- 名adaptability test

This study reviews the history of DIF and introduces how to using Logistic Regression to detect uniform DIF and nonuniform DIF , then illustrates the DIF analysis of Academic Adaptability Test in sex .
Methods : A sample of 465 vocational students in senior middle school was tested by the Academic Adaptability Test ( AAT )( for junior and senior middle school students ) .
Study on Feasibility of the Adaptability Test for Safe Drive
The reliability and validity of the Adaptability Test for Safe Drive were emphatically ?
The Development of Adaptive Tests
Purdue clerical adaptability test
This study investigates the relation between self control and learning adaptability of pupils in grade five by questionnaires .
Comparing with traditional paper-and-pencil tests , adaptive tests have many advantages , such as saving time , highly efficient , etc.
Using the method of Personality Test of Middle School Students and Academic Adaptation Test , 320 the first grade middle school students were collected as the samples .
Methods Children 's temperament types were determined by Temperament Inventory . Raven 's Standard Progressive Matrices , PRS and AAT were applied to test 40 children with different temperament type .
Methods The sampled students , which were taken out from the all middle schools in Sanming city by means of randomized stratification cluster sampling , were investigated with AAT ( adaptability test ) .
In the recent years , the emphasis of research in adaptive tests are on the directions of item cloning , item exposure , multi-dimensional computerized adaptive testing , diagnosis on examinees , personality computerized adaptive test , etc.
Basic condition of learning adaptation in students was detected with Academic Adaptation Test ( AAT ), which contained twelve content scales , which formed 4 sub-scales about study attitude , study skill , study environment , body or mental health .