
  • 网络quantum vacuum
  1. 特殊边界条件下的量子真空涨落和布朗运动

    Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations with Special Boundaries and Brownian Motion

  2. 随着近年来纳米技术的发展,这种由量子真空起伏效应而产生的力对系统的影响愈发明显,而其重要的潜在实际应用如致动器也引起广泛兴趣。

    In recent years , with the development of micro - and nanoelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology , Casimir forces that raise from quantum vacuum fluctuation have more influences on the system , and significant potential applications of the Casimir force , such as the actuator , have drawn extensive attention .

  3. 各向异性磁电介质量子真空水平上的动量转移

    Momentum transfer at quantum-vacuum level inside an anisotropic magnetoelectric medium

  4. 在极端场强作用下的一个基本的物理效应就是非线性量子电动力学真空效应。

    Nonlinear quantum electrodynamic ( QED ) vacuum effect is one of the basic physical effects under the action of extreme fields , in which the vacuum be-haves as a nonlinear medium .

  5. 因此,只有镜像点自由电荷系列线才能实现电荷禁闭,只有在强子外面存在作为抗色介质的(量子)真空区才能实现色电场的夸克/色荷禁闭。

    Therefore no other than mirror line of arranged free point charge out of confined region enables to realize charge_confinement and quantum vacuum region as an anti_ color medium out of hadrons enables to realize color_charge / quark_confinement .

  6. 介观LC电路量子涨落压缩真空态生成的条件

    Condition Generating Squeezed Vacuum States for Quantum Fluctuations in Mesoscopic LC Circuit

  7. 从量子场论看真空的物质形态问题

    Material form of vacuum from quantum field theory

  8. 量子电磁场处在真空态时,它的场量仍然有“真空涨落”。

    When the quantum electromagnetic field be in its vacuum state , still its field quantities have the " vacuum fluctuation " .

  9. 为适应无汞荧光灯和等离子体平板显示(PDP)技术的发展,探寻新型量子剪裁材料成为真空紫外光(VUV)激发下高效发光材料研究的新途径。

    With the development of mercury-free fluorescent tubes and plasma display panels , research new system of quantum cutting phosphors becomes new means to promote the efficiency of VUV excited phosphors .

  10. 针对目前PDP荧光粉存在的不足之处,从量子剪裁理论与真空紫外光谱出发,对高效PDP荧光粉的研究提出了新思路。

    According to the many shortcomings in PDP , and with the theory of quantum cutting and the study of VUV , the paper offers a new idea to prepare high-efficient PDP luminescent material .

  11. 高量子产额半透明真空紫外光阴极的工艺研究

    Process Study of Semitransparent Vacuum Ultraviolet Photocathode with High Quantum Yield

  12. Casimir效应是一个纯粹的量子效应,它是真空电磁场中因边界条件的变化而使零点能涨落所引起的效应,是量子真空对边界的依赖的一个直接表现。

    The Casimir effect is a pure quantum effect . The Casimir effect results from the alteration by the boundaries of the zero-point electromagnetic energy , and it is a direct manifestation of the boundary dependence of quantum vacuum .

  13. 经典量子力学中粒子的基态场值,对应于量子场论中的真空期待值,场值的非零和零值,直接与背景空间的平坦性有关。

    The value of ground state field for particle in classical quantum mechanics corresponds to expected vacuum value in quantum field theory while non-zero and zero value of field value is directly related to smoothness of background space .