
  • 网络Ruoti
  1. 基于DSP的车轮踏面擦伤检测系统

    Wheel Tread Scratch Detection System Based on DSP

  2. 应用Matlab平台开发了粗糙度算法和数字化锉刀软件,实现了对轨道车辆车轮踏面外形的数字化虚拟打磨。

    A virtual file for smoothing digital profile of wheel tread of railway vehicles is created based on MATLAB and specific roughness calculation method .

  3. 讨论了一种应用线阵CCD图像传感器测量火车车轮踏面磨损量的检测系统;分析了系统的测量原理;

    The principle of a measurement system used to inspect the wheel tread contour of locomotives and cars with linear CCD image sensor is introduced .

  4. 由于盘形制动功率大、摩擦系数稳定,同时还可减小车轮踏面磨耗,一般在速度高于120km、h的列车上普遍采用盘形制动。

    However , the disc brake has larger power , its friction coefficient is stable , which can reduce the wheel tread wear .

  5. 25G客车车轮踏面缺陷分析

    Analysis of the defects on the wheel treadle of the 25g railway passenger cars

  6. SR-1型自导向径向转向架车轮踏面剥离现象分析与整改措施

    Analysis and rectification measures of wheel tread spalling problem on type SR-1 self-steering radial bogie

  7. 根据高速动车组的特点,选择轮轨磨耗指数、临界速度和横向平稳性作为高速动车组车轮型面优化的3个目标函数,建立了CRH2动车组车轮型面多目标优化设计的数学模型。

    According to the characteristic of high speed multiple units , choosing three functions of the critical speed , wheel / rail wear and lateral comfort as the objective functions of wheel profile multiobjective optimization model .

  8. 修理用统一型薄轮缘车轮踏面外形

    The Tread Profile of the Identical Thin Wheel Flange for Repair

  9. 货车车轮踏面擦伤增多原因的探讨

    Discussion of Causes to Increase of Freight Car Wheel Tread Flat

  10. 对车轮踏面擦伤微机自动检测系统的初步研究

    Initial Research on the Automatic Computer Inspection System for Wheel Treads

  11. 车轮踏面擦伤动态定量测量新方法

    A new dynamic method to quantitatively measure wheel flats of trains

  12. 用激光法提高车轮踏面及轮缘强度

    Improving Strength of Wheel Tread and Wheel Flange with Laser Method

  13. 车轮踏面火焰表面淬火开裂原因初探

    Analysis on Crack Reason of Working-face of Wheel Surface-quenched by Flame

  14. 提速货车制动时车轮踏面温度的计算

    Calculation of Wheel Tread Temperature in Braking of Speed Increased Freight Cars

  15. 车轮踏面损伤对策及其容限标准的修订

    The Method of Reducing Wheel Tread and the Revision of Tolerance Criterion

  16. 车轮踏面外形几何参数的检测技术

    Inspection Technology for Geographic Parameters of the Wheel Tread Profile

  17. 提速机车车轮踏面剥离问题研究

    Research on wheel tread spalling with the raising speed locomotive

  18. 火车车轮踏面磨损量识别研究

    Distinguishing Wearing Capacity of the Wheel Tread Contour of Locomotives and Cars

  19. 用接触角曲线反推法设计铁路车轮踏面外形

    Unique Design Method for Wheel Profile Considering Contact Angle Function

  20. 车轮踏面制动的热-机耦合数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Mechanics Coupling for Wheel Tread Brake

  21. 强化车轮踏面提高踏面剥离抗力

    Strengthening wheel tread to enhance resistance ot tread peeling

  22. 列车车轮踏面擦伤信号处理算法研究

    Study on the Signal Processing Algorithm for Tread Surface Scrapes of Rail Wheelsets

  23. 国内外车轮踏面损伤检测技术综述

    A review of wheel tread damage detection technologies in and out of China

  24. 用超声表面波检测车轮踏面损伤试验的研究

    Experimental Research on Damage Inspection of Wheel Running Surface by Ultrasonic Rayleigh Waves

  25. 火车车轮踏面快速检测系统的研究

    Research on Rapid Inspection Systems for the Profile Surface of the Train Wheel

  26. 地铁车轮踏面损伤现状和滑行机理的研究

    Research on the Present Conditions of Metro Wheel Tread Damage and Sliding Mechanism

  27. 货车车轮踏面损伤标准的探讨

    Study on Criterion of Wheel Tread Damage in Freight

  28. 高速列车轮轨参数对车轮踏面磨耗的影响

    Influence of wheel / rail parameters on wheel profile wear of high-speed train

  29. 你看见对些车轮踏面回到海峡了吗?

    You see the size of those tire treads back at the sound ?

  30. 车轮踏面擦伤的预示诊断对列车安全运行具有重要意义。

    The prognostics of surface scrape on wheels is important for train safety .