
yóu dì yuán
  • postman;mailman;mail carrier;messenger;post man;mail man
邮递员 [yóu dì yuán]
  • (1) [post man;mailman]

  • (2) 在邮局之间运送邮件的人

  • (3) 按规定路线递送邮件的人

邮递员[yóu dì yuán]
  1. 他曾是个邮递员。

    He used to be a mail carrier .

  2. 邮递员戴维·温茨(DavidWentz)推着一辆50磅重的推车在服装区附近走,他说自己努力安排如何在行人最多的高峰期前后工作。

    David Wentz , a mail carrier who pushes a 50-pound cart around the garment district , said he tried to arrange his day around the busiest times for foot traffic .

  3. 他通过邮递员发出订单。

    He sent the order by messenger .

  4. 邮递员来过了吗?

    Has the mailman come yet ?

  5. 邮递员来过了吗?

    Has the postman been yet ?

  6. 我记得有个故事,讲的是一个邮递员杀人的事情。

    I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer

  7. 那名年轻的邮递员很聪明,但是没受过教育。

    The young mailman was intelligent but uneducated .

  8. 邮递员把信从门底下塞入。

    The postman stuck the letter under the door .

  9. 那个邮递员为他误投邮件的事辩解。

    The postman argued away his misdelivery of the mail .

  10. 我一直在等候着邮递员。

    I am watching for the postman all the time .

  11. 现任邮局局长过去是邮递员。

    The present postmaster used to be a postman .

  12. 孩子们争先恐后地从邮递员那儿把包裹拿过来。

    The children fell over each other to take the parcel from the postman .

  13. 这封信是邮递员送来的。

    The letter was delivered by a carrier .

  14. 邮递员猛然把门打开。

    The postman burst the door open .

  15. 邮递员糊涂了,所以他将包裹投错了。

    The postman was mixed up , so he delivered the package to the wrong house .

  16. 雷蒙德小时候梦想成为一名科学家(scientist),实际上(infact)他现在是一名邮递员(postman)。

    As a boy Raymond dreamed of being a scientist , in fact , he is a postman now .

  17. 我当过很短时间的邮递员。

    I worked as a mailman for a short time .

  18. 比起我来讲,那只狗是个更好的邮递员。

    The dog was a better mailman than I was !

  19. 在中国邮递员都穿绿色制服。

    In China postman subdues all wearing green color .

  20. 邮递员总是九点钟来。

    The mailman always comes at 9 o'clock .

  21. 基于一种新的边权编码方案的中国邮递员问题的DNA计算模型

    DNA Computing Model Based on a New Scheme of Encoding Weight for Chinese Postman Problem

  22. 学生:如果邮递员,好,P是邮递员罢工,Q是我们就没有信了。

    Student : if the postmen are okay P is the postmen are striking and Q is we will have no letters .

  23. 不管你是世界500强的CEO,或是邮递员,还是流浪汉,你都身在其中。

    Whether you 're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or you 're a mailman or you 're homeless , this affects you .

  24. 而英国邮递员唐搠湬森(DonThompson)轻而易举地获得了50公里竞走冠军。

    And a British postman , Don Thompson , walked away with the 50km , er , walk .

  25. 最后使用中国邮递员算法对Wp方法进行改进生成最优测试序列。

    Finally , authors optimize Wp method and generate optimization test sequences by using Rural Chinese Postman algorithm .

  26. 谢尔顿:噢,别担心…我向邮递员解释了我现在的处境,他很同情我,他的原话是:“支持你,Jack,女人都是疯子”。

    Sheldon : Oh , no worries ... I explained my to our letter carrier . He was sympathetic . His exact words were : " Jack . Bitches be crazy . "

  27. 针对移动机械臂搜索任务中的序列规划问题,提出了一种问题转化框架(MTF),以此建立中国邮递员问题(CPP)与多目标搜索问题的联系。

    Considering the sequence planning problem in target search task of mobile manipulator , a novel map transformation framework ( MTF ) is proposed .

  28. 直到2015年某天,退休邮递员MarianneWinkler在阿姆鲁姆岛度假,这个漂流瓶才结束了百年之旅。

    Its journey finally ended when Marianne Winkler , a retired postal worker on holiday on Amrum Island , found it in 2015 .

  29. 他们后来一共生下8个孩子。Kenneth在铁路公司做技工,之后又成为了邮递员。

    The two went on to have eight children with Kenneth working for a railroad company and as a mechanic before becoming a mail carrier .

  30. 一名费城的邮递员向世界展示了他如何与他的猫咪同事,猫咪MJ在她主人送快递时,就骑在她主人的肩膀上。

    A Philadelphia bike courier is showing the world how he and his cat see eye to eye . MJ the tabby rides on her owner 's shoulder when he delivers packages .