
  • 网络logic self-consistency
  1. 其中最为明显的是,在一系列概念符号元素系统中的核心概念发生了具有历史联系性、逻辑自洽性、现实更新性的变迁。

    Among this , the most prominent thing is that the core concept in concept symbol system has changed in a way that involving historical connection , logic self-consistency as well as realistic renewal .

  2. 城市规划实施机制的逻辑自洽与制度保证&深圳市近期建设规划年度实施计划的实践

    Implementation system of urban plan : logical consistency and institutional guarantee

  3. 其三,内在的逻辑自洽性;

    Thirdly , intrinsic logic and self - consistency .

  4. 中医理论体系的逻辑自洽与范式更新

    Logic Self - consistency and Mode Renewal of Theoretical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  5. 原奥林匹克格言更快、更高、更强和奥林匹克信念逻辑自洽。

    The original motto of Faster , Higher and Stronger was according with the Olympic belief .

  6. 冯•诺伊曼的工作,是基于理论的逻辑自洽性,而不是实验结果。

    It was the logical consistency of the theory , not the experimental results , that von Neumann 's work treated .

  7. 亚里士多德建立了一个逻辑自洽的幸福论体系,这样一个理论体系是以对人的本质的理解为逻辑起点的。

    Aristotle established a logically consistent system of eudemonism , with the understanding of human nature as the logical starting point .

  8. 笔者认为,从行政诉讼类型到行政判决类型这种设计方式是能够满足逻辑自洽性的思路。

    So , I believe that the way from the type of administrative proceedings to the type of administrative judgment is able to meet the self-consistent logic ideas .

  9. 在历史的变化过程中寻找到逻辑自洽的理论描述,在理论分析的整个过程中不能够有任何违背历史的环节。

    We should find out the theory described with Self-consistent logic in the changing process of history , and should not goes against history in the process of analyzing the theory .

  10. 借助于问题转化和主客体互动、逻辑自洽和经验证实建构教育理论和关注教育实践。

    Educational theories are developed and educational practice is paid due attention to with the assistance from the transition of problems , interaction of subject and object , logic-based self-interaction and experience-based authentication .

  11. 科学理论需要在逻辑上自洽。

    Scientific theories should be logically consistent .

  12. 必须坚持逻辑的自洽性、解释的一致性和结论的预见性原则;

    The principle of relevance of logic , consistency of explanation and foresight of conclusion must be maintained ;

  13. 对中医学概念的研究应明确概念的本性、特点及在理论中的作用,进行种概念加属差的定义形式以及与中医逻辑体系自洽的定义方法的规范化研究;

    The research on concepts of Chinese medicine should focus on the nature , characteristics of the concepts and their function in such theories .

  14. 程序法定原则对构建逻辑上自洽、价值上协调的刑事强制措施制度体系,彰显其法律目的的制度基础和要素,并对法律解释的正当性提供了依据,具有重要意义。

    The principle of due process is important for constructing logically consistent system of compulsory measures , and bases the legitimacy of judicial explanation .

  15. 冯•诺伊曼表明了他的这种奇怪的观察逻辑是自洽的,而且与已知的实验现象吻合。

    it was not localised in any particular place . Von Neumann was able to show that this strange logic of observations - quite unlike anything encountered with everyday objects - was consistent in itself , and agreed with known experiments .

  16. 逻辑方法检验自然科学知识作为对自然现象为什么会如此产生的解释体系或理论体系,其内部是否具有逻辑自洽性,即理论体系内部是否存在逻辑矛盾。

    The logical methods examine the nature science as the explanatory system or theory system of the reasons of nature phenomena , and whether it has internal logic of self-consistency , that is whether the theory has logical contradictions within the system .