
  • 网络BankNote;Bank Note
  1. 中央银行制度是商品经济尤其是货币经济发展到一定历史阶段的产物,它直接产生于政府融资、银行券统一发行、最后贷款人、清算和金融监管的需要。

    Central banking institution is a result of the development of commodity economy especially money economy . It was born from the need of government financing , banknote centrally issuing , lender of last resort , clearing and finance managing .

  2. 北海银行券的版别及其流通范围&兼述北海银行的建立和发展

    Editions Scope of Circulation of Beihai Bank 's Notes Also a Review of Beihai Bank 's History

  3. 有些国家,比如日本也曾使用过中央银行券,但是,最终的公开市场操作主要是以政府债券为载体来进行的。

    Some countries , such as Japan , had ever used the central bank bills as an open market operation tool . However , it was finally replaced by the government bonds .

  4. 有在银行、券、店、屋中介、险等行业从事销售工作的经验或在国外生活经验者。

    Have some job experience for bank , securities business , hotel , house agency , insurance or live abroad .

  5. 当英镑最后在1931年放弃金本位时,英格兰银行钞券停止兑换成任何其它媒介。

    When Sterling finally went off the gold standard in1931 , Bank of England notes ceased to be convertible into any other medium .

  6. 完善银行、券、险监管体制,加强相互配合,强化金融监管,维护金融稳健运行。

    We need to improve the regulatory systems for banking , securities and insurance , coordinate these systems better , and tighten financial control to ensure sound operation of the financial sector .

  7. 军政府规定美元必须存入国家银行取出外汇券才能使用。

    The military government also allows dollars to be deposited in a state bank for later withdrawal as FEC .

  8. 大清银行载沣像兑换券的种类

    The types of exchange note with Zai feng 's portrait issued by TA Ching government bank

  9. 银行也提供储蓄券,利息比一般储蓄要高,但存款必须到一定的期限才能取款。

    Banks also offer " savings certificates ", which earns higher rates of interest than regular savings account but which must remain on deposit for a designate period of time .

  10. 通常在这些州法律允许任何人设立银行,前提是银行券的发行要有证券支持,证券由州银行主管部门保管。

    Typically these laws allowed anyone to set up a bank , provided the issue of notes was backed with securities kept on deposit with the state banking authority .

  11. 如果有一个强大的中央银行,其管理层坚持谨慎地发行银行券,那么防止银行券的迅速膨胀则是可能的。

    It is possible that a strong central bank with a management devoted to conservative note-issuing practices could have prevented the rapid note expansion .

  12. 结果,银行业的结构严重削弱,而1814年的银行挤兑迫使大多数银行背弃自己的法定义务,拒绝将银行券兑换成金银。

    As a result , the structure of banking was seriously weakened , and in1814 a run on banks forced most to renege on their legal obligations to exchange notes for specie .