
  • 网络Communication cable;Communication wires and cables
  1. C线缆连接器在通信线缆连接器行业内的新型应用。矮塔斜拉桥拉索初张力优化

    C cable connector application of influence matrix in optimisation of initial tension of inhaul cable for low tower cable - stayed Bridge

  2. 主要阐述了RS-485作为串行呼梯中数据传输的标准接口如何可靠地在电梯呼梯系统中的应用,以及呼梯信号在通信线缆中传输的可靠技术。

    This text mainly explains that RS-485 is used in serially calling elevator system as standard interface of data transmission , and the reliable technology that the signal of calling elevator is transmitted in the communication cable .

  3. 分析了通信线缆用YH-4热熔胶组成原料的性能和作用,找出影响耐环境高温性能的主要原因,并对新研制出的耐环境高温性能YH-5热熔胶作了一些分析和探讨。

    This paper describes features and effects of YH 4 hot melt adhesive for telecommunication cable and presents causes that influence its high temperature resistance performance . Newly developed hot melt adhesive is further analyzed and discussed in this paper .

  4. 基于时域脉冲回波的通信线缆断点测试系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Testing System for Measuring Communication Cable Breakpoint Based on TDR

  5. 蓝牙技术在消费型电子产品中主要是起取代通信线缆的作用。

    Bluetooth technologies are introduced in cosumer electronics products mainly as a means to eliminate communication cables .

  6. 广州鹏睿信息科技有限公司是一家专业研究、生产光纤通信线缆、器材和设备的现代化高新企业。

    Guangzhou Pengrui Information Technology Co. , LTD. , is a modern high-tech enterprise specializing in the R & D and production of optical fiber cable communication cable , appliance and equipment , etc.

  7. 该系统弥补了有线通信布设线缆的复杂和高成本以及控制上的不足,将传感器技术与无线通信技术相结合,实现了对生产、生活现场的实时监测、控制。

    The system is made up for wired communications cable to finish the complexity and cost , as well as the lack of control , sensor technology and wireless communication technology are combined to achieve the production and living on-site real-time monitoring and control .

  8. 通信用I.D.C线缆连接器简介

    Brief Introduction to I.D.C. Cable Connector Using in Telecom Field

  9. GB/T17542-1998移动通信有线/无线转接设备通用规范通信设备间:装有用于声频通信系统的线缆及配线系统的房间

    General specification for telephone / radio interconnect equipment used in mobile communication Communications Riser : A room containing distribution frames and cabling for voice communications systems