
ruǎn xiàn
  • flexible cord;flexible wire;flexible line;tinsel cord
软线 [ruǎn xiàn]
  • [flexible cord] 花线

软线[ruǎn xiàn]
  1. 橡皮绝缘护套通用型软线

    Rubber-insulated sheathed ordinary flexible cord

  2. 绝缘电话软线,81至1000V电压用

    Cord , telephone , insulated , for a voltage not exceeding 81 and 1000v

  3. 设备用软线,绝缘的,不超过80v电压用

    Cord , appliance insulated for a voltage not exceeding 80v

  4. GB15092.2-1994器具开关第2部分:软线开关的特殊要求

    Switches for appliances & Part 2 : Particular requirements for cord switches

  5. 聚氯乙烯绝缘铜芯导线聚乙烯实心绝缘软线

    PVC insulated conductor with copper wire polyethylene solid insulated cord

  6. 自聚焦透镜光纤软线及其在光纤无源器件中的应用

    Optical Fiber Cord with Self-focusing Lens and Its Application in Passive Fiber Components

  7. 陶瓷软线材火焰喷涂距离对涂层性能的影响

    Influence of spraying distance of ceramic soft wire flame spraying on properties of layer

  8. 橡套软线铜导线防止氧化的探讨

    Oxidation prevention of copper conductor in cabtyre cord

  9. 软线喷涂陶瓷涂层的研究

    Study on ceramic coatings by flexible-cord spraying

  10. 聚乙烯实心绝缘软线

    Polyvinyl formal wire polyethylene solid insulated cord

  11. 我拿了几根可以放长的软线。

    I secured several extension cords .

  12. 我们去牲口棚取来一盏聚光灯,我拿了几根可以放长的软线。

    We went to the barn and got a floodlight . I secured several extension cords .

  13. 他们还发现这种软线圈正好适合,是智能手表带的最佳选择。

    The researchers also found that flexible coils can be used in the system and are ideal for smartwatch straps .

  14. 同时还介绍了具有智能软校准、软补偿和软线性化仪表的电路原理和程序框图。

    This paper also introduced the circuit principle and program diagram of intelligent soft correction , soft compensation and soft linearization .

  15. 使用法国生产的软线材火焰喷涂装置及Al2O3-3%TiO2陶瓷软线材,进行了喷涂工艺、涂层组织及性能方面的研究工作。

    By using the soft wire flame spraying equipment and Al_2O_3-3 % TiO_2 ceramic soft wire , the spraying processing and properties of coatings were investigated .

  16. 现场硬线软线冷却效果实测结果表明,湍流式冷却器比直喷式冷却器具有更高冷却器效果。

    The measure result of cooling effect of hard line and mild line indicates that turbulent flow cooler has more effective cooling effeciency than straight spray cooler .

  17. 利用软线数控的优点,通过编程检测到原数控误差大的原因,并用软件克服之。

    BY making use of merits of soft line NC and programming , the causes of great difference in the initial mmachince are found and overcome by software .

  18. 结论乳腺钼靶软线摄影在诊断乳腺癌钙化方面是其它影像学检查所不能替代的,在诊断与鉴别诊断中有重要价值。

    Conclusion Compared with other imaging , mammography is a reliable method of diagnosing calcification of breast carcinoma , playing an important role in diagnosis and differential diagnosis .

  19. 因为矽神经元释出的电荷必须同时被矽生长锥侦测到,结果软线就将同时活跃的矽神经元连结在一起。

    Because the charge must be released by the silicon neuron and sensed by the silicon growth cone simultaneously , the softwires end up connecting neurons that are active at the same time .