
lù nán
  • Lunan;the south of a road/street/etc.
  1. 我们一路南行,乡间开始变得起伏不平,绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸。

    As we travel south , the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks

  2. 路南石林地区土壤空气中CO2浓度分布规律与土下溶蚀形态研究

    The case study of subsoil solution features and soil co_2 concentration in stone forest region , lunan , yunnan , China

  3. 为此,我们对路南腐乳的产生菌高大毛霉(mucormucedo)进行了分离筛选及鉴定,并进行了人工纯培养。

    For this reason , we have done the isolation , screening and identification for the pure culture strains-Mucor mucedo of Lunan Chinese cheese .

  4. 路南石林喀斯特流域水文特征初探

    The hydrological characteristics of the karst basin in Lunan Stone Forest

  5. 乳饼是云南路南地区的一种传统乳制品。

    Dairy cake is a traditional dairy product of lunan district in Yunnan .

  6. 举世闻名的石林胜景位于路南县境内。

    The world-famous stone forest lies within Lunan county .

  7. 路南石林形态计量分析

    Calculating Analysis of the Lunan Stone Forest Form

  8. 喀斯特流域演变与路南石林发育研究

    A Study on Evolution of Karst Drainage Basin and Development of the Lunan Stone Forest

  9. 路南民族体育场设计探讨

    The Discussion of Lunan Nationality Palaestra Design

  10. 中国路南石林地区钙华年代测定及其意义

    Age Measurement and Significance of Calcareous Tufa of Lunan Stone Forest , Yunnan , Chian

  11. 云南省路南县农业气候资源特点及评价初探

    Research on the Characteristic and Appraisal of Agricultural Climate Resources in Lunan County Yunnan Province

  12. 路南陨石物质成分研究

    Compositional study of Lunan stony meteorite

  13. 路南石林地区土壤呼吸及碳稳定同位素日动态特征

    Diurnal dynamics of soil respiration and carbon stable isotope in Lunan Stone Forest , Yunnan Province

  14. 东西向街道的路南与路北和不同绿地类型(庭院和街道)的年越冬成活率变化不大。

    The overwinter survival rate is not significant in different green land type and east-west streets .

  15. 采用水平式淀粉胶电泳技术,对云南龙陵黄山羊、宁蒗黑头山羊、马关无角山羊和路南圭山羊等4个保种山羊的120个个体共39个基因座位的基因多态性进行了研究。

    Using the horizontal starch gel electrophoresis , isozyme polymorphism of 120 blood samples from four conserved goats in Yunnan was analyzed .

  16. 纬度较低的路南石林是处在低海拔时古热带环境下形成的。

    Obviously , the Lunan stone forest was developed in tropical paleoclimate , when the region of lower latitude was at a lower altitude .

  17. 著名的路南石林是世界罕见的风景名胜,是大自然鬼斧神工之杰作。

    The world-famous Lunan Stone Forest is a rare natural phenomenon in the world and is a manifestation of the uncanny craftsmanship of the Mother Nature .

  18. 其年龄可与全球深海岩芯同位素记录和西南岩溶洞穴石笋所揭示的古气候记录对比,认为自从中更新世以来,路南石林地区经历了6次较大的气候变化,与全球古气候变化波动基本一致。

    The results show that since Middle Pleistocene Epoch six large climate changes have taken place in Lunan Stone Forest Area , which coincides with the fluctuation of global paleoclimatic change .

  19. 云南的路南石林享誉世界,每年要接待国内外游客百万余人。

    The Stone Forest in Lunan , Yunnan , enjoys a high reputation in the world . very year over one million people , both from abroad and at home , come here to visit it .

  20. 路南长湖、楚雄、蒙自3种群间的遗传距离为0.0036~0.0173,平均值为0.0105,表明其遗传结构基本相似。

    The Nei ′ s genetic distance ( D ) among Lunan ′ s , Chuxiong ′ s and Mengzi ′ s populations was 0.0036 and 0.0173 with an average of 0.0105 , indicating the similar genetic structure among them .