
xū méi
  • beard and eyebrows—a man
须眉 [xū méi]
  • (1) [man]∶古时男子以胡须眉毛稠秀为美,故以为男子的代称

  • 我堂堂须眉,诚不若彼裙钗。--曹雪芹《红楼梦》

  • (2) [beard and eyebrows]∶胡须和眉毛

须眉[xū méi]
  1. 巾帼不让须眉。

    We women are just as good as men .

  2. 巾帼不让须眉。

    Women are no inferior to men .

  3. 仔细须眉委曲被稀有的包裹吓了一下。

    The careful man is scarcely scared by the scarce parcel .

  4. 姑娘们也巾帼不让须眉,抢着拿起了最大的袋子。

    Girls show fight too , grabbing the biggest bag .

  5. 不论你是热血男儿,还是巾帼不让须眉的乒坛少女。

    Whether you are a warm-blooded son , or a teenage girl who love table tennis .

  6. 巾帼不让须眉导致校园中的性别比例失调,这也反映出了一个全球性趋势。

    A gender imbalance on campus caused by female students outperforming their male counterparts reflects a global trend .

  7. 一个须眉花白的瑶族老人站在门前,手里提着一杆明火枪,肩上扛着一袋米。

    He was standing in front of the door with an airgun in hands and a bag of rice on the shoulder .