
  • 网络remains donation
  1. 论遗体捐献的法律问题

    On Legal Problems of Remains Donation

  2. 武汉市民对遗体捐献知识、态度和行为调查

    Investigation on the knowledge , the attitude and the behavior of Wuhan citizens to remains donation

  3. 以遗体捐献为着眼点实施医学生人文素质教育

    Implementation of humanistic education for medical students based on body donation

  4. 我国的遗体捐献起步较晚、发展缓慢。

    But the development of it is late and laggard in China .

  5. 解析遗体捐献瓶颈的成因及解决措施

    Analysis on Causes of Cadaver Donation Obstacles and Countermeasures

  6. 提倡遗体捐献,实质是在提倡一种奉献精神和科学精神。

    To advocate cadaver donation is to advocate the spirit of devotion and scientific research .

  7. 他于2012年因肺癌去世,并将自己的遗体捐献给了科学研究。

    He succumbed to lung cancer in 2012 and donated his body to scientific research .

  8. 郑州市民遗体捐献意愿的问卷调查与影响因素的分析

    A Questionnaire Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Civil Attitudes towards Cadaver Donation in Zhengzhou

  9. 结论:要发展遗体捐献事业必须更新观念,同时加强法制建设。

    Conclusion : More effects are needed to update the social viewpoints and strengthen the legal system .

  10. 目的:了解武汉市民对遗体捐献知识、态度和行为的情况。

    Objective : To understand the situation of Wuhan citizens the knowledge , the attitude and the behavior to remains donation .

  11. 结果:阻碍遗体捐献的原因主要是传统观念,法制因素及缺乏了解。

    Result : Traditional concept , legal system and lack of the knowledge of donating cadaver affect the civil will most .

  12. 惟有通过完善立法、加强宣传、疏通渠道,才能不断推动遗体捐献工作的开展。

    Only by perfecting legislation and enhancing publicity to remove the obstacles actively can the business of cadaver donating be constantly developed .

  13. 按照他的遗嘱,其遗体捐献给了辛辛那提大学医学院解剖学系。

    Under the terms of his will , his body was donated to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine s Department of Anatomy .

  14. 目前,我国可用于科研与医疗的尸体资源十分匮乏,一个重要原因是缺少相应的遗体捐献法律制度。

    Our country is badly deficient in resources of remains for scientific research partly and mainly due to the absence of legal system of remains donation .

  15. 目的:对遗体捐献登记资料进行整理分析,了解遗体接收站的工作进展、存在的问题和登记捐献遗体者的相关情况。

    Objective : To find out the progress and problems at remains receiving stations and to register the information of the contributors who registered to contribute their remains by processing and analyzing their data .

  16. 对医务人员关于器官移植及身后(遗体)捐献的KAP调查分析

    Survey on KAP of Health Workers towards Organ Transplant and Remains Donation

  17. 方法:应用常规的描述性统计学方法,对本遗体接收站的870例遗体捐献登记资料进行整理、分析。

    Methods : The registered data of 870 remains contributors were processed and analysed by the methods of routine descriptive statistics .