
  • 网络buyer;Purchase people;Purchasing;Purchasing officer
  1. 有一个将初级文员提升到助理采购人员的机会…

    There 's an opening for an assistant buyer in Junior Miss ...

  2. 过去,一家广告公司如果希望在电视上投放广告会与媒体采购人员合作,或者直接跟电视网合作。

    In the past , an ad agency looking to place a spot on television would work with a media buyer or directly with a network .

  3. 供应商评价是采购人员一项持续性的工作。

    The evaluation of suppliers is a continuing purchasing task .

  4. 负责采购人员的岗前培训和在岗培训,并组织考核;

    Organize the pre-service and in-service training and assessment to group members .

  5. 坐标与采购人员,以确保顺利的原料供给。

    Coordinates with procurement officers to ensure smooth supply of raw materials .

  6. 政府采购人员绩效管理研究

    Research on the Performance Management of Government Purchasing Staff

  7. 组织如何配置能达到公司要求的采购人员;

    How the organization allocates the purchasing personnel who are qualified to meet the requirements of the Company ;

  8. 采购人员是流行工业中的贵族,他们的决定直接影响到公司的盈利。

    In fashion industry , buyers , not designers of most company are someone who decide what to sell .

  9. 在产品部件的选择上,通常工程技术人员的影响最大;而在供应商的选择上,采购人员往往具有决策权。

    Engineering personnel usually have a major influence in selecting product components , and purchasing agents dominate in selecting suppliers .

  10. 采购人员总是抱怨,他们得知销售订单的时间太晚了。

    The purchasing officers are always complaining that it 's too long before they ' re told about sales orders .

  11. 各级政府部门相关领导、信息办公室、电子技术部门负责人和设备采购人员。

    Related leaders of various governmental sectors at different levels , principals in charge of information office or electronic branches , equipment buyers .

  12. 同时也希望此研究成果对其它同类零售企业激励采购人员能有一定的借鉴与指导意义。

    At the same time , we sincerely hope it can be useful and reproducible for other retail companies to encourage their procurement staff .

  13. 本手册旨在改善国家和国际采购人员的能力,使其理解关键性质量要素及所需文件。

    This manual aims to improve the capacities of national and international procurement officers in the understanding of key quality elements and required documentation .

  14. 第三章主要利用博弈分析方法研究政府、采购人员和供应商在寻租与反寻租活动中的博弈关系;

    Chapter three analyzed the relationship of the government , the buyers for the government and the sellers , based on the game theory .

  15. 一个承包人抱怨说,由于采购人员弄不清楚技术参数,因而投标比需要的时间长出了数月。

    Bids take months longer than necessary to complete , one contractor complains , because the procurement staff cannot get their technical specifications straight .

  16. 在立法、管理上明显落后、采购人员素质不高、社会监督力度不够等。

    Legislation and management obviously lag behind , the quality of purchasing persons is not high , the social supervision is not enough , and etc.

  17. 可以将此模型应用到部队选购给水装备的实际工作中,方便采购人员对野战给水装备的性能进行横向比较,选出综合性能最高的装备。

    So this model can be used in purchasing waterworks for our troops , which makes buyers analyze and compare waterworks conveniently and choose good waterworks .

  18. 我们的问题在于,客户组织中的采购人员只想谈他们要为多少小时付费。

    The problem we have got is that the procurement people in the client organisations only want to talk about hours they are being billed for .

  19. 在商业受贿罪中,所惩治的受贿主体主要是企业法人或其他组织中的推销人员、采购人员或业务人员。

    In the business of accepting bribes , punishable by bribery is the main corporate or other organizations of the marketing staff , procurement or operational staff .

  20. 亟需高水平和高素质的政府采购人员,而采购人员需要更为完善的信息系统,特别是合同定价的相关信息。

    There was a need for staff with higher profiles and qualifications working on government procurement , and they needed better information systems , especially on contract pricing .

  21. 供应商认为采购人员及相关人员与其他供应商有利害关系的,可以申请其回避。

    In case the suppliers consider the procurement personnel and concerned people have a conflict of interest with them , they can petition for the avoidance of the former .

  22. 文章从采购人员素质、采购成本、供应商管理等方面提出了强化采购管理的一些具体措施。

    This paper puts forward some concrete countermeasures for strengthening the purchasing management of enterprises from aspects of purchasers ' quality , procurement cost , providers ' management , etc.

  23. 不再仅仅被看作是采购人员的日常工作,而且是需要公司各个相关部门积极参与的一个综合性管理过程;

    No longer merely taken as routine duties for purchasing staff , also considered as an comprehensive management process , which needs to the participation actively by each related department ;

  24. 衡钢应建立和完善采购人员管理机制,坚持以人为本,完善采购管理的绩效评价体系,以充分调动其积极性;

    Hengyang Steel Tube should establish and consummate the management mechanism for purchaser and persist humanist , consummate the purchase management the achievements evaluation system , in order to fully arouse their enthusiasm .

  25. 方法:分析医院药品物流链中医药代表、医师、药房、药库、采购人员等各个主要影响因素对药品物流的影响,并提出对策。

    METHODS : The influencing factors involved in hospital drug flow chain including medicine representatives , physicians , pharmacy , drug storehouse , drug purchasers , etc were analyzed and some countermeasures were put forward .

  26. 焊缝不能有未熔合,咬边,裂纹和其它影响产品工作和使用的缺陷。这些都已经经过采购人员的一再强调。

    The weld shall be free of any lack of fusion , undercutting , cracks and other defects which could impair the worability or use of the product in question as specified by the purchaser .

  27. 办理采购人员于不违反本法规定之范围内,得基于公共利益、采购效益或专业判断之考虑,为适当之采购决定。

    The procurement personnel may base on the consideration of public interest , procurement efficiency or professional judgment to make an appropriate procurement decision , to the extent not contrary to the provisions of this act .

  28. 但经过作者调查研究发现其此较适合于零售业采购人员,通过分析360度反馈评价适于零售业采购人员的原因,并且发现其与教导对谈相结合是零售业采购人员比较有效的绩效管理方法。

    Through researching and investigating , the paper holds that 360-degree feedback is fit for buyers of retail enterprises , and finds that it is an efficacious way of performance management to combine 360-degree feedback with conversation .

  29. 本文试运用博弈论方法从买方企业、买方采购人员、卖方企业三方对该现象作一分析研究,得出均衡解,并在此基础上,提出有效遏制该现象的对策。

    The article tries using the game theory to analyze the phenomena from three sides of purchaser enterprise , purchase personnel and bargainor enterprise , educes the equilibrium , and puts forward some countermeasures of avoid these phenomena effectively .

  30. 同时,要求企业提高采购人员素质、创新采购人员观念、加强信息化建设,强化供应商管理,作为实施的保障措施。

    At the same time , the enterprises to improve the quality of procurement staff , innovative concept of procurement staff to strengthen the construction of information technology , strengthen the management of suppliers , as the implementation of the safeguards .