
  • 网络Sales Management System;Sells Manage System
  1. NET技术开发的汽车票销售管理系统。

    NET technology development bus sales management system .

  2. Web环境下的销售管理系统

    Web-based Sales Management System

  3. 基于Web的销售管理系统的安全模式设计,既要考虑系统本身的安全,又必须考虑网络的安全性。

    The design of security for Sale Management System based Web should consider the Security of system itself and internet .

  4. 介绍了流程工业ERP的需求,指出了流程工业ERP中销售管理系统的重要地位及其主要功能。

    The main function of sale system for ERP are presented .

  5. 基于J2EE轻量级框架的移动卡类渠道销售管理系统

    Mobile card channel sales management system based on J2EE lightweight framework

  6. 月饼生产、销售管理系统的UML分析与设计

    UML Analysis and Design of Moon Cake Production and Sale Management System

  7. 制造业中ERP销售管理系统的开发

    Development of ERP Sales Management System in Manufacturing Industry

  8. ERP与CRM整合下的销售管理系统

    Sales Management System Based on Integration of ERP and CRM

  9. 流程ERP销售管理系统及其排产计划的研究与应用

    The Research and Application on Sale Information System and Its Production Plan of ERP

  10. 本文介绍的基于WEB技术的销售管理系统采用目前流行的B/S结构,实现了网上采购商与供应商之间的产品交易。

    We design and develop a sale management information system based on Web techniques . This system implements product 's transaction on Web between businessmen .

  11. 给出了该系统的实现技术和应用案例,总结了采用Agent技术设计销售管理系统的优点。

    The realization and the application case of this system is given . Finally , the benefits of adopting multi-agent technology in designing sale management system are summarized .

  12. 本文在这样的前提下,进行了基于J2EE技术的企业销售管理系统的研究与设计。

    Under such a premise , this paper researches and designs an enterprise sale management system based on J2EE technology .

  13. 为某纺织企业研制了一个基于Web的销售管理系统,系统基于B/S结构,采用ASP技术进行开发;

    A Web-based Sales Management System designed for a textile corporation is presented in this paper , which was developed based on B / S structure and ASP .

  14. 基于ISPS的销售管理系统在特钢行业的应用研究

    Research and Implementation of ISPS-based Sales Management System in Iron and Steel Enterprises

  15. 本课题基于AJAX技术,采用JSP开发形式和MySQL数据库,设计并实现了一套具有较完善功能的网上图书销售管理系统。

    Based on AJAX technology , a better management system for online book sales has been designed and implemented using JSP and MySQL database .

  16. 最后,本文在基于Windows的J2EE平台上,分析和设计了一个典型的多层结构的企业销售管理系统,并阐述了其中的一些实现细节。

    Finally , the paper analyzes and designs a typical , multi-layer structure enterprise sale management system on J2EE platform based on Windows . And it elaborated some key details among them .

  17. 本论文介绍的项目销售管理系统是一种管理信息系统,即我们常说的MIS。

    It is a kind of the management information system to sell the administrative system in project that this thesis introduces , namely MIS which we often talk about .

  18. 于是网上购书便成了人们向往的事情,本系统就是一个基于B/S模式的网络化的图书销售管理系统,采用的是ASP。

    So online bookstores will become an alluring things , This is a system based on B / S mode network of bookselling management system , It used the ASP .

  19. 使用J2EE技术开发一个符合GSP管理规范的医药销售管理系统,可以大大减少开发的开销和复杂度。

    Use J2EE one piece of technological development to accord with medicine of GSP standardard medical sale management system , can reduce expenses and complexity developed greatly .

  20. 应用Web/J2EE技术以及MVC(Model/View/Controller)设计模式和Struts结构,开发了销售管理系统.介绍了销售系统的模块设计及结构。

    This paper adopts Web / J2EE technology , MVC ( Model / View / Controller ) design pattern and Struts frame , introduces sales system function design and frame .

  21. 介绍统一建模语言UML概念及其组成,给出在系统分析阶段使用UML对油品销售管理系统进行建模的过程。

    Introduce the concept and composition of the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ), and then describe the process of building model with UML about petroleum product sale system during the period of system analysis .

  22. 本论文先对销售管理系统进行功能和流程分析,在此基础上提出基于SOA的解决方案。

    In this paper , firstly I analyze the functional and the processes of the Sales Management System , I Propose a solution based on SOA and then focus on the design of Order Processing Business processes .

  23. 这是本人用ACSESS编的一个销售管理系统,适合直销。

    ACSESS series with a sales management system for direct marketing .

  24. 论文对网络化敏捷供应链销售管理系统进行了需求分析,对比分析了管理信息系统开发常用的方案,提出了基于COM的B/S架构的技术方案。

    Finally , requirements of Web-based Agile Supply Chain Sales Management System ( WASCSMS ) are analyzed . After comparison of different popular development projects of Management Information System , COM-based B / S infrastructure is selected for the system .

  25. 本设计是JAC汽车集团有限公司市场部即将使用的汽车产品市场分析与销售管理系统的一个组成部分。

    The project is a part of market analysis and sales management system that soon be used by marketing department of JAC Automobile Corporation .

  26. 同时,结合REST架构理论和mashup、RSS技术,将销售管理系统中的订单管理业务功能进行了资源的重新设计和实现,从提高系统信息开放程度及访问渠道方面进行了探索性尝试。

    Meanwhile , the combination of REST architecture theory and mashup , RSS technology , sales management system functions of order management business resources re-design and implementation of system information from the increase openness and access channels to the exploratory attempt .

  27. 该系统是一个C/S架构的企业销售管理系统,服务器端采用了REST软件架构,并搭载于Tornado服务器平台,同时利用MySQL数据库来存储、处理该企业销售管理系统的数据信息。

    IOS-Based Enterprise Sales Management System is a system with C / S structure . The server is based on Tornado server platform , designed in REST software architecture and using MySQL as the database to provide information for this system .

  28. 本文在简单介绍GSP规范的基础上,首先提出了医药销售管理系统的功能需求目标,描述了系统的基本业务需求;

    This paper is in introducing GSP normal foundation briefly , have put forward the function demand goal of medical sale management system at first , has described the basic business demand for the system ;

  29. 主要工作如下:1.总结了目前ERP系统研究现状和软件市场情况,在ERPSaaS运营模式发展趋势下和引入SOA后ERP所具有的优点的前提下,提出基于SOA的ERP销售管理系统的研究。

    Main research work are as follows : 1 . Summarize the current status of ERP system and software market , In the ERP SaaS business development trend and the advantage of SOA ' introduction , proposed ERP sales management system based on SOA * 2 .

  30. 简要介绍了ERP的思想及其在销售管理系统中的应用,并且从网络设计、数据库设计和应用程序设计三个角度论述了销售管理系统的设计方案和关键技术。

    This paper introduces ERP philosophy and we design the Sale Management System under the guidance of it . We also present the designing solution and key techniques in the Sale Management System from the point of view of network design and database design and application program design .