
  1. FU链运机输送功率计算探讨

    Studying the Power Consumed of the FU Chain Conveyor

  2. FACTS元件用于输电线路,一方面可以提高输电线路的输送功率的极限,另一方面提高系统的稳定性。

    FACTS devices are used for the transmission line , which can increase the transmission power limit of the transmission line on the one hand , on the other hand , improve system stability .

  3. 预防电网稳定破坏及提高线路输送功率的GCP型功率测量控制装置

    GCP Power Measuring and Control Equipment for Preventing the Loos of Power System Stability and Raising the Capacity of Transmission Power

  4. 其中的相间功率控制器IPC(InterphasePowerController)能有效地控制线路潮流,提高线路输送功率或用于设备增容,限制短路电流。

    The Interphase Power Controller ( IPC ) which is one kind of FACTS was mainly introduced . The IPC can control line power flow effectively , enhance the transport power of line or increase equipment capability , limit short-circuit current .

  5. 调谐型相间功率控制器(IPC)是一种串联型控制装置,其突出特点是具有很强的线路有功输送功率控制能力和短路电流限制能力。

    The tuned Interphase Power Controller ( IPC ) is a series connected power controller which has outstanding ability to control active power in transmission line and to limit the short circuit current .

  6. 通过剩余进线,确保持续输送功率至母线。

    This ensures a continued supply to the busbar through the remaining infeed .

  7. 鄂湘联络线暂态输送功率极限研究

    Research on Transient Power Limit of E-Xiang Transmission Lines

  8. 多相输电是提高输送功率密度的重要方法。

    High phase order power transmission is an important method to increase the power density transmitted .

  9. 对江复线投产后,鄂湘联络线的暂态输送功率极限进行了仿真计算。

    The transient power limit of e-xiang transimission lines is calculated after jiangfu line is put into production .

  10. 电力网络承担着输送功率的任务,主要由电力线路和变压器等元件构成。

    Electric networks assume the task of power transmission , mainly by power lines and transformers and other components form .

  11. 四相交流输电较三相交流输电在提高输送功率密度,节省线路走廊,降低电磁污染等方面具有明显的经济技术优势。

    Compared with three-phase transmission , the four-phase transmission can greatly increase the density of electricity transmission and decrease the transmission corridor cost .

  12. 多相输电能够明显地降低导线表面的电位梯度,是提高输送功率密度的重要方法。

    Multi-phase power transmission is an important way to reduce the potential gradient of the transmission conductor surface and increase the power density transmitted .

  13. 性能优良的直流调制控制器可以快速有效地调节直流联络线的输送功率,减轻交流输电系统的暂态输电压力,以提高交流系统的动态性能。

    HVDC modulation controller with high performance improves the dynamic behavior of AC systems by regulating transmission power of DC tie-line rapidly and effectively .

  14. 输气管道减阻内涂层可以大幅度降低摩阻系数,增加输气量,降低输送功率。

    The inner resistance-reducing coating for gas pipeline can decrease significantly the frictional coefficient , increase the gas transmission volume and reduce transmission power consumption .

  15. 分析了单机无穷大系统的阻尼转矩机理,得出了阻尼转矩系数与输送功率的关系。

    The damping characteristic of a single-machine and infinite bus system was analyzed , and the relation between damping torque coefficient and transmission power was derived .

  16. 串联补偿电容器能在一定范围内减小输电线路阻抗,提高输送功率极限,在高压输电系统中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Series capacitor has advantages of decreasing transmission line impedance and increasing transmission capability , and is used more and more widely in high voltage transmission system .

  17. 由于全并联AT供电方式输送功率大、接触网电压损失低,因而特别适用于高速铁路电力牵引供电。

    The all-parallel AT traction system is the most suitable system to supply the power of high-speed railway because of its characters of higher transport power , lower voltage drop .

  18. 因此,在中低压电网中往往由于线路阻抗和输送功率的增大而使电压质量不能满足用户的要求;

    So for the medial and low voltage electrical networks , the voltage quality always cannot be satisfied with users ' needs because of the increase of the line impedance and transmission power ;

  19. 在潮流分析的基础上,研究了夏大及冬大正常方式下天广交直流系统输送功率极限及影响天广通道广东入口断面极限功率的主要因素。

    Based on the analysis of power flow , the power limit of the hybrid system and the main factors influencing the limit power of the Guangdong entry section of Tian-Guang channel are studied .

  20. 它通过连续的无功功率补偿实现输送功率的合理分配,保持母线电压稳定,增加输电线的输送容量,并大幅度提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性。

    In addition to improve the reactive power variation by continuous reactive power compensation , it is also used to maintain the bus voltage at a constant level , to release power transmission capacity and to enhance the system stability .

  21. 在高压输电线路上,为了保证电力系统并列运行的稳定性和提高输送功率,在很多情况下都要求无延时地从线路两端切除被保护线路内部的故障。

    In high voltage power transmission line , in order to ensure power system juxtaposition operation'stability and bump feeding power up against , at a great many instance , without delay from line 's terminal excision by the protected line interior fault .

  22. 本文将求解暂态稳定极限问题描述为一个以输电线路或输电断面输送功率最大为目标,以静态运行变量及暂态稳定为约束条件的最优参数选取问题。

    The thesis presents a new method to calculate transient stability limit , describing the calculation problem as a best parameters selection problem , with an object of largest transport power on transmit lines and constrains of static variables and transient stability .

  23. 特高压系统故障暂态的这些特点都会影响传统保护的正确动作,且由于特高压线路输送功率大,快速切除故障,维持电力系统的安全稳定运行是一个非常重要的问题。

    This featrues may lead to the failure of traditional protection . More over , because of the large transmission power of UHV system , it is becoming quite important to clear the fault quickly , in order to maintain the security steady of UHV system .

  24. 六相输电是一种新型的输电系统,它以六相代替常规的三相进行电力传输,不但能提高线路的输送功率密度、降低损耗,还能减少电磁感应以及走廊宽度。

    The six-phase transmission system is able to transmit electric power with six phases instead of three phases . With such a system , the transmission capacity of the lines will be increased , the power loss will be decreased and the electromagnetic induction will be reduced .

  25. 在过去,要远距离输送大功率电力几乎无一例外地采用了高压直流(HVDC)输电。

    In the past , HVDC links have been used almost exclusively to transmit huge power over long distance .

  26. 借助于HVDC线路的快速控制能力,采用模糊规则平滑地调整HVDC输送的功率,并使用自适应控制技术以提高控制器的稳定性。

    U sing the fast control capability of the HVDC link , a fuzzy rule is adopted to smooth the power transition . Also self - adaptive control techniques are incorporated into the strategy to ensure stability of the control action .

  27. 通过仿真结果得出基于PI、重复控制和电压前馈控制的复合控制策略能够大大改善并网电流的质量,使逆变器能够以单位功率因数1向电网输送有功功率。

    According to the simulation results , it can be seen that composite control strategy based on PI , repetitive control and voltage feed-forward control could improve the quality of the grid current . And the power factor of the inverter output power could reach to 1 .

  28. 本文采用自行修正的Tanner本构方程研究了塑料电磁动态塑化挤出机中熔体输送挤出功率对振动力场的响应。

    S Research on the response of the conveying and extrusion power of the polymer melt to the vibration force field ( VFF ) was carried out with self amended Tanner constitutive equations .

  29. 粮食仓储系统各级输送设备功率匹配问题的研究

    Study of Power Feeding Equipments in Grain Storage System

  30. 并给出了蜗杆扭矩及输送线功率的计算方法。

    It also gives the calculation method for the torque of the worm and the power of the conveyor line .