
  • 网络Postal facilities;mail facilities
  1. 村镇的总体规划和村屯、集镇的建设规划,应当包含邮政设施设置的内容。

    The overall programs of villages and townships and the construction programs of villages and market towns shall include the contents of postal facility construction .

  2. 但随着全国城市化进程的发展脚步,近些年的城市空间格局以及人口分布结构和规模发生了重大变革,这些方面的变化也对城市邮政设施的高效运作产生了影响。

    However , with the rapid urban developing speed , changes on both urban spatial structure and population structure affect the spatial efficiency of post office .

  3. 邮政基础设施作为一项重要的城市公共服务设施,方便着城乡居民的日常生活。

    Post office , as one of urban public service facilities , benefits great to urban residents .

  4. 第二章邮政企业的设置和邮政设施

    Chapter II Establishment of postal enterprises and postal facilities