
  • 网络reconnection gun
  1. 电磁炮主要包括导轨炮、线圈炮和重接炮。

    Electromagnetic gun includes rail gun , coil gun and reconnection gun .

  2. 本文介绍了重接炮的工作原理,设计了一套多级重接炮的发射控制方案和速度测量系统。

    The principle of reconnection gun is introduced .

  3. 三级重接炮点火控制系统设计

    The Ignition Control System Design of A 3-stage Reconnection Gun

  4. 本文首先论述了电磁发射技术在国内外的发展历程及现状,对轨道炮、线圈炮、重接炮这三种典型的电磁发射装置进行了简单的对比和分析。

    First , the paper reviews the present situation and course of development of technique of electromagnetic launching in aspects of domestic and abroad , simply compares and analyzes three typical types of electromagnetic launchers – coilgun , railgun and reconnection gun .