
  1. 高仓健因其安静深沉的银幕形象,经常被拿来与克林特·伊斯特伍德(ClintEastwood)相比较。1956年他开始出演电影,20世纪60年代以《网走番外地》(1965)等犯罪影片而获得声誉。

    Mr. Takakura , who because of his quiet , brooding screen presence was often compared to Clint Eastwood , made his screen debut in 1956 and rose to fame in the 1960s in crime films like Abashiri Prison ( 1965 ) .

  2. 蒙古族的审美观与银幕形象的审美研究

    Study on Aesthetic and Screen Image of Mongolian

  3. 好莱坞动作明星凡·戴索,将银幕形象和现实生活的性格进行对比。

    Hollywood action star Vin Diesel , contrasting on-screen image with his real-life personality .

  4. 虽然施瓦辛格至今还未捧得过奥斯卡小金人,但已成为一位永恒的银幕形象。

    He never hoisted Oscars for his acting , but he was a larger-than-life screen presence .

  5. 伊斯特伍德的银幕形象可能是位持枪硬汉,可是他把自己形容成为一个软心肠的人。

    Eastwood may have an on-screen reputation for gun-toting but he describes himself as an old softie .

  6. 帕丁森可不是唯一一个在现实生活中和银幕形象有密切联系的明星。

    Pattinson isn 't the only movie star whose past bears an eerie resemblance to his screen persona .

  7. 当威廉斯的唱片、音乐会和在电视上的露面让国人眼花缭乱时,他饰演的银幕形象没有获得成功。

    While Williams was dazzling the nation with records , concerts , and TV appearances , his big-screen output was under-whelming .

  8. 本章从跨文化传播视角探讨了同性恋银幕形象演化与身份建构所呈现的跨文化交流意义。

    Intercultural significance of the gay screen image of the evolution of identity construction are presented from the perspective of intercultural communication .

  9. 而她能入选本榜单的原因就是:她健康、完整的活下来了,而她的银幕形象的时尚元素一直影响到今天。

    The reason she makes this list : She survived , unscathed , with a signature style that 's still copied today .

  10. 片中的小流浪汉是他首次成功的银幕形象,多数人想到查理·卓别林就自然联想到这位小流浪汉。

    In it , the Little Tramp , whom most people remember when they think of Charlie Chaplin , put in his first proper appearance .

  11. 迄今为止,她最为世人所熟知的银幕形象仍是《哈利·波特》系列电影中的赫敏一角,片中的她是勤奋用功的好学生,是果敢忠诚的女巫师。

    To date she remains best known for her portrayal of Hermione , the driven student and resolutely loyal witch from the successful Harry Potter series .

  12. 自电影诞生之初就影影绰绰地出现了同性恋形象以来,世界电影发展的百年历史中,对同性恋的呈现一直如影相随,同性恋者的银幕形象也经历了多次演化。

    Since the beginning of the film , the shadowy gay image has always been in the presence of the century-old history of world cinema in its development .

  13. 同性恋者作为人类的背影,是人类自身表达的一个极其重要的补充角色,同性恋银幕形象的变化既表明主流文化系统中的同性恋者处境的变化,也成为人类整体处境的一个折射。

    Gay screen image changes not only show the changes in the situation of gay in mainstream culture system but also become a refraction of the situation of mankind as a whole .

  14. 年轻时的哈里(他小时候的名字)并没有他众多的银幕形象所展现的粗犷、冒险和英雄般的性格。

    Young Harry ( as he was referred to as a child ) did not share the rugged , adventurous , heroic characteristics that he shares with most of his onscreen characters .

  15. 全世界的观众都在观看戴普的电影,而他也总会挑选一些吸引人眼球的银幕形象来扮演,关注他将如何书写自己电影事业的新篇章将是一件很有意思的事情。

    With fans seeing his movies all over the world , and his always intriguing choice of projects , it will be interesting to see the next chapter in his movie making career .

  16. 即使在她同辈的女演员中,她未见得仅以纯熟的演技取胜,但她不可抗拒的银幕形象魅力四射,令无数热爱她的观众曾为她出演的电影趋之若鹜。

    While she may not have been the greatest actress of her generation in terms of pure talent and technique , she had an irresistible screen presence that kept audiences ravished by her films .

  17. 我们不仅要能创造出活灵活现的银幕形象,更应该是具有自己的个性、情感与思想的角色,角色的情感是动画片的心脏和灵魂。

    We must not only be able to create a vivid image of the screen , but also endow it personality , the role of emotions and ideas . Role of emotion is heart and soul of animation .

  18. 电影作为一种文化商品,其创造出的生动且辨识度高的银幕形象不但能成为一种跨越国籍的民族符号,而且具有消费价值。

    Film as a cultural commodity , has created a vivid , and high identification of screen image , and it will not only become a national symbol of the cross-nationality , but also has somewhat consumption value .

  19. 伴随贺岁片的发展,电影明星们的银幕形象和媒体形象呈现得更加立体、丰富、多元,银幕外的表演与银幕内的同样精彩。

    Along with the Lunar New Year film development , the movie stars performance type and the media image are more three-dimensional , rich and diversified , these make the performances equally attractive in both inner and outer the screen .

  20. 白杨的表演风格质朴、优美、自然,一生扮演过20多个银幕形象,在话剧舞台上塑造了50多个人物,六十年代被评选为“中国电影22大明星”之一。

    Bai Yang developed a graceful and natural , yet distinct style . She acted as over 20 film images and created over 50 characters on drama stage in her life and was chosen as one of the 22 Chinese film stars .

  21. 东方银幕女性形象的审美特征

    Aesthetic Characteristics of Oriental Female Images on the Screen

  22. 在女性形象审美特征一节,论文分析了东方银幕女性形象特有的审美定位和东方银幕对女性美的东方式理解,提出东方银幕对女性关的追求,内在美甚于外形美的观点。

    For the female image selection , it is found that the Oriental motion pictures often emphasize the inner beauty rather than outer beauty and this is consistent with the Oriental view of female beauty .

  23. 使朱莉娅。罗伯茨成名的她所饰演的那些银幕女性形象都是蓝领丽人,她们既聪明又风趣,就像她这位在父母离异后与其母和妹妹在佐治亚州的斯米尔纳长大的姑娘一样。

    The young women that Julia Roberts became famous playing were all working-class women who were smart and funny , like the girl who grew up in smyrna , georgia , with her mother and sister , after her parents divorced .

  24. 她看上去比她在银幕上的形象更年轻。

    She looks younger in person than on the screen .

  25. 银幕上的形象,很少有暴力行为,也无粗言秽语,和不良的笑话。

    Violence , rude words and dirty jokes seldom appear in his movies .

  26. 英俊又温文尔雅,他看上去比43岁的实际年龄和大银幕上的形象要年轻得多。

    Fine-featured and soft-spoken , he looked much more youthful than his 43 years and his current onscreen persona .

  27. 银幕上的女性形象可以是“不可爱”的吗?

    Can women be unlikable on screen ?

  28. 第三章分析中国当代银幕上癫狂者形象的修辞策略。

    The third chapter analyzes the lunatic image rhetoric strategy on the Chinese present age silver screen .

  29. 第二章论述中国当代银幕上疯癫者形象的文化类型。

    The second chapter elaborates cultural type of the crazy image on the Chinese present age silver screen .

  30. 她在银幕上性感的形象和过早地死去使她成为经久不衰的性感女郎和流行标志性人物。

    Her sizzling screen presence and premature death would make her a perennial sex symbol and later a pop icon .