
  • 网络financial contracts
  1. 评级下调也可能是信用违约互换(CDS)等金融合同的触发事件,迫使资金易手。

    Downgrades can also be trigger events in financial contracts , like credit default swaps , that force money to change hands between parties ; and they have historically spooked markets .

  2. 它们不仅拥有许多海外分支机构;而且已经编织了一个全球性的金融合同网络。

    They not only have many foreign subsidiaries ; they have woven a global web of financial contracts .

  3. 实际上,最近的大多数金融合同文献采用了这一方法。

    In practice , recent most financial contract literature adopts the approach .

  4. 金融合同与民事合同及其他种类的合同相比较,具有自己的法律特征。

    Compared with the civil contract , financial contract has its own legal charateristics .

  5. 其以金融合同为载体,以经济活动为实质内容。

    And a Financial contract is its carrier and Economic activity is its substance .

  6. 初论金融合同的几个法律问题

    Some Legal Problems on Financial Contract

  7. 我们没有强有力的保护措施,消费者落入了金融合同欺骗的陷阱。

    We didn 't have strong protections to keep consumers from being cheated by tricks and traps on financial contracts .

  8. 本文合理地解释了为什么控制权,现金流激励和清算权在现实世界的金融合同中都是同时被使用的。

    It reasonably explains why control rights , cash flows incentive and liquidation rights are all used simultaneously in real-world contracts .

  9. 文章分析了企业家(内部人)与投资者(外部人)在不同信息结构下的不完全金融合同。

    This paper analyzes the incomplete financial contracts between entrepreneur ( insider ) and investor ( outsider ) in different information structures .

  10. 这几类签名体制在电子商务、公共资源的管理、军事命令的签发、金融合同的签署等方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Theses signatures have a broad application prospect in e-commerce , public resource management , military orders issued and the signing of financial contracts .

  11. 我们认为,当金融合同不完全且企业家受到财富约束时,剩余控制权和收益优先权通常应该给予投资者。

    We think that , when financial contract is incomplete and entrepreneur is wealth-constrained , residual control and seniority ordinarily should give to investors .

  12. “一些金融合同会有专门设计,人们不知道根据其中的多样性选择合同,”她说到。

    " Some financial contracts are designed such that people don 't know the variable on which they should have chosen that contract ," she says .

  13. 本文分别从非现金利益消费的分析视觉、金融合同理论分析视觉、所有权结构、激励与效率的分析视觉以及公司治理结构的分析视觉对国有企业管理层收购进行经济学分析。

    This article conducts a series of economic analysis in the following aspects : the consumption of non-cash interests , financial contract theroy , ownership structure , incentives and efficiency , and corporate governance .

  14. 因此,基于控制权的金融合同理论研究是很有价值的。实际上,金融合同可以被描述为一种企业家与投资者如何进行交易的理论。

    Thus , the study of financial contract theory based on control rights is very valuable . Actually , Financial contracting might be described as the theory of what kinds of deals are made between entrepreneur and investor .

  15. 那些发现自己睡觉用的床一直是金融交易合同之标的、而承租人已经违约的老人,只是其中尤其糟糕的案例。

    Elderly people who find that the bed on which they lie has been the subject of a financial transaction on which the lessee has defaulted are just a particularly hard case .

  16. 向其他单位交付现金或其他金融资产的合同义务;

    The contractual obligations to deliver cash or other financial assets to any other entity ;

  17. 我们期待找到能够应对能源需求的问题解决者,无论是工程、人力资源、信息技术、金融,还是合同与采购部门。

    We are looking for problem solvers to tackle energy needs , whether in engineering , HR , it , finance or contract and procurement .

  18. 期货:规定在一定日期接收或交割某商品或金融票据的合同。这座工厂的交工验收期将在一九八四年四月六日。

    Futures : An agreement to take or make delivery of a specific commodity or instrument on a particular date . The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth , nineteen eighty-four .

  19. 金融性委托理财合同的效力认定

    On Validity Determination OF Authorized Financial Property Management Contracts

  20. 适应性效率与中国金融的发展:合同及其实施的作用

    Adaptive Efficiency and Financial Development in China : The Role of Contracts and Contractual Enforcement

  21. 婚姻和英国《金融时报》雇佣合同的共同之处在于:它们都是长期约定,从理论上说,它们或许也可以用一系列短期协议来代替。

    What the marriage and the job contract with the financial times have in common is that they are long-term arrangements where , in principle , a series of short-term arrangements might do .

  22. 模型由发电机强迫停运、合同磋商价格、可变燃料费用、固定资本折旧等子模型构成,重点考虑了系统发生阻塞时阻塞费用和金融输电权对合同收益的影响。

    The model is consisted of several sub-models , like force outage of generators , negotiated contract price , variable fuel costs , and investment depreciation . The effects of congestion charge and financial transmission rights on the profit are specially investigated .

  23. ZWY公司通过日常监控措施和应急措施等来控制物流金融的风险,也有通过物流金融规范的合同范本来防止风险,与保险公司协商开展了财产险,以保障质押物安全等。

    This company controls the risks of the logistics finance through the daily monitoring measures and emergency measures , also through the standard logistics financial contracts , and also consulting with the insurance company .

  24. 在对各代表性定义的总结分析后可以认为金融衍生工具是以基础金融工具为存在前提,价格由作为标的的金融现货事先决定的,在未来成交的金融合同。

    After the summary analysis of each representative definition , we can conclude that Financial Derivatives was based on the premise of foundation financial tool , and the price was decided by the financial stock in advance , and will clinch a deal of financial contract in future .