
tōng jiān
  • commit adultery;fornicate;infidelity;be in lewdness with;wench
通奸 [tōng jiān]
  • [commit adultery;be in lewdness with] 没有夫妻关系的男女(多指其中一方或双方已婚)发生性行为

通奸[tōng jiān]
  1. 昨天坎特伯雷大主教严厉抨击了几位与人通奸的公众人物。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery

  2. 然而,通奸几乎是法国总统的宪法义务。

    However , French presidents are almost constitutionally obliged to commit adultery .

  3. 他被控通奸。

    He was accused of committing adultery .

  4. 最大的罪过不是通奸而是公众议论,是它导致了丑闻的发生。

    The ultimate sin was not infidelity , but public mention which led to scandal .

  5. 在古代印度,通奸要受到剖鼻的处罚。

    In ancient India , adultery was punished by amputation of the nose .

  6. 有关通奸的不可信数据数量惊人,但我们可以置信的数据,基本上还是多亏了hiv。

    There is a staggering amount of bad data on adultery , but the figures we can trust come largely thanks to HIV .

  7. 有人担忧埃及的Facebook阶层在投票时会被原教旨主义者压倒。皮尤(Pew)近期一次民意调查显示,有80%埃及人支持通奸者应受石刑惩罚的主张。此类数据会加剧这种担忧。

    One recent Pew opinion poll showed 80 per cent support in Egypt for the idea that adulterers should be stoned , the kind of figure that bolsters the fears of those who worry that Facebook Egypt will be outvoted by fundamentalist Egypt .

  8. 尝试去估量(组织机构的)贪腐的程度深浅,看起来有点像是调查(人们的)通奸的情况如何。

    Trying to measure corruption is a bit like surveying adultery .

  9. 所以,我真的拿石头打了一个通奸者。

    So , I was able to stone one adulterer .

  10. 奇怪的是:这种陈词滥调和关于通奸的研究一样普遍。

    Stereotypes about adultery are as common as research about it is flaky .

  11. 红色的字母A;清教徒要求通奸者佩带的标志。

    The letter A in red ; Puritans required adulterers to wear it .

  12. 你可以去告查尔斯。亨利通奸,让他血本无归。

    You can accuse Charles-Henri of adultery and make him pay what he should .

  13. 通奸这种事美国人做起来满怀内疚,俄国人非常随便,非洲人相当致命,法国人习以为常。

    AMERICANS do it guiltily , Russians casually , Africans lethally and the French habitually .

  14. 韩国刑法上的通奸罪考察

    Inspection on the Crime of Committing Adultery in the Criminal Law in Republic of Korea

  15. 那是一件通奸案。

    That is a case of adultery .

  16. 有人提议将通奸变成违法的犯罪行为,然而民意并不认同。

    However , proposals to make adultery a criminal offense have met little popular support .

  17. 这位美丽的女子和比自己身分低的人结婚,但她却与一位未婚的男子通奸。

    The beautiful lady married beneath herself , but she committed adultery with an unmarried young man .

  18. 被告(特别是在离婚诉讼中被指控与共同被告有通奸行为的人)。

    The defendant ( especially in a divorce proceeding who is accused of adultery with the corespondent ) .

  19. 但是就像是《经济学家》的通奸调查,它的结论不能全信(“应该添把盐进去,才对”)。

    But like The Economist 's adultery survey , its results should be taken with a handful of salt .

  20. 律师们可能更关注财务和孩子抚养权的问题,而非骇人听闻的通奸或背叛行为。

    Lawyers are likely more focused on questions of finance and child custody than lurid questions of adultery or betrayal .

  21. 圣经故事〈达味与巴思巴〉讲述通奸与谋杀,但那不过是标签化的描述。

    The Biblical story of David and Bathsheba is about adultery and murder but that is just a labelling description .

  22. 后来,阿特柔特发现坦厄斯忒斯与埃洛碧通奸,气得怒火冲天,难以自持。

    When , later , Atreus discovered that Thyestes had committed adultery with Aerope , he could hardly contain his rage .

  23. 2006年盖洛普民意调查显示,在美国人看来,通奸在道德上比一夫多妻制或人类克隆更加恶劣。

    And in a Gallup poll in 2006 , Americans said adultery was morally worse than either polygamy or human cloning .

  24. 因此在进入关于罪恶和共谋的棘手问题之前,她试图排个国际通奸名次表。

    So before getting into the tricky questions of guilt and complicity she tries to find an international adultery league table .

  25. 相比之下,在调查中,受访的普通已婚法国人发生通奸行为的比例,一直都与美国人及其他西方人相仿。

    By contrast , ordinary married French people interviewed for surveys consistently report similar rates of adultery to Americans and other westerners .

  26. 他从不亵渎上帝的名字,从不和人通奸,从不想去勾引邻居的老婆。

    He never once took the name of the lord his God in vain , committed adultery or coveted his neighbor 's ass.

  27. 如果证据确凿,罗伯茨可能被控攻击和通奸。依据军法,这已构成犯罪。

    If investigators find enough evidence , Roberts could be charged with assault and adultery , which is a crime under military law .

  28. 针对当时社会出现的严重的通奸现象,国家首次通过法律来规范夫妻关系和家庭秩序。

    The government establishes the laws the first time so as to put up the family and conjugal orders and stop grievous adultery .

  29. 因此,我通过分析1990年以来的3个宪法裁判所的判决,探讨通奸罪规定的有效性。

    Therefore , through three sentences of Constitutional Court from 1990 , I try to find out the validity of The law of Adultery .

  30. 自从近代刑法制定通奸罪以来,关于它的存在理由,通奸罪一直是争论不休的热门话题。

    From the establishment of the modern criminal code in 1953 , The law of Adultery has been subject to controversy which continues today .