
qǐ jiā
  • make one's fortune, name, etc;build up a fortune;grow and thrive;build up
起家 [qǐ jiā]
  • [build up] 创业

  • 他白手起家,如今已是亿万富翁

起家[qǐ jiā]
  1. 他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。

    He started with nothing but raw talent and determination .

  2. 每年有超过200万起家中受伤事件需要医疗处理。

    Each year more than two million household injuries need medical attention .

  3. 他从一个卑微的职员起家。

    He started his career as a humble clerk .

  4. 他从一个小工场创业起家,现在成了一个大工业企业的老板。

    He started off with one small factory , and now he 's the head of a huge industrial empire .

  5. 他是写惊险小说起家的。那本书卖了一百万册。

    He began by writing a thriller.That book sold a million copies .

  6. 他对他儿子说,从那个时候起家中只有一个画家。

    He told his son that from then on there would be only one artist in the family .

  7. 对比谷歌与Facebook,我发现一件非常有趣的事情——谷歌与Facebook都不是以广告平台起家。

    An interesting comparison between Google and Facebook is that -- Google and Facebook did not start as advertising platforms .

  8. 对比谷歌与Facebook,我发现一件非常有趣的事情&谷歌与Facebook都不是以广告平台起家。

    An interesting comparison between Google and Facebook is that & Google and Facebook did not start as advertising platforms .

  9. 电影出租巨头百视达公司(Blockbuster)以一套引人瞩目的商业模式起家。

    Blockbuster started out with a compelling business model .

  10. 创始于1997年,HTC以给其他配件销售商做代工起家。

    Founded in1997 , HTC started out mostly doing contract manufacturing for other gadget-sellers .

  11. 以名为“致远和大卫的万维网指南”(JerryandDavid’sGuidetotheWorldWideWeb)的一个简单网站起家的雅虎,后来发展为互联网业务的巨头之一。

    Begun as a simple website called Jerry and David 's Guide to the World Wide Web , Yahoo has grown into one of the biggest names in the Internet business .

  12. 2005年,Xbox360的发布使这家以软件起家的游戏主机制造商从不被市场看好变成如今的主要市场参与者之一。

    The software giant-turned-console-manufacturer evolved from underdog to major player with the Xbox 360 in 2005 .

  13. 英特尔是做电脑起家的,高通的强项在于数据连通业务,而我们的卖点是GPU(图形处理器)。

    Intel started as a computer company , Qualcomm came in through connectivity , and our expertise is GPUs [ graphics processing units ] .

  14. 不过我并不是画漫画起家的,我的专业是物理,在毕业后去了美国航空航天局(NASA)做机器人方面的工作。

    I didn 't start out making comics . I went to school for physics , and after graduating , I worked on robotics at NASA .

  15. Dropbox和Box这些从消费市场起家的服务正在添加安全功能,并大力与现有软件整合,以赢得首席信息官(CIO)们的青睐。

    Those that started out in the consumer space , like Dropbox and box , are wooing CIOs with added security features and integration with existing software .

  16. 大多数流行的动画角色,诸如Snoopy或Mickey,都是从连环画和电影起家的,渐渐被大众接受,才开始依靠自身形象赚钱的。

    Most popular characters , such as Snoopy or Mickey Mouse , started life in cartoon strips and films before going on to earn money from their image .

  17. 孙正义崇拜本田宗一郎(SoichiroHonda),视他为榜样。本田宗一郎从制造自行车的马达起家,最终打造起了一家全球领先的汽车制造商。孙正义喜欢回顾本田宗一郎是如何对抗日本的国家规划者的。

    He casts himself in the mould of his hero , Soichiro Honda , an outsider who began making motors for bicycles and ended up building one of the world 's leading car manufacturers .

  18. VermontNovelty烤面包机公司靠着能烤出带有耶稣和和平符号面包的面包机起家,并于去年五月推出自拍烤面包机。此后,他们产品的销量就疯涨了10倍,公司持有者及首席执行官伽林·戴夫利(GalenDively)说。

    The Vermont Novelty Toaster Corporation , which started out offering toasters that transferred images of Jesus and a peace sign onto browned bread , saw its sales shoot up 1000 percent since it began offering the Selfie Toaster last May , said Galen Dively , owner and chief executive .

  19. 大老板:我们以销售花园别墅起家。

    Big Boss : We started off by selling garden houses .

  20. 他们以纯朴农夫起家而最后成为百万富翁。

    They stared as simple farmers and wound up as millionaires .

  21. 从销钉起家的正业电子

    Zheng Ye Electronic Co. , Ltd. of Build in Location Pin

  22. 哈里·杜鲁门是靠政治上短兵相接起家的。

    Harry Truman thrived on the cut and thrust of politics .

  23. 它在这里排第一,应该没有什么争议,这款游戏是任天堂开始起家时,做出来的产品。

    Any disputes here ? This game from Nintendo started gaming .

  24. 你是那种靠实干起家的人吗?

    Are you the type of person who thrives on activity ?

  25. 大连市商业银行是一家由城市信用社起家的地方性股份制商业银行。

    Dalian City Commercial Bank is a local stock commercial bank .

  26. 和许多现代巨型企业一样,诺基亚起家时也很卑微。

    Like many a modern giant , Nokia has humble origins .

  27. 他们比纯朴的农民起家而最后成了百万富翁。

    They started as simple farmers and wound up as millionaires .

  28. 我们是以做运动产品的安全器材起家的。

    We started by making safety equipment for many sports .

  29. 从校书郎起家,确实是一个良好的升迁起点。

    It is really a good starting point to rise from Collator .

  30. 人们说亚伯?林肯是从劈木头起家的。

    They say Albe Lincoln got his start splitting rails .