

  24. 作为一门特殊的文化素质课,文化意识的培养是其应然任务之一。

    As a special cultural quality of the course , cultural awareness training is its inherent requirements .

  25. 门的装饰文化

    Decorative Culture of Doors

  26. 中医药学作为中华民族的一门传统科技文化,有着悠久的历史、喜忧参半的现状。

    Chinese medicine is a traditional science in our country . It has a long history but bittersweet current status .

  27. 在我国各民族的民居建筑民俗中,民居的门无疑是文化和民俗色彩最为浓重的组成部分。

    In every Chinese national local-style dwelling houses building folk , houses " door " is undoubtedly culture and folk color most dense component parts .

  28. 由于文化差异等因素的影响,翻译是一门高难的文化活动,而诗歌翻译更是难中之难。

    Because of cultural differences in any two languages , translation is a challenging activity , and poetry translation is the toughest among this field .

  29. 因此,物理教学中需要深入到这门学科的文化层面,而不仅仅局限于学科的知识层面。

    In physics teaching , therefore , we need to go deep into the cultural aspect of this subject , not only staying at its level of knowledge .

  30. 自古以来,汉字不仅是记录汉语传承汉文化的符号工具,同时也是一门在特殊文化背景下产生的艺术形式。

    Since ancient times , Chinese characters is not only a record of the Chinese cultural heritage symbol tool , but also a particular cultural context in the generated art form .