
  1. 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。

    The rain continued to fall all afternoon .

  2. 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。

    The rain continued falling all afternoon .

  3. 在过去几年中,蓝光和HD-DVD格式的支持者为争夺高清DVD市场的主导权展开了激烈的竞争,他们在吸引电影制作公司、零售商以及顾客上都下了很大功夫。

    Supporters of Blu-ray and HD-DVD spent much energy wooing movie studios , retailers and consumers as they fought fiercely to dominate the high-definition DVD market over the past several years .

  4. 不管有多难,我都下决心学英语。

    I 'm determined to learn English no matter how difficult .

  5. 你们所有人都下地狱吧。

    And all of you are going to rot in hell .

  6. 开车去南京的一路上雨都下得很大。

    It was raining heavily during the drive to nanjing .

  7. 他们都下决心永远不再互相争斗了。

    They all resolved that never again would they fight one another .

  8. 你们都下了决心,宁愿死也不愿挨饿。

    You are all resolved rather to die than tofamish .

  9. 除了一个保守的盲人,大家都下了飞机。

    Everybody got off the plane except one conservative-looking gentleman who was blind .

  10. 于是,约瑟的十个哥哥都下埃及籴粮去了。

    And joseph 's ten brethren went down to buy corn in egypt .

  11. 虽然没有说一句话,他们都下定决心要做什么了。

    Though no words were spoken , both knew what must be done .

  12. 迈克尔从前对他们两个说话的语气,从来都下像这个样子。

    Michael 's voice had never sounded like this before when speaking to them .

  13. 全党都下这个决心,事情就一定能办好。

    With the firm resolve of our members , we shall surely accomplish this .

  14. 这是一个全国哀悼的日子,到处都下了半旗。

    It was a day of national mourning with flags flying at half-mast everwhere .

  15. 想必她们两人都下决心要亲自来把我从困境中解救出来。

    They must both have decided to come personally to extricate me from my predicament .

  16. 他们都下星期走。

    They are all going next week .

  17. 大多数乘客都下了飞机,打算改签航班,或是寻找食物。

    Most folks got off the plane to try to rebook flights and find food .

  18. 整夜都下着倾盆大雨。

    It was pouring all night .

  19. 二者均表示,为了确保系统的安全性,他们都下了很大的功夫,比如对交易信息进行加密。

    Both companies say they take great pains to ensure security , encrypting transaction information for example .

  20. 双胞胎是这个村里一个极为普遍的现象,甚至据称,村里的母鸡都下双黄蛋。

    Twins are such a phenomenon that even the village 's chickens are reportedly laying doubleyolk eggs .

  21. 估计今天早上雨就会停的,但是整个下午和晚上都下个不停。

    The rain was supposed to end in the morning , but it persisted through the afternoon and evening .

  22. 他的弟兄和他父亲的全家听见了,就都下到他那里。

    When his brothers and his father 's household heard about it , they went down to him there .

  23. 讨论完后我们都下定决心好好学习,让我们的生活更加美好。

    After the discussion , we all decided to study hard so as to make our life better and better .

  24. 一个农夫和妻子养了一只鹅,这只鹅每天都下一只金蛋。

    A man and his wife had a good fortune to possess a goose which lays a golden egg every day .

  25. 在加拿大,每个冬天都下很多雪,但美国南部通常很少下雪。

    In Canada there is quite a lot of snow every winter , but in the southern US there is usually very little .

  26. 在这场十分重要的外交赌博中,它在两方面都下了赌注。

    It is hedging its bets in the all-important diplomatic poker game . He might have been attached in some way to tote .

  27. 上个月,日本很多地方像往年一样,都下了雪,但是从近来的一些照片上可以看到,以往被白雪覆盖的富士山顶如今已经露了出来。

    Much of Japan has had record snowfall in the last month , but recent photographs of the usually snowcapped Mount Fuji show its slopes looking bare .

  28. 这事以后,耶稣与他的母亲弟兄和门徒,都下迦百农去。在那里住了不多几日。

    After this he went down to Capernaum , he , and his mother , and his brethren , and his disciples : and they continued there not many days .

  29. 撒哈拉沙漠的艾因塞夫拉小镇在过去37年里仅出现过三次降雪(19792016和2017),在前两年这里都下过雪。

    The Sahara Desert town of Ain Sefra has experienced just three snow events in the past 37 years with the last two years having snow ( 1979 , 2016 , and 2017 ) .

  30. 把它想象成约会:如果你在每个初次约会前都下定决心让对方爱上你,你会错过你们是否合适的重要线索,这样也许最后和你在一起的人会让你很痛苦,也可能你没办法让他/她幸福。

    Think of it like dating : If you approached every first date determined to make your date fall for you , you 'd miss important cues about whether or not you were right for each other . And you might end up with someone who makes you miserable , or someone who you couldn 't make happy .