
qīng zhòng
  • weight;significance;degree of seriousness;propriety
轻重 [qīng zhòng]
  • (1) [weight]∶重量的大小

  • 权,然后知轻重;度,然后知长短。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • 这两只箱子轻重不一样

  • (2) [degree of seriousness]∶情况严重程度的深浅,事情的主次

  • 工作要分轻重缓急,不能一把抓

  • (3) [propriety]∶恰当或合适的性质或状态;[说话做事的]适当限度或分寸

  • 小孩子说话不知轻重

  • (4) [significance]意义的大小

  • 轻重固何如哉。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

轻重[qīng zhòng]
  1. 对于轻重关系,朱熹认为行为重,知为轻。

    Regarding the weight relations , ZhuXi thought the behavior is heavy , knows lightly for .

  2. 而税收负担的轻重直接关系到纳税人实得利益的多寡。

    And weight that tax revenue bear concern taxpayer getting real number of the interests directly .

  3. 按所要求的口味轻重再加点咖喱粉。

    Add more curry powder depending on the strength required .

  4. 他说话没个轻重,得罪了许多人。

    He had alienated many people with his tactless remarks .

  5. 这两只箱子轻重不一样。

    These two boxes do not weigh the same .

  6. 根据情节轻重,分别给予处理。

    Each will be dealt with according to the seriousness of his case .

  7. 根据病情轻重决定病人是否住院。

    Whether a patient is to be hospitalized depends on how serious the case is .

  8. 其疗效与治疗前症状轻重有关系,症状严重(A)组治疗后症状改善好于症状较轻(B、C)组;

    Curative effect was closely related with the severity of the symptoms before the treatment .

  9. 空肠弯曲菌感染组与非感染组以及抗-GM1抗体阳性组与阴性组之间病情轻重均无显著性差异(P均>0.05)。

    Disease severity was not different between Cj-positive and Cj-negative or between anti-GM1-positive and anti-GM1-negative groups ( all P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 慢性萎缩性胃炎患者性别和病情轻重与中医证型显著相关(均为P<0.05)。

    In CAG there was significant relationship between gender and state of illness and five TCM syndrome-types ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  11. 由于抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体的异质性,B淋巴细胞集合程度并不能反映临床症状的轻重。

    The degree of B lymphocyte subgroup aggregation can not truly reflect clinical status because of the heterogenity of antibody against acetylcholine receptor .

  12. 提示HBV前C区突变与病情轻重及e系统血清标志有关。

    In conclusion , HBV precore mutation is connected with degree of disease and serum mark of e system .

  13. 接种前和处死前做肺CT扫描,观察菌落计数与X线影像显示是否感染、感染轻重的关系。

    Every rabbits was given CT scan before injecting and killing in order to study the relationship between the counts and X-ray images .

  14. 作为轻重元素多层膜讨论了Ta/Al准周期超晶格在软X射线光学中的应用。

    As high Z / low Z combination the application of quasiperiodic Ta / Al multilayers on x-ray optics is discussed .

  15. 结论:DSS模型结肠炎症程度的轻重呈浓度依赖性。

    Conclusions : DSS-induced acute mucosal injury was dependent on DSS concentration .

  16. 结论:血NO、ET可作为判断脑卒中病情轻重和估计预后的一种参考指标;

    Conclusions : Blood NO and ET can serve as clinical markers for judging disease severity and prognosis .

  17. 目的研究免疫学指标在严重急性呼吸综合征(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)患者病程中的变化趋势及轻重症患者各指标的差异。

    Objective To study the difference of immunology index between severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) patients of mild type and severe type .

  18. 结论急性肾衰患者存在高β2-MG和LDH,且β2-MG和LDH与病情轻重和疾病转归密切相关。

    Conclusions High levels of B_2-MG and LDH might be related to the severity of disease in patients with ARF .

  19. 上皮细胞PDGFmRNA表达强弱与haze形成的轻重密切相关。

    The extent of the expression of PDGF mRNA was related to the amount of haze formation .

  20. 结论病脑患儿头颅CT、MRI检查,尤其MRI对该病的诊断、病情轻重及预后有重要意义。

    These indicated that CT scan and MRI examination , especially MRI examination had great significance in diagnosis , degree and prognoses predicting of children 's viral encephalitis .

  21. 本文资料表明,母围产期血清IgG抗A(B)滴度效价越高,发生ABO溶血病的机会越大,发病时间越早,但与病情轻重无明显关系。

    The higher tiler of mother 's serum anti A ( B ) & IgG , the more and earlier ABO hemolytic disease occured .

  22. 结论CRP可作为判断病情轻重的早期指标,并能提示并发症的发生。

    Conclusion CRP could be the early index to evaluate the severity of the disease and could suggest the complications .

  23. 结果:COX-2与慢性肝炎病情轻重有关,随肝脏炎症程度的加重,COX-2表达相应增加(P<0.05);

    Results : With hepatic inflammation getting worse , the expression of COX-2 also increased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 肌组织中TLR4蛋白含量与胰岛素抵抗的轻重有联系。

    TLR4 muscle protein content correlated with the severity of insulin resistance .

  25. 在改善腹泻、乏力等症状轻重程度上有显著性差异(P0.05),治疗组优于对照组。

    The effect of treatment group was more advanced than of the control group for relieving the syndrome of diarrhea and acratia and had significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  26. 这之前,他刚在省CDC接受了判断病情轻重的免费CD4细胞检测。

    Prior to that , he was accepted at the provincial CDC to determine the severity of the free detection of CD4 cells .

  27. 结论脑瘫患儿血清PTH、CT异常,其异常程度与脑瘫类型、病情轻重有关;

    Conclusion There was abnormality of the serum PTH , CT in children with CP and the abnormal degree was related with the type and severity of CP.

  28. 结论血浆和组织匀浆中的ACE,LDH活性和MDA含量变化可在一定程度上反映病情的轻重,对预后有一定的提示作用。

    Conclusion The alteration of ACE and LDH activity and MDA content can reflect the condition and forecast the result of the disease to some extent .

  29. 沉淀过程中热液矿物和热液相比应相对富集Eu和Ce,并再次发生轻重稀土的分馏。

    The deposited hydrothermal minerals are richer in Ce and Eu than the solution , and a second fractionation between HREE and LREE occurs during the process of minerals deposition .

  30. CRP与PA作为炎症急性时相蛋白中两种标志物,其变化与炎症轻重或感染的程度有关。

    As two markers of acute phase proteins in inflammatory , Prealbumin and C-reactive protein would change in connection with the level of inflammatory or infection .