
  • filtering centrifuge
  1. TCL&1418沉降过滤离心机大修技术标准的制定

    Institution of capital repairing technology standard of TCL-1418 settling and filtering centrifuge

  2. IL系列离心机是一种立式离心卸料、连续操作过滤离心机。

    IL Series are a kind of vertical slip-discharge screen centrifuge that can be operated continuously .

  3. XR系列离心机是一种上悬式人工卸料、间歇操作过滤离心机。

    XR Series are a kind of top suspended manual discharge batch-filtering centrifuge .

  4. 翻袋式过滤离心机是一种新型的过滤式离心机。

    Invertible filter centrifuge is a new type of filter centrifuge .

  5. 筛网沉降过滤离心机与加压过滤机的比较

    To Compare the Applied Situation Scree - bowl Centrifuge and Pressure Filter

  6. 卧式螺旋过滤离心机用于氯化铵脱水

    The Horizontal Spiral Filter Centrifuge Is Used in the Dehydration of Ammonium Chloride

  7. 带加强筋过滤离心机转鼓的优化设计

    Optimum Design for Basket of Filler Centrifuge with Stiffener

  8. 内旋转子过滤离心机

    A Design of Filtration Centrifuge with Internal Rotor

  9. 螺旋卸料过滤离心机的理论研究

    Fundamental Research on Helical-Conveyer Centrifugal Filters

  10. 介绍一种新式过滤离心机,它包含一套轻型内旋针轮转子和一套固定过滤器。

    Here presents a new kind of filtration centrifuge , which includes a set of light internal rotors with bristle assembly and a filtrating stator .

  11. 分析沉降过滤离心机的自动供料控制不稳定的原因,提出改进方案,从而提高自动供料系统的稳定性。

    System of automatic feeding system is improved by analyzing the causes for the unstable automatic feeding control of the sedimentation centrifugal - Improving method is given .

  12. 研究了带加强筋过滤离心机的强度计算,提出了混合罚函数优化设计方法。

    The research of strength calculation of basket of filter centrifuge with stiffener is concerned , and an optimum design method with a mixed penalty function is presented .

  13. 针对国内使用离心机对氯化铵脱水存在的不足,提出选用卧式螺旋过滤离心机用于氯化铵脱水。

    Concerning the disadvantages of domestic centrifuge for the dehydration of ammonium chloride , it is put forward to use horizontal spiral filter centrifuge for the dehydration of ammonium chloride .

  14. 针轮能够自我调节动平衡、启动快、负荷小,振动、噪声也比转鼓过滤离心机低。

    The bristle assemblies are able to adjust themselves to moving equilibrium , can start up very quickly and run under smaller load and with less oscillation and noise than a drum .

  15. WLG-900型沉降过滤式离心机螺旋推料力矩的计算及其验证

    Calculation and Verification of Scroll Conveyor Pushing-Material Torque for the WLG-900 Screen-Bowl Centrifuge

  16. 通过对WLG-900型沉降过滤式离心机物料受力分析,导出了螺旋推料力矩的计算公式。

    The calculating formula of Scroll conveyor pushing-material torque has deduced based on the analysis of the force acting on the material in WLG-900 screen-bowl centrifuge .

  17. 沉降过滤式离心机技术参数对煤泥分离效果的影响

    The influence of screen bowl centrifuge 's technical parameters on coal slime dewatering

  18. 新一代过滤式离心机的研制

    Development of the Novel Filtering Centrifuge

  19. 过滤式离心机的一些减振问题

    Antivibration problems in filtering centrifuges

  20. 对过滤型离心机的材料选用、结构设计与表面处理、在线清洗、密闭性、防爆要求的实现、气源、残余滤饼清理、滤布再生等设计细节提出了一些改进措施。

    Some improvement measures were proposed which focused on design details such as material selection of the centrifuge , structural design & surface treatment , online cleaning , tightness , realization of anti-detonation , air supply , cake residue removing , filter cloth regeneration , etc.

  21. 虹吸过滤刮刀卸料离心机在焦亚硫酸钠生产中的应用

    Application of centrifuge using siphon filtering and scraper discharge for dehydration of sodium pyrosulphite