
  • 网络financial marketing
  1. 互联网金融营销的风险是什么?

    What is the risk of the on line financial marketing ?

  2. 建立傻瓜型金融营销模式

    Set up Financial Marketing Mode of Fool Type

  3. 信息技术的发展促进了营销方式的创新,加速了营销自动化的进程,而CRM和交叉销售作为一种新兴的营销方式,在国内外金融营销中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The development of information technology facilitates the innovation and speeds up the automation process of marketing , and CRM and cross - selling as a newly developed method plays an increasingly important role in the marketing of financial products both in China and abroad .

  4. 实施全方位的金融营销策略;按市场规律筹集银行资本金。

    Out the financial market and raise capital in accordance with the market rules .

  5. 因此,研究我国证券公司营销战略不仅具有重大现实意义,也具有丰富转轨时期我国金融营销内容的理论意义。

    Consequently , the research on securities marketing strategy is significant in both practice and theory .

  6. 基于网络的金融营销

    Internet - based Finance Marketing

  7. 近几年随着经济的增长,金融营销方式的转变,消费信贷业务得到了飞速地发展。

    Inthe recent years , with growth of economy and evolution of financial operations , consumer credit business has been developing dramatically .

  8. 客户经理制是国内外金融营销领域研究的重点课题,它是商业银行在市场竞争中取得优势的一项核心制度。

    Customer manager is a system by which commercial banks win superiority to others . It is widely studied at home and abroad .

  9. 在金融营销活动中,金融企业一般采取的是传统营销观念&产品推销哲学来指导营销活动,局限了营销活动的发展,收效甚微。

    In financial marketing activities , financial enterprises usually adopt a traditional concept of marketing & the philosophy of promoting sales of products , which restricts the marketing activities .

  10. 财政、社保改革的持续推进和深化,进一步提升了两大系统的金融营销价值,也加剧了金融同业的竞争态势。

    Financial , social security reform continued to advance and deepen further enhance the financial marketing value of the two systems , but also exacerbated the competitive situation of the financial industry .

  11. 本文将以基于网络的金融营销为主体,对其所产生的背景、优劣势、现状及发展展望进行介绍。

    Due to these reasons , this article will mainly deal with Internet - based finance marketing and do related research about its background , advantages and disadvantages , current condition and development in the future .

  12. 随着当前以顾客为中心的经营理念在银行业逐步深入,金融营销的重点已由产品和竞争导向转向顾客需求导向。

    As the banks gradually change to customers-oriented enterprises nowadays , the highlight of finance marketing has switched from the stage of product oriented and competition oriented to that of customer needs and deep whole sides marketing .

  13. 本论文采用现代主流的学术研究范式和研究方法,将有关金融营销的理论应用于商业银行的理财营销实践,对商业银行理财产品营销的实际工作有一定的借鉴意义。

    This paper adopts the research paradigm and research methods of modern mainstream , the marketing practice of financial marketing theory applied to commercial banks , have certain reference meaning for the actual work of marketing of commercial bank financial products .

  14. 通过对山东邮政金融营销体系的实证研究,提出了金融营销体系建设策略,以期对营销管理工作有一定的参考价值,为邮政行业提高企业效益提供有效借鉴。

    Through the positive research of the financial marketing system of Shandong Post , this paper presents the construction strategies of it , have reference value for marketing management , and offer useful reference for improving the efficiency of the postal enterprises .

  15. 介绍了国外商业银行营销的发展过程和美国、日本的金融营销模式,通过讨论我国商业银行营销的现状,指出了商业银行构建营销体系的必要性和紧迫性。

    It also introduces developing process of foreign commercial bank 's marketing , the marketing mode of the United States and Japan . Through discussing the present situation of our country , it points out necessity and heavy demand for commercial bank to build its marketing system .

  16. mba和高管教育需要一场大手术,将重点从金融和营销转变为人力资源。

    The MBA and executive education will require open-heart surgery aimed at shifting focus from finance and marketing to human resources .

  17. EOP项目经理鄞培同学对商业挑战大赛以及金融与营销培训会作了简要介绍。

    At last , EOP Project Manager Yin Pei briefly introduced business , finance and marketing training which will be held on January26th .

  18. 本文从对银行业营销的SWOT分析和效果分析入手,阐明银行业在营销中的经验和不足,从而提出进一步提高我国金融业营销能力的策略。

    In this article , we will discuss firstly the SWOT analysis and the effect analysis from the banking marketing and show the experience and insufficiency in banking marketing , then we find out the countermeasure on improving the ability of chinese financial industry marketing .

  19. 通过本文的研究探索,不仅能够解决YT银行在个人金融业务营销策略上的诸多问题,也能对以后的研究工作起到借鉴的作用。

    Through the explore of this paper can not only solve the problem in the personal financial business marketing strategy of YT bank , also can play a reference role on the later research work .

  20. 在金融数据库营销中的一种数据挖掘与决策分析的方法

    New data mining and decision making method for financial database marketing

  21. 现代银行营销特征及金融服务营销

    Marketing Characteristics of Modern Banks and Marketing of Financial Service

  22. 论一体化个人金融业务营销体系的建立

    Setting up a Marketing System for Integration of Personal Finance

  23. 从银行业营销探寻我国金融业营销策略

    The Countermeasure of Our Financial Marketing From Banking Marketing

  24. 建立有效的金融产品营销体系。

    To establish an effective financial product marketing system .

  25. 我国商业银行加强个人金融业务营销管理的研究

    The Research of Strengthening Our Country Commercial Banks ' Individual Financial Business Marketing Management

  26. 我国金融企业营销环境分析

    Analysis of marketing environment of Chinese financial enterprises

  27. 商业银行金融产品营销策略的探讨

    Marketing Strategies of Commercial Banks Financial Products

  28. 金融服务营销的前途

    Future for Financial Service Presentation

  29. 最后对贵港工行施实施个人金融业务营销策略的保障措施进行阐述。

    Finally , the paper give implementation of marketing strategy and safeguard measures on personal financial business .

  30. 然后分析了农行湖南省分行网络金融服务营销的环境,在此基础上,对农行湖南省分行的网络金融服务营销总体战略、策略进行了改进设计;

    On this basis , it has redesigned network financial service marketing general strategy and stratagem of Hunan Branch of Agricultural Bank of China .