
  1. 但是拯救并不因此而遥不可及:在电视节目中逐渐燃起的部落文化之火,蕴含了反抗和超越的无限可能性。

    But the rescue is not out of reach : tribal culture contained the infinite possibilities of resistance and transcendence .

  2. 个体因此而获得文化生命,成为超越有限实现无限和永恒的存在。

    It produces a cultural life to individuals , who then transcend the finite being and become existence of infinity and permanence .

  3. 按照我的经验,多数人并没有迎接挑战、超越期望的无限潜能,除非这些期望非常非常之低,比如早晨起床。

    In my experience most human beings do not have almost infinite potential to surpass expectations unless the expectations are really , really low like getting out of bed in the morning .

  4. 浪漫主义艺术超越了它的无限的灵性,这高于有形的世界。

    Romantic Art transcends it in its infinite spirituality , which rises above the visible world .

  5. 这样一种审美意义上的体验被尼采所强调,他认为在这种体验之中包含了个体生存超越自身而通达无限的可能。

    Nietzsche emphasizes this aesthetical experience . To his opinion , there is a possibility of individual existence transcending itself to attain infinity .

  6. 沙尔曼的看法也许受他的职业影响甚大,作为一名基金管理人,他必须发掘那些可能会超越预期、潜能无限的国家。

    His view may be warped by his role as a fund manager , watching countries compete with each other for his funds . As an investor , he must also look for countries that might beat expectations .

  7. 它传达了人类超越自我、追求成功;超越有限,追求无限的价值追求。

    The sports spirit transmits the human value of transcending self-ability to seek for success , and transcending limit to seek for limitlessness . 5 .