- 名generally used words

' Loop ' is one of those computer words that has gained currency in society .
Since organizations cannot rely on a common vocabulary for their EA architects , they may end up producing redundant , inconsistent , and poorly integrated EA models .
The VE ontology provides a common vocabulary for enterprise negotiation .
Pronunciation and Acceptation of Animal Nouns in Universal Vocabulary of Zhuang Language
Business terms define a common vocabulary between business and technical users .
Some of the lines spoken by the characters he played have entered the popular language .
What is different is that these semantic phenomena find different expression in terminology and general vocabularies .
It interconnects your use cases by providing a common vocabulary of terms with precise meanings for your use case descriptions .
Using XML technology , the authors design a vocabulary list to describe the tables of process cards . The card template is constructed with the vocabulary list and DTD .
Have decided to propose a common markup vocabulary , Schema . org , based on the Microdata format , simplifying the job of webmasters who want to give meaning to their web pages content .
A business glossary eliminates misinterpretations by establishing a common vocabulary which controls the definition of terms .
The phrase " source-code static analysis tool " is a general term for a tool that extracts information from the source code itself without executing the program .
" He only knows a few words of the Common Tongue as yet ," said Jon . " In their own land , giants speak the Old Tongue . "
Design patterns detection is the processes of identifying the design pattern instances in existing source code .
The author of this paper was in charge of the project , the final achievements for which include : 1 . a multi-functional lexicon suitable for both humans and computers ;
XML namespaces potentially provide organizations a universally unique markup vocabulary ( element and attribute names ) for their XML data , as well as the ability to share this vocabulary with others .
For example , a common part of service profiles is a standard vocabulary used for keywords that are attached to the service registry records .
( computer science ) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents ; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted .