
  1. 一位成员打电话给陈岩说整个国家的处境很悲惨。

    One member called Chen and told him the country was in a deplorable condition .

  2. 从那一刻起,我就下定决心要奔赴海地。现年38岁的陈岩表示。

    " I have been determined to go there ever since then ," said the 38-year-old .

  3. 陈岩表示,他如此渴望赶赴海地,皆因他是一个四川人。

    His desire to go to Haiti stems from his status as a Sichuan man , Chen said .

  4. 福建省第十二届运动会田径比赛行业组短跑冠军陈岩赛前恢复训练计划

    The Recovery Training Plan Before Match of Chan Yan and Dash Champion of Profession Team in The 12th Sports-Meeting of Fujian Province

  5. 陈岩是四川省应急志愿者服务总队副总队长;北京时间1月13日凌晨,他收到了来自北京中国地震台网的短信。

    Chen , deputy chief of the Sichuan provincial emergency volunteer team , received a text message from the Beijing-based China Earthquake Network Center in the wee hours of Jan 13 Beijing time .

  6. 陈岩承认自己已错过了黄金救援时间&震后的72小时,他希望自己达到海地后,能够帮助当地人民筹到更多来自中国的救援物资。

    Admitting he has missed the best time for rescue - 72 hours after the quake - Chen wishes to help Haitian people get more relief materials from China after arriving in Haiti .