
  • 网络CPO;Purchasing Director;Sourcing Director;Director;procurement director
  1. 1998年,威廉姆斯加盟苹果公司,担任全球采购总监。

    He joined apple in 1998 as head of worldwide procurement .

  2. 如果杂志的阅读对象是采购总监,可能我们的广告有作用,有更多人询盘。

    If many media readers are purchase managers , our advertisement may bring more enquiries .

  3. 这种经典造型曾一度被视为笨拙而丑陋,如今却以一种诱人的柔情卷土重来,库尔特·盖格的采购及创意总监瑞贝卡·法拉-赫克利(RebeccaFarrar-Hockley)如是说。

    Once considered clunky and unattractive , the classic form has been revived with an appealing softness , says Rebecca Farrar-Hockley , the buying and creative director at Kurt Geiger .