
  • 网络soft management
  1. 论文以现代ERP(企业资源计划)管理思想为理论基础,探讨了空军军械仓库软管理模式与方法。

    This paper is based on the ERP ( Enterprise Resources Planning ) theory , in which the soft management model and methods are discussed .

  2. 旁通化油器的研究图书馆软管理发微


  3. 抓软管理提升核心竞争力

    Increasing the Kernel Competitive Power through Grasping the " Soft " Management

  4. 期刊的软管理

    Journals ' Digest Periodicals Guidance Soft Management of Periodicals

  5. 现代管理&软管理与硬管理的有机结合

    Modern Management & the Organic Combination of the Soft Management with the Hard One

  6. 软管理是以人为本的管理。

    Soft management is oriented to human resources .

  7. 基于软管理的图书馆隐性知识的转化研究

    Library Tacit Knowledge Transferring through Soft Management

  8. 本文针对这一现象进行分析,指出:服装设计可以通过软管理的形式,克服设计管理的顽症,达到管理目的。

    The author analyzed the situation and concluded that management of apparel design can be in soft way .

  9. 企业文化的兴起,得益于企业文化作为一种软管理,对于企业的生存和发展具有极其重要的意义。

    It was introduced into China in the 1980s.As soft management , enterprise culture is extremely important for the enterprises ' survival and development .

  10. 从管理学的角度看,“硬管理”与“软管理”既相互区别,又相互依赖,相辅相成。

    From the view of management science , hard management and soft management are interdependent as well as independent , forming a mutually complementary relationship .

  11. 论述了软管理与硬管理的有机结合是现代管理的最大特征;

    At first , the paper expounds that the main property of modern management is the organic combination of the soft management with the hard one .

  12. “文化管理”是相对“体制管理”而言的软管理,是对“科学管理”作人文主义的补充。

    " Humane Management " is a soft management approach asapposed to the hard " Systematical Management " and a supplement of humanism to the " Scientific Management " .

  13. 本文拟探讨在现有状况下,企业如何有意识地、科学地加强软管理,采取各种有效措施,使得企业管理更上一层楼。

    The present paper explored how the enterprise to strengthen soft management consciously and scientifically on the eurrent status and adopt varions measure to make the enterprise administration on a new stage .

  14. 然后从市场经济、软管理、服务利润链等理论出发研究南京物业管理市场发展专业化管理模式的必然性;

    After that , the paper discussed the inevitability of the development of Property Management mode on specialization in Nanjing by the theory of Market economy , Soft management and Service Profit Chain , etc.

  15. 现代管理提倡以人为中心的软管理,在高素质人才云集的高校系科,实施人本管理更有现实意义。

    The soft management of taking humanism as center is advocated in modern management . It processes much practicable significance to carry out humanism management in department of college where is full of high qualified persons .

  16. 馆长要注重形象激励,注意工作方法,注意领导群体的结构,努力推动图书馆软管理的健康发展。

    The librarian should lay stress on the image-building , working method and the structure of the leading group , in order to promote the well development of the " software management " of the library .

  17. 一个优秀企业与一般企业的最大区别在于软管理的区别,即在于文化与品牌的区别,而文化与品牌的差别背后则是人力资源素质的差别。

    The obvious difference between an outstanding enterprises and general enterprises is the distinction of Corporate Culture management . That is distinguishing culture and branc . Behind this difference is the different quality of human resources .

  18. 在知识经济时代,医院文化是医院管理的重要手段、核心竞争力和发展的巨大推动力。知识经济时代医院文化创新的特征表现为时代性、软管理性、价值导向性和塑造形象性。

    In the era of knowledge economy , hospital culture is important means , core competition and giant impetus of hospital management , and the innovation characters of hospital culture represent essence of the times , soft management , value guide and image - builder .

  19. 面向开发平台的软构件管理器(SCM)的设计

    Development Platform Based software Component Manager

  20. Fuzzy-AHP在军械软科研管理中的应用

    The application of Fuzzy - ( AHP ) to scientific management of ordnance

  21. 这种教授“软”管理技能的创新方式,并不是里斯本mba课程打破葡萄牙商学教育传统的全部内容。

    This innovative approach to teaching " soft " management skills is not all that sets the Lisbon MBA apart as a departure for business education in Portugal .

  22. 面向开发平台的虚拟软构件管理系统的研制

    A study on a virtual software component management system oriented development platform

  23. 从硬系统管理走向软系统管理的制约因素论

    Toc : from hard systems management to soft systems management

  24. 机载电子设备软闭锁管理设想

    " Soft Closedown " Management Assumption for Airborne Electronics

  25. 中小型图书馆数据库的软环境管理与推介

    Information Resources Management Recommendation of the Database in the Small Medium-Sized University Library

  26. 运用知识仓库战略工具培育核心竞争力&对瑞泰公司知识软科学管理的实例考察

    Applying Knowledge Base to Cultivate Core Competitive Capability : Investigating Knowledge Soft Science Management in Rhino Company

  27. 重视软性管理和企业精神的培养。

    And 4 . Emphasis on the " soft " administration and the cultivation of the enterprise spirit .

  28. 对团队软绩效管理系统,则主要从构建团队心理契约和形成学习型团队两个方面进行论述。

    To team soft performance management subsystem , this text studies mainly from constructing team psychological agreement and forming studying team .

  29. 软安全管理:企业发展的生命线&基于社会责任与潜规则博弈的视角

    " Soft Security " Management : the Lifeline of Enterprise Development & Based on the Game between Social Responsibility and " Hidden Rules "

  30. 提高企业的软件开发和管理水平,对企业发展具有战略意义。对今后软配置管理在软件实施项目中的应用,有一定的借鉴意义和实用价值。

    Improving software development and management level has a strategic significance to the company , and also has a great influence and practical value on its future practice .