
  1. 轨道交通荷载作用下冻土路基的动力反应分析

    Numerical Analysis of Frozen Soil Foundation under Traffic Dynamic Loads

  2. 吊车轨道时局部荷载的分布作用;

    The distributing behavior of crane rails under local concentrated loa - dings ;

  3. 用有限元法分析了板式轨道在移动荷载作用下的动力响应。

    A finite element method was applied to analyze the dynamic response of slab track subjected to a moving load .

  4. 通过建模计算,验证了单元板式无砟轨道在列车荷载和温度荷载作用下轨道结构均能满足要求。

    By the model calculation , it is tested and verified that the element slab ballastless track can meet the requirements under the effect of train load and temperature load .

  5. 视板式轨道及移动荷载为一个系统,运用弹性系统动力学总势能不变值原理及形成矩阵的“对号入座”法则建立该系统的振动方程组。

    Vibration equations of the system could be formulated by using the principle of total potential energy with stationary value in elastic system dynamics and the " set-in-right-position " rule for formulating matrixes .

  6. 轨道结构在移动荷载作用下的周期解析解

    A periodic analytical solution of railway track structure under moving loads

  7. 城市轨道交通桥梁车辆荷载动力系数测试与分析

    Field Test and Analysis of the Impact Factor of the Vehicle Loading on Bridge

  8. 轨道结构垂向荷载传递与路基附加动应力特性的研究

    Study on the vertical load transmision through the track structure and the characteristics of subgrade dynamic strsses

  9. 对无砟轨道在动轮重荷载作用下结构变形及受力等反应的分析方法进行研究。

    This paper also studies the analysis method of structural deformation and reaction force of ballastless track under the function of the heavy-loaded traction wheel .

  10. 介绍了采用反算法计算悬挂运输设备轨道的容许集中荷载标准值的公式及其应用图表。

    Formula for calculating standard values of allowable concentrated loads in railway of hanging lifting equipment is introduced by using reversed calculation and their application .

  11. 高速磁浮轨道梁在车辆荷载作用下的振动研究在轨条件下磁悬浮动量轮磁轴承系统稳定性研究

    The Study of Vibration of High Speed Maglev Guideway Interacting with Vehicle ; Research on the Stability of Magnetic Bearing System in Magnetically Suspended Momentum Wheel under on Orbit Condition

  12. 由于混凝土徐变的影响,高速客运专线轨道梁在长期荷载的作用下,变形随着时间不断增加,严重影响了轨道梁的使用性能,甚至危及行车安全。

    Due to the influence of concrete creep and long-term loads , deformation of the high-speed dedicated passenger railway track girders increases with time gradually . The large deformation degenerates the serviceability seriously , and even jeopardizes the traffic safety .