
  1. 各个公园景观特色鲜明,且造景手法各具匠心。

    Every park has distinctive features , and landscape techniques are ingenious .

  2. 园中的局部造景手法也颇有可圈可点之处,同时花园中还培植了不少名贵花卉。

    Besides , this garden also had some precious flowers and plants .

  3. 在造景手法上,从依赖传统的古典园林造景手法发展为多种形式多种风格并用的造景手法。

    Landscape developed from relying on traditional classical gardening into using various forms of techniques and styles .

  4. 着重分析了桂花在古典园林和现代景观设计中的美学价值和造景手法。

    An analysis is made of the aesthetic value and design methods of sweet osmanthus'applications in park landscapes .

  5. 本文主要论述我国古典园林艺术的造景手法,并用一些典型的实例加以说明。

    This article is dealing with the gardening methods of chinese classical Landscape-architecture and somtetypical examples are illustrated .

  6. 通过对双秀公园竹溪茶室景区的实地调查与园林造景手法的分析,论证了竹溪茶室景区景观设计的成功之处,同时也指出了其不足之处。

    Through field survey and analysis on Zhuxi Tea room scene , this paper points out the excellences and the flaws of Zhuxi Tea room scene design .

  7. 在传统的园林造景手法中,山、水,泉,石、花,木、建筑等,共同构成了传统园林的设计创作元素。

    In the traditional garden landscape , hill , water , springs , stone , flower , wood , architecture , etc , together traditional garden design elements .

  8. 构架通过纤细华丽的简化柱式来表现,巧用对景、点景的造景手法,丰富景观效果。

    The design of the trellises focuses on their slim and gorgeous columns . Besides , approaches of opposite scenery and focal scenery are adopted to render more varied landscape effect .

  9. 上海现代城市公园(1949&1978)在继承传统的基础上,因造园思想、功能的改变,及现代科技的发展,造景手法也应时而变。

    The construction skills of landscape of the Shanghai modern city parks ( 1949-1978 ) base on the tradition and change over time with the development of science and the difference of ideas and functions .

  10. 景观规划设计是为了满足人们休闲、娱乐、生产、生活的需要,以自然景观为主体结合人工造景手法而创造出空间景观环境的过程。

    Landscape planning and design was a process of creating spatial landscape environment mainly using natural landscape combined with artificial landscape , to meet the demand of peoples ' relaxation , entertainment , manufacture and life .

  11. 在分析乡村学校环境建设特点的基础上,提出了其环境建设原则,并针对乡村学校特点探讨了校园各分区建设的具体要求和造景手法。

    On the basis of the analyses of construction characters of rural school , the principles of environmental construction are pointed out , and the concrete requirements and means of landscape construction in every district of the campus are discussed .

  12. 根据分区的性质与功能,结合各种造景手法,把整个旅游区梳理为一轴、两翼、一廊、十景的景观结构。

    According to the nature and function of partition , combined with a variety of landscaping techniques , combing the whole tourist area of the landscape structure that is " One Axis , Two Wings , a gallery , ten sites " .

  13. 通过对南京地区荷花品种的初步研究以及荷花在我国各地公园、景区中应用情况的研究,论述了荷花的观赏价值,分析总结了荷花在园林中的造景手法。

    Based on the lotus species in Nanjing region and application in every local park and the area of scenic spots in China the appreciating value of the lotus is summarized and the skill of building the scenic spots with the lotus in parks or the scenic area is analyzed .

  14. 浅谈中国古典园林造景的手法

    On landscape forming methods of Chinese classical garden

  15. 最终总结出这三类园林造景艺术手法发展规律的相似性。

    Eventually the article concluded that three types of landscape gardening art of the similarity of the law of development practices .

  16. 纵观中外园林造景艺术手法的发展及特色,他们犹如一汪涌流不止的艺术泉眼,为今后的园林事业的发展提供着源源不断的理论依据和创新提纲。

    Throughout the art of landscape gardening and foreign development practices and characteristics of Remarks of flow more than they like a spring of art for the future of the garden to provide a steady stream of business development and innovation outline the theoretical basis .

  17. 喷泉作为一种造景理水手法已越来越得以广泛应用。

    As a method of artificial landscape and water-handling , fountain was taken use of more and more widely .

  18. 文章结合中国传统园林植物造景的生态手法,对宝鸡地区现代植物景观营造实例进行分析,探讨传统造园手法中的植物造景方法对现代景观设计的启示。

    The paper study on the ecological design of Chinese traditional plant landscape design and an actual example of modern plant landscape creation in Baoji to arrival at a conclusion of inspiration from traditional gardening to modern landscape design .

  19. 中国传统造园植物造景艺术特征与手法

    Aesthetic features and techniques of vegetable landscape design in Chinese traditional landscape architecture

  20. 现代园林设计中应借鉴和发扬古典园林中竹子造景的一些艺术手法。

    Modern designer should carry forward and further develop artistic techniques of Chinese classical gardening , especially those with bamboos .

  21. 现代景观的发展和现代人审美观的不断改变使传统的植物造景理念和设计手法已经不能符合时代发展的需要。

    Because of the development of the modern landscape and the change of the modern aesthetic viewpoint , the traditional idea and design method of the plant landscape have not fit the age development .

  22. 介绍了绿地中植物造景应重点把握的几个原则,提出了几种行之有效的造景手法,指出园林植物与要其他园林要素适当配合,进行意境的创造。

    This paper introduces several principles that should be followed in the scene-creating-by-plant in the green open spaces , puts forward some effective methods for the scene-creating , and points out that the garden plants should fit in with the other garden factors for creating the artistic conception .

  23. 从水生观赏植物造景概述、环境因子与水生植物的景观效果及水生观赏植物的造景艺术与手法,论述水生观赏植物的造景功能及其在园林中的应用。

    Here in this paper , the function and the use of ornamental hydrophyte in landscape building and gardening were discussed by means of general conception , environment factors , landscape function , artistic method and technique .