
  • 网络configuration principle
  1. 其次,根据TD-LTE的特性,分析了网络建设的目标以及配置原则。

    Secondly , according to the TD-LTE characteristics , analyzed the network construction as well as target configuration principle .

  2. 单位用户煤气表选型与配置原则研究

    Research on Gas Meter Selection for Enterprise User and its Configuration Principle

  3. B、色彩配置原则与运用方式一致。

    The principle and the way of color collocating are accordant .

  4. 提出了单片机多串行口设计方案的选择原则和CPU内核端口的配置原则。

    The choosing principles of multi-SCI design methods and the core devices ' ports allocation principles are proposed .

  5. 在分析了国内第一套水煤浆加压气化制氨工艺对DCS要求的基础上,提出DCS硬件与软件的配置原则。

    Based on analyzing the demands to DCS of the first unit for producing ammonia by coal slurry gasification inland , the principles for disposing hardware and software of DCS were put forward .

  6. 220kV及以上电压等级系统仍应遵循目前的双重化配置原则,但可应用该方法保证一次设备始终配置双重化保护,进一步提高继电保护可靠性。

    For high voltage power system , dual configuration of protection system is still recommended . However , the proposed approach can be adopted to ensure the primary equipment is always under protection of dual protective relays to guarantee the reliability .

  7. 城市园林绿化现存问题、对策及其绿化植物配置原则

    Existing Problems , Strategies and Landscaping Plant Allocation of Urban Landscaping

  8. 谈城市园林中的植物配置原则

    Discussion on design principles for plant disposition in urban landscape architecture

  9. 提出了逆变器与牵引电机的配置原则。

    It is presented the match principle of inverter and traction motor .

  10. 大连城市行道绿化树种的选择及配置原则研究

    The Selection and Disposition Rule of Dalian City Shade Trees

  11. 介绍了串联补偿装置的保护配置原则。

    The paper presents the disposition of the series compensation protection equipments .

  12. 主变中性点过电压保护配置原则探索

    Discussion on the over-voltage protection scheme of neutral point on main transformer

  13. 高压直流输电系统逆变站最后断路器跳闸装置配置原则

    Configuration Principle of Last Breaker Trip Equipment in Inverter Station of HVDC

  14. 医疗装备的配置原则与选型论证

    Scheme principle and choice model proof of medical equipment

  15. 基于全属性的水资源合理配置原则探讨

    Principles of Water Resources Allocation Founded on Full Attributes

  16. 警察权的配置原则及其控制&基于治安行政管理和刑事诉讼的视角

    Disposing Principle and the Control of Police Authority

  17. 支持实时业务的队列调度机制与网络资源配置原则研究

    Study of configuration rules of Internet resources and queuing scheduler for supporting real-time service

  18. 论资源配置原则在中国人际关系中的运用

    Application of Resource-distribution Principle to Chinese Interpersonal Relations

  19. 自然资源的价值表达及其在经济系统中的配置原则

    Interpreting the Value of Natural Resources and Its Allocation Principle within the Economic System

  20. 这就叫做适当配置原则。

    This is called just setting principle .

  21. 因此,如何能够在寻找到的大量企业资源中根据生产任务和资源优化配置原则实现资源重构,是快速响应市场变化的条件之一。

    How to realize resource reconfiguration is one condition for enterprise responses market change quickly .

  22. 包头地区电网无功现状分析及补偿配置原则探讨

    Principle Discussion of Electrical Network Unactive Work at Present Situation Analysis and Compensation Disposition in Baotou Area

  23. 长距离交直流混合输电安全稳定控制系统的配置原则

    Principles of design the control system for long distance hybrid ac / DC power transmission system stability

  24. 详细介绍了球式热风炉球床和炉体结构的设计方法与有关参数的选择以及燃烧器的配置原则。

    The design of pebble bed , burner distribution in stove and selection of parameters are described .

  25. 给出了配筋砌块砌体剪力墙结构采用简单相似模型进行模型试验的几种组成材料的选择和配置原则和方法。

    Selection about model reinforced masonry materials is presented when simple similar model is adopted in testing .

  26. 上篇较为详细地论述了CAN总线的工作原理、特点、常用接口器件和CAN节点构成方法及配置原则。

    The upper part of this paper introduces the working principle , characteristics and interfacing devices of CAN bus .

  27. 刑法规范法定原则是一项重要的刑法规范配置原则。

    The principle of criminal legal norm prescribed by law is an important principle of criminal legal norm 's disposition .

  28. 因此,在可持续发展理念与资源市场化配置原则的基础上碳交易应运而生。

    Therefore , the concept of sustainable development and resource market allocation principles based on the carbon trading came into being .

  29. 针对时代新材现行竞争力现状提出了其核心竞争力培育的具体的人力、财力的配置原则与方法以及保障制度。

    And the paper proposes the specific human and financial resources allocation principles and methods in the current core competence conditions .

  30. 提出了软件工程环境的配置原则和配置要素,论述了配置工具、平台和运作的一些关键技术。

    This paper presents configuration principle and elements , then , discusses some key technique of tools , plateform and operation configuration .