
tuì yì
  • retire;demobilize;discharge;muster out;retire or be released from military service
退役 [tuì yì]
  • (1) [demobilize;discharge]∶正式终止服役

  • 又到老兵退役的时候了

  • (2) [muster out]∶使 [从军队] 退伍

退役[tuì yì]
  1. 那艘船将在两年之内退役。

    The ship will be taken out of service within two years .

  2. 他于1943年因伤病退役。

    He was invalided out of the army in 1943 .

  3. 退役五年之后,他又复出国际网坛。

    After five years in retirement , he staged a comeback to international tennis .

  4. 作为削减国防开支的一部分,英国皇家海军舰艇“厌战”号宣布退役。

    HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts .

  5. 退役将军和后座议员的智慧结合在一起。

    The wisdom of the retired generals and backbench MPs conjoins

  6. 他将领到海军补助的退役金。

    He is taking a gratuity from the Navy .

  7. 卡林最终还是花钱提前退役了。

    Carling eventually bought himself out of the army .

  8. 他是个退役中校,有点军人作风。

    He 's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet .

  9. 这匹马被评为年度冠军后就退役成了种马。

    He was voted horse of the year and then was retired to stud .

  10. 阿利斯于1969年从高尔夫球界退役,继而成为一名成功的节目主持人。

    Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster

  11. 在我退役的时候,我决定复员过平民生活。

    At the end of my term of enlistment I decided to return to civilian life .

  12. 过去5年时间里,约200艘老式军舰和潜艇陆续退役。

    Some two hundred obsolete warships and submarines have been taken out of service during the past five years .

  13. 奥林匹克号最终于1935年退役,结束了豪华的奥林匹克级远洋客轮时代。

    Eventually , she was taken out of service in 1935 , ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners .

  14. 54岁的焦立中是一名有着四次飞行经历的美国退役宇航员,他描述了在从座位上飘出来之前发生的事情,"你的内耳认为你在坠落。

    Leroy Chiao , 54 , an American retired astronaut after four flights , describes what happens even before you float out of your seat , " Your inner ear thinks you 're falling .

  15. 姚明,全国政协委员、退役篮球明星

    Yao Ming , member of the CPPCC National Committee and former basketball star

  16. 已退役的罗马尼亚体操运动员纳迪亚·科马内奇,曾五次获得奥运金牌,她也是赢得这一殊荣的最年轻运动员之一。

    Nadia Comaneci is from Romania and is a five time Olympic gold medallist .

  17. 当要在特定时期后使Web服务退役时,我们将声明此Web服务已弃用。

    We declare a Web service to be deprecated when it will be decommissioned after a certain period of time .

  18. 弃用和退役计划应在SLA中指定。

    The schedule for deprecation and sunsetting should be specified in the SLA .

  19. IntegratedDataManagement被定义为一个集成的、模块化环境,用于管理企业应用程序数据,并跨异构环境、从需求到退役(retirement)优化数据驱动的应用程序。

    Integrated Data Management is defined as an integrated , modular environment to manage enterprise application data , and optimize data-driven applications , from requirements to retirement across heterogeneous environments .

  20. 姚明退役之后,中国球员也没在NBA掀起什么波澜。

    Since Yao 's retirement , Chinese players are hardly taking the N.B.A. by storm .

  21. 服务使用者需要更新其Web服务客户机应用程序,以在旧版本退役前开始使用新版本的AccountService。

    Service consumers need to update their Web service client applications to use the new version of AccountService before the old version is decommissioned .

  22. 当记者要他明确表示是否准备去中国打球时,麦蒂说道:“虽然我从NBA退役了,但大门依旧敞开。”

    Asked to clarify whether he is considering playing in China , McGrady said : " Officially retired from the NBA . Door 's still open . "

  23. 尽管如此,他在爵士还是打出了出色的职业生涯,并在爵士迁到盐湖城之前如愿从NBA退役。

    Despite this , Goodrich had a good career with the Jazz , and would retire from the NBA before the team moved to Salt Lake City .

  24. 大卫&12539;贝克汉姆(DAVIDBECKHAM)自去年挂靴退役以来尝试了一系列新玩意,包括一个香水系列,以及购买一支大联盟足球队的计划。

    David Beckham has been trying out a series of new plays since retiring from soccer last year , including a line of fragrances and plans to buy a major league soccer club .

  25. 姚明是第一个闯入NBA成为主力的中国篮球球星,据NBA联盟消息称,在休斯顿火箭队度过了九个霉运缠身的赛季后,姚明已经决定退役。

    Yao Ming , the first major Chinese star to break into the NBA , has decided to retire after nine star-crossed seasons with the Rockets , according to league sources .

  26. 本文介绍了反应堆工程退役的基本概念、过程和国际原子能机构(IAEA)规定的三级退役。

    This paper introduces the basic concept and procedure of the decommissioning of nuclear reactor project and the three stages of decommissioning defined by IAEA .

  27. 多亏这个SupportPac,我的十六进制计算器终于圆满退役。

    Thanks to this SupportPac , I have been able to retire my hex calculator .

  28. “这三个中国大个子都可以在NBA中打球,”前NBA明星、曾作为教练率领NBA退役明星访华比赛的瑞克·巴里如是说。

    " All three of China 's big guys can play in the NBA ," said former NBA star Rick Barry , who coached a group of retired NBA players on a Chinese tour .

  29. Optim能够归档退役应用程序的数据,同时能够根据查询和报告需要继续访问数据,因此轻松实现了应用程序退役。

    Optim makes application retirement easier and safer by providing the capability to archive data from decommissioned applications while providing ongoing access to the data for query and reporting .

  30. 除了让现有服务退役之外,你的SDLC过程还需要有一个关于如何部署新服务和新服务版本的清晰模型。

    Your SDLC process needs to have a clear model for how to deploy new services and new versions of services , in addition to how to decommission existing services .