
  • 网络Tracking;Tracing;MPPT;ray-tracing technique
  1. 基于.NET框架的Web电子邮件跟踪技术

    Web Email Tracking Technology Based on . Net Framework

  2. 对人造模型水驱油模拟实验的CT扫描跟踪技术

    CT Scanning Tracking Technique for Man-made Experimental Model for Oil Driven by Water

  3. T/R-R型双基地系统分段跟踪技术的研究

    A study on dividual tracking technique in t / r-r bistatic system

  4. GPS扩频码的捕获与跟踪技术研究

    GPS PN Code Acquisition and Tracking Technology Research

  5. 高动态GPSC/A码的快速捕获与跟踪技术

    A New Rapid Acquisition and Tracking Technique for High-dynamic GPS C / A Code

  6. 研制了一种基于CCD视觉焊接轨迹跟踪技术的无导轨焊接机器人。

    A welding robot of large presure vessel based on machine vision was developed by us .

  7. 基于Snake模型的车辆跟踪技术研究

    Research on Vehicle Tracking Technology Based on Snake Model

  8. 一种基于SAGE算法的OFDM系统频偏跟踪技术

    An iterative frequency tracking method in OFDM system based on SAGE algorithm

  9. 摆动式TIG焊焊缝跟踪技术

    Technology of seam tracking in arc - swing type TIG welding

  10. 星间光通信ATP中捕获,跟踪技术研究

    The Research on Acquisition and Tracking Technologies of ATP System in Optical Intersatellite Communications

  11. 重点研究了基于FPGA的全数字锁相环频率跟踪技术和数字化SPWM实现技术。

    All Digital Phase-Locked Loop frequency tracking and digital SPWM realization technology based on FPGA are emphasized in the research .

  12. 它采用了Canny算法、八邻域跟踪技术和最小二乘椭圆拟合方法。

    It adopts Canny algorithm , eight neighborhood tracking and least square ellipse fitting method .

  13. 跟踪技术是实现整个ATP功能的核心,捕获是建立通信链路的前提。

    Tracking system is the kernel of implementing ATP functions , and rapid acquisition is basic requirement in establishing the optical links .

  14. 基于△TOA和方位角测量辅以间歇高度信息的双基地定位跟踪技术

    A Bistatic Location Tracking Technique Based on △ TOA Azimuth Measurements Aided with Intermittent Height Information

  15. 目的利用血管回声跟踪技术(ET)评价冠心七味片在兔动脉粥样硬化(AS)早期干预后血管弹性的变化。

    Objective To Evaluate the changes in blood vessel elasticity after Guan xin Qi wei tablets ' intervention in rabbits on early atherosclerosis by echo tracking Technology .

  16. 常见的人体跟踪技术主要有无线射频定位法、超声波测量法、A-GPS(辅助GPS技术)定位、基于图像序列的人体跟踪方法和主动式红外探测法。

    Nowadays , human tracking technology includes RF , ultrasonic , GPS , image based and active infrared measurement methods .

  17. BTT导弹航迹跟踪技术

    Trajectory Tracking Technology of BTT Missile

  18. 基于自适应高斯混合体模型的相控阵雷达TWS跟踪技术

    TWS Tracking Techniques Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model in Phased Array Radar

  19. 目前,建立在相对定位基础上的GPS导航技术已经成熟,随着载波相位动态跟踪技术的发展,以此为基础的GPS测姿系统将逐渐显现出其巨大的潜力和优越性。

    So far , the technology of GPS navigation based on relative position is matured . As the development of carrier phase dynamic tracing technique , GPS attitude determination system is showing its great potential and advantages .

  20. 最后讨论在数据传输模式时的信道跟踪技术,重点讨论基于EM迭代的最大似然估计技术。

    Lastly , the channel estimation in the data transmission mode is introduced . An expectation-maximization ( EM ) - based maximum-likelihood ( ML ) channel estimation algorithm is discussed in detail .

  21. 提出一种用于MTD体制雷达的速度-距离跟踪技术:距离-速度二维波形分析数字动目标跟踪技术。

    A new method for digital moving target track based on distance - speed two dimensions waveform analysis used in MTD radar is presented .

  22. 浅谈28H号中断在反跟踪技术中的应用

    The Application of Int-28H in Anti-tracing

  23. 采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统(CPS)对大兴安岭阿巴河流域紫貂冬季的生境选择进行了研究。

    The habitat selection of sables ( Martes zibellina ) in winter was studied by radio-tracking and GPS ( Global Positing System ) in Daxing ' anling Mountains , China .

  24. 该模块使用共源共栅结构和偏置跟踪技术,基于0.35μm、5V的低压CMOS工艺,可耐受高达12V的供电电压输入。

    This circuit , with a cascode topology and a bias voltage tracking technique , can be tolerant of input voltage up to 12V in a 5V CMOS process .

  25. 随着雷达等探测跟踪技术的发展,隐身技术受到各国的高度重视。IMM理论在超低空探测与跟踪上的应用

    Along with the development of exploration and track technology by Rader etc , all countries take attention to the stealth . Application of IMM Fusion Algorithm in Super-Low-Altitude Target Detection

  26. 其次,分析了常用的直流变换电路和最大功率跟踪技术,结合实际所设计系统的各项参数,提出了基于Buck拓扑,运用扰动观测法的最大功率跟踪技术。

    Second , this paper introduces the commonly used DC conversion circuit and maximum power tracking technology . The design of the system was proposed based on Buck topology and Perturbation and Observe algorithm for maximum power tracking .

  27. 本文以完整二维Navier-Stokes方程为控制方程,采用VOF界面跟踪技术和差分方法,数值计算孤立波与多个淹没水下物体相互作用的问题。

    In this paper , the finite difference numerical solutions for fully nonlinear two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with VOF technique form the basis of the study of the interactions between a solitary wave and submerged multi-obstacles .

  28. 具体地说,是采用了基于D-S证据理论的身份识别技术和基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的目标跟踪技术,来分别完成障碍检测中障碍和路边的识别以及障碍准确位置的确定两大主要任务。

    Due to the two different tasks of obstacle detection : recognition of obstacles from roadsides and accurate positioning the obstacles , the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory based identification and extend Kalman filtering based target tracking technique were adopted respectively .

  29. 对有望解决远月面控制网布设难题的日本SELENE计划中的卫星跟踪技术进行了介绍。

    The Satellite-to-Satellite ( SST ) technique in Japanese lunar exploration mission SELENE is briefly introduced to resolve the problem that the lunar control network in the far-side is difficult to found .

  30. 检测前跟踪技术(TBD)通过对多帧图像数据作相关处理,几乎没有信息积累损失,特别适合低信杂噪比下的目标检测与跟踪。

    Track-before-detect ( TBD ) technology directly makes correlation between multiple image data , which reserves most of information . Therefore , TBD is especially applicable for the target detection and tracking in the case of low SNR .