
yín gēn
  • money;money market
银根 [yín gēn]
  • [money market] 市场上货币流转的情况。市场需要货币量多而流通量小时银根紧,反之银根松

银根[yín gēn]
  1. 一旦银根收紧、利率调高,住宅市场的危机不容忽视。

    Once the money market turns tight and the interest rate rise , the housing market may be beset with crises .

  2. 现在该银行的银根很紧。

    Money is tight just now in the bank .

  3. 一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。

    Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation

  4. 银根紧。

    Money is tight .

  5. 银根较之上月有所松动。

    Money is not so tight as it was last month .

  6. 当银根紧张的欧元区国家的商业银行发现,从市场上融资越来越困难,target系统就会出现巨大的失衡。

    Large imbalances in the target system emerged when commercial banks in stressed eurozone countries found it increasingly difficult to finance themselves in the market .

  7. “美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBCCapitalMarkets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔•兰德尔(NigelRendell)表示。

    " The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets ," says Nigel Rendell , senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital Markets .

  8. KW公司成立之时面临国家经济滑坡,银根收缩,市场竞争加剧和行业饱和等种种不利因素。

    When KW was established , it faced various unfavorable factors such as adverse economic situations , stringent fiscal policy , intensified market competitions and industry saturation etc.

  9. 但进入2011年以来,由于CPI屡创新高,银根收紧成为常态,多重因素叠加致使中小企业融资难问题显得更加迫切。

    But since 2011 , because of repeatedly record-high CPI , monetary tightening has become the regular , which resulted in more urgent of SMEs financing difficulties .

  10. “全球和中国国内银根紧缩的前景加剧了市场对中国股市已出现泡沫的担忧,”数据提供商efprglobal表示。

    " The prospect of tighter global and domestic credit played on fears that the Chinese equity markets are a bubble , " said data-providers efpr global .

  11. 人们会呼吁日本央行(boj)采取补救行动,不过,央行已没有低风险的方式,来进一步放松银根。

    There will be calls for remedial action from the Bank of Japan , although it has no low-risk way to ease monetary policy much further .

  12. 这就是中国收紧银根的方式:一步一步、不知不觉。

    This is how China tightens : imperceptibly , by degrees .

  13. 银根盆地是近年才开展石油勘探的一个新区。

    Yingen basin is a newly explorated area in recent years .

  14. 在银根紧的时候,我们借不出钱来。

    We can not Borrow money during the present credit squeeze .

  15. 银根紧缩的金融市场遏止通货紧缩/膨胀

    Tight money market Controlling / quelling / checking deflation / inflation

  16. 收缩银根的政策也减少了价格压力。它们列于一卷严格保管的缩微胶卷上。

    The tight-money policy was also reducing the pressure on prices .

  17. 孱弱不堪的银行会收紧银根,将资金从经济中抽走。

    Straitened banks lend less , sucking money out of the economy .

  18. 银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。

    When money is in short supply many businesses fail .

  19. 货币市场上银根奇紧。高利率时期,银根[信用]紧缩时期

    The money market is very stringent . tight money period

  20. (指财务状况)因缺钱而困难的,银根紧的

    ( of financial conditions ) difficult because there is not enough money

  21. 紧缩银根被认为是对付通货膨胀的特别有力的工具。

    Tight money is considered a particularly powerful tool for fighting inflation .

  22. 银根将在今晚午夜之后一下紧缩。

    Money will be tight overnight after tonight 's midnight .

  23. 此外,美联储还必须谨防过快收紧银根。

    The Fed must also be careful not to tighten too soon .

  24. 他关于紧缩银根降低成本的建议引起了人们的关注。

    His advice about tight cash management and cost reduction has been noted .

  25. 这是减轻过度放松银根压力的办法之一。

    That is one way to reduce the pressure for extreme monetary easing .

  26. 过度放松银根的代价有多大?

    What is the price of overdoing monetary easing ?

  27. 当前景改观时,我们会收紧银根的。

    When the outlook improves , we will tighten .

  28. 在经济明显复苏前,中国央行收紧银根只会悄悄进行。

    Until recovery is cemented , the PBoC will be tightening by stealth .

  29. 银根紧缩、信贷歧视与民营上市公司投资者利益损失

    Monetary Contractions , Bank Discrimination and the Wealth Loss of Non-state Listed Firms ' Investors

  30. 货币市场上银根奇紧。

    The money market is very stringent .