
  1. 无论是恋人还是夫妻,所有的两性关系中都会出现争吵和争论的情况。

    Whether it 's your partner , fianc é or wife / husband ; all relationships have row 's and arguments .

  2. 我想回到我们的小木屋,回到我们还是夫妻的时候。

    I want to go back to our cottage , to the way it was when we were man and wife .

  3. 孩子们长大离家之后,家庭实际上就解体了,即便孩子们的父母还在世、还是夫妻。

    When the kids leave home , the family effectively dissolves , even in cases where the parents are still alive and together .

  4. 但我一直以为偷渡者酒吧只是个逃避所没想到你在那里怀上了…别人的孩子在我们还是夫妻的时候

    But I never suspected the Stowaway was anything but a refuge , but to hear that you ... had a child ...... with another while we were married ?

  5. 焦点问题主要有两个,第一按揭房屋的权属问题,即按揭房屋为婚前个人财产还是夫妻共同财产。

    Focus problems mainly in the following two : 1 , the mortgage of house ownership problem . That mortgage housing for premarital personal property or the joint property of husband and wife .

  6. 庭审记录显示:一个小时后,被告回到第一任妻子的公寓,当到第一任妻子向被告询问他们是否已经离婚时,被告回答不,我们还是夫妻。

    An hour later the defendant arrived at ( Wife No. 1 's ) apartment , and she asked him several times if they were divorced , court records show . The defendant said , ' No , we are still married . '

  7. 我们必须维持彼此还是正常夫妻的假象。

    We had to keep up the fiction of being a normal couple .

  8. 离或者不离,决定权最终还是在于夫妻本人。

    To divorce or not , the choice finally lies with the couple themselves .

  9. 但是我也知道如果我还是问这些夫妻对他们妈妈的描述,他们对母亲的描述与对伴侣的描述肯定会有很多相似之处。

    But I also know that if I were to ask those same men and women to describe their mothers , there would be many similarities between their ideal mates and their moms .

  10. Todd和Evy还是一对恩爱夫妻

    Todd and Evy are still married .

  11. 但是威廉斯夫妇还是比很多军中夫妻幸运,尤其是那些在战斗中失去挚爱的人。

    Still , the Williamses are luckier than many military couples , particularly those who have lost loved ones in battle .