
  • 网络enterprise
  1. 进取号的第一个五年任务结束。

    USS Enterprise 's first five-year mission ends .

  2. “进取号”也是电视节目中那艘宇宙飞船的名字。

    Enterprise was the name of the spaceship in that television show .

  3. 以及《星际迷航:进取号》(Enterprise,2001年至2005年)。

    and " Enterprise " ( 2001 to 2005 ) .

  4. 寇克舰长,我在此将星舰进取号的最高指挥权移交给你!

    Captain Kirk , I hereby hand over the supreme command of the starship Enterprise !

  5. 进取号事件发生。

    The Enterprise Incident occurs .

  6. 进取号成为首先到达银河系边缘的地球飞船之一。

    The Enterprise becomes one of the first Earth ships to reach the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy .

  7. 从我小时候就开始了。但之前都是玩票性质的,直到威廉·夏特纳膀胱感染,我才开始认真收藏。(《星际迷航:原初系列》中饰演进取号星舰舰长詹姆斯·T·柯克。)

    Ever since I was a kid , but , uh , I didn 't really get serious until William Shatner 's bladder infection .

  8. 了解同克林贡种族的第一次接触,体验寇克舰长的父亲出现在进取号舰桥上的独特经历。

    Learn more about the first contact with the Klingon species , and experience the unique appearance of Captain Kirk 's father on the bridge of the Enterprise .

  9. 阅读非常年轻的寇克舰长如何第一次驾驭进取号星舰执行高度火爆的任务,与此同时,他还要同新船员们对其的不信任做斗争。

    Read how the very young Captain James T.Kirk undertook a high-explosive mission on his first flight with the USS Enterprise , while he still had to struggle with the distrust of his new crew .