
  • 网络Dialectical logic;dialectic logic;both-or
  1. 系统Z所刻画的辩证逻辑主要是作为形而上学的先验分析手段或思维方法,因而属于语言形而上学。

    The dialectical logic in system Z is an elaboration of the method of transcendent analysis of metaphysics ; hence , it belongs to linguistic metaphysics .

  2. 从辩证逻辑角度理解级差地租Ⅱ

    Understanding Differential Land Rent II from the Angle of Dialectical Logic

  3. 探讨了GX学习观的特征:循环上升&主张辩证逻辑与形式逻辑相统一;

    Investigates the characteristics of the " GX " Experiment . " Advance circularly " which claims the inherent unity between formal logic and dialectical logic ;

  4. 学习辩证逻辑思维,实施正确决策;

    The acquisition of dialectical logical thinking brought into proper decision .

  5. 马克思主义哲学与辩证逻辑关系断想

    Inference about the relationship between Marxist philosophy and dialectical logic

  6. 悖论的辩证逻辑公式及其他

    The Formula of the Dialectical Logic of Paradox and Others

  7. 辩证逻辑在中国30年代的发展

    On the development of the dialectic logic in China in the 1930s

  8. 辩证逻辑思维方法是进行理性思维所遵循的原则和逻辑。

    Dialectical logic mode of thinking is the principle in rational thinking .

  9. 从存在论区分现代哲学和逻辑可引出什么&论现代辩证逻辑与现代形式逻辑的对称互补关系

    What Can Modern Philosophy and Logic Draw form Distinguishing of Existential Theory

  10. 并必将更多地借助辩证逻辑的思维方法。

    " Generativism " will take more advantage of dialectical logic thinking method .

  11. 思想政治教育方法辩证逻辑特征刍议

    On the Features of the Dialectic Logic of the Ideological Political Education Way

  12. 我们不应当把辩证逻辑与作为世界观学说的哲学混淆起来。

    We should not confuse dialectical logic with philosophy .

  13. 形式逻辑与辩证逻辑关系浅议

    A Brief Talk about Formal Logic and Dialectical Logic

  14. 论中医理论体系是辩证逻辑体系

    Discussion On Theoretical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Dialectical and Logical System

  15. 重申应用辩证逻辑观点对马克思《资本论》进行解读的合理性;

    To reaffirm the rationality to comprehend ON CAPITAL with dialectical logical view .

  16. 本文初步探讨了辩证逻辑有关的一些问题。

    This article presents the ABC on some of the dialectical logic problems .

  17. 建构数理辩证逻辑系统必须澄清的一些理论问题

    Problems to Solve in the Construction of the System of Mathematical Dialectical Logic

  18. 中医学的辩证逻辑方法初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on Dialectical Logic Method of TCM

  19. 在关于辩证逻辑的诸多争论中,辩证逻辑学科性质问题更是争论的中心问题。

    And the nature of dialectical logic is the central issue among these debates .

  20. 高职数学教学中学生辩证逻辑思维能力的培养

    To Train Undergraduates Thinking Ability of Dialectics and Logic in Higher Vocational Math Teaching

  21. 马克思批判了黑格尔的辩证逻辑的体系,创立了唯物辩证法。

    Marx criticized the system of Hegel 's dialectical logic and founded materialist dialectics .

  22. 寻觅了半个世纪的辩证逻辑

    On the Dialectical Logic in Half the Century

  23. 社会进步的辩证逻辑及人文向度

    Dialectical Logic and Humane Dimension of Social Progress

  24. 重视学生辩证逻辑思维的培养

    Cultivation of the students ′ dialectical logic thought

  25. 辩证逻辑必须从哲学中脱离出来。

    Dialectic logic must be freed from philosophy .

  26. Dialectic:辩证逻辑的新形态

    Dialectic : A New Type of Dialectical Logic

  27. 翻译学的辩证逻辑学派

    The Dialectical Logic School of Translation Theories

  28. 集合论悖论与辩证逻辑

    Paradox of Set Theory and Dialectical Logic

  29. 评《辩证逻辑的历史与未来》&与王路先生商榷

    A Review of The History and Future of Dialectical Logic : Discuss with Mr. Wang Lu

  30. 诱思探究学科教学论的辩证逻辑&试论学科教学论的性质、范畴、理论体系试析研究生教育管理学的理论体系

    Heuristic seeking Teaching Approach & Subject Instruction : Its Nature , Category , and Theoretical System