
  1. 给你的信我都将转给你。

    I 'll send on any letters that come for you .

  2. 男:他应该把这个折扣转给你。

    M : He should pass them on to you .

  3. 好吧,我转给你看看。

    All right , well , I 'll forward it to you .

  4. 将这些所有功德转给你已逝世的亲人。

    Transfer all these merits to your departed relatives .

  5. 丹他们会耍得你团团转给你提个醒

    Dan , they 'll fuck you around , I 'm warning you .

  6. 姑娘们,请转给你的男生朋友们看!!

    Gals pls pass to your guy frenz ! !

  7. 害怕我已经把失败的影响转给你了。

    I fear I may have passed on to you my legacy of failures .

  8. 我会把钱转给你的

    I 'll wire you the money .

  9. 你走了以后,如果有你的信,我会转给你。

    If any letters come for you after you have gone I will send them on .

  10. 给你的信我都将转给你。即刻就给予,等于给两次

    I 'll send on any letters that come for you . He gives twice that gives in a trice