
  • 网络Resource Economics;Agricultural & Resource Economics
  1. 对当前资源经济学、生态经济学和环境经济学研究的前沿领域环境价值评估方法之一权变评价法(CVM法)进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses that one of appraising methods of non-using value in ecological tourism districts & Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) which is one of the advanced fields in studying resource economics , environmental economics , and ecological economics .

  2. 农业资源经济学几个基本问题的探讨

    An approach to some fundamental problems of Agricultural Resource Economics

  3. 中国矿业城市社会问题资源经济学分析

    Resource Economics Analysis of Mining City Social Problems in China

  4. 矿业城市社会学问题有其深刻的资源经济学根源。

    The mining city sociology problem has its the deep resources economics source .

  5. 资源经济学的学科性质、地位与思维

    The nature , status and connotation of Resource Economics

  6. 中国自然资源经济学研究综述

    A Research Summary on Natural Resources Economics in China

  7. 矿产资源经济学发展构想矿产资源企业发展途径分析

    Development of mineral resource economics study on the sustainable development of mining enterprises

  8. 矿产资源经济学是一门新兴学科。

    The mineral resources economy is a new subject .

  9. 论资源经济学和农业资源经济学产生的历史基础及其发展趋向

    On the Historical Foundation and Development of Resources Economics and Agricultural Resources Economics

  10. 资源经济学建立在资源学和理论经济学基础之上。

    The natural resource economics is developed based on natural resource science and theoretical economics .

  11. 对矿产资源经济学的若干思考

    Theoretical Aspects of Mineral Resources Economics

  12. 论资源经济学的研究对象

    Research object of resources economics

  13. 其二,把资源经济学变成自然资源有效配置或利用经济学。

    The second is to turn resources economics into reasonable collocation of natural resources or utilization economics .

  14. 资源经济学研究,将把生态效益、环境效益、政策法规引入资源开发模型;

    The benefits of ecosystem and environment , institutional considerations will be incorporated into models of resource exploitation .

  15. 资源经济学是资源科学中最富活力且仍在迅速发展的学科之一。

    Resource economics is one of the most active branches in resources science and is still in a developing process .

  16. 第二,用资源经济学的基本原理分析了物流企业资源的最优配置。

    Secondly , applying the basic theory of resource economics , analyses the best collocation of logistics enterprises ' resource .

  17. 研究中主要涉及产权理论、资源经济学、产权经济学、资源价格学以及旅游学等领域的相关理论。

    This study concerns relative theories of property right theory , resource economics , property economics , resoure price and tourism .

  18. 本文系统介绍了矿产资源经济学的基本原理,研究内容和研究对象,以及矿产资源经济潜力评价的主要方法。

    In this paper , the basic principle , research content , and major method of appraising resources economy potential are systematically introduced .

  19. 本文以英国为例,利用资源经济学和福利经济学的研究成果,对这个问题展开了论述。

    This paper take English for example , and use the research results of resource economics and welfare economics discussing this issue roundly .

  20. 本文运用资源经济学观点,论述了我国农业水资源的现状、问题与对策。

    The thesis , by applying the resource economic theories , presents the present situation , problems and counter-measurements of agricultural water resources .

  21. 并利用资源经济学中的若干资产价值确定方法,在实地调查的基础上,计算地上不可移动文物资源的绝对价值。

    Since unmovable cultural resources are of strong externality , we have taken some methods of resource economics to calculate their absolute value .

  22. 土地资源经济学在我国形成时间虽不长,但该学科发展较快,目前已日趋完善。本文在前人研究的基础上,对我国土地资源经济学科体系建设进行了评述。

    Though the existence of land resource economics is not very long in China , it has been rapidly developed and gradually be perfected .

  23. 无疑,矿床学与矿产资源经济学的交叉将推动未来相关学科和实践的发展。

    Doubtlessly , crossings of the science and the mineral resource economy would push forward the development in both related sciences and practice from now on .

  24. 在总结欧美发达国家环境与自然资源经济学研究成果的基础上,系统地论述了本学科研究的新课题和发展趋势。

    Based on the summarization of the achievements on environmental and natural resource economics in the western developed countries , the new research trends are discussed systematically .

  25. 应用资源经济学理论对自然旅游资源利用进行了静态分析和动态分析,认为总收益最大并不等于净收益最大,投资者会将更多的资金用于当前的自然旅游资源开发和利用。

    Based on static analysis , dynamic analysis and resource economy , as the maximum gross income is not equal to maximum net income , investors spend more for present natural tourist resources development .

  26. 资源经济学具有以最优耗竭理论、稀缺理论、产权理论、代际分配、核算理论和资源效率至上论为主要内容的基本原理。

    Theory of optimal depletion of exhaustible resources , scarcity theory , resource property theory , intergenerational distribution of resources , resources accounting and resource efficiency sovereignty constitute the basic principles of resource economics .

  27. 首先按照循环经济的发展原则,结合环境与自然资源经济学的思路,对现行投入产出表中的部门设置进行相应的改进;

    Fourthly , as the development of the industrial structure is based on the selection of the leading industries , the sector installation in existing In-Output tables is improved according to the principles of circular economy .

  28. 本文首先总结了资源经济学研究的相关成果,用资源经济学的理论对荆州的资源现状进行了评价,指出了荆州的优势资源和劣势资源;

    At first , this paper summarizes the relative achievements on research of resource economics , with which to analyze the recent condition of Jing Zhou resource and point out its superior resources and dis superior resources ;

  29. 研究了生态效率评价的相关理论,包括效率与公平理论、资源经济学理论、环境经济学理论、生态经济学理论、可持续发展经济学理论等,这些理论构成了生态效率评价分析的理论基础。

    The theoretical basis about the appraisal of eco-efficiency is discussed , including of the efficiency and fairness theory , resource economics theory , environmental economics theory , ecological economics theory , economics theory of sustainable development .

  30. 第四部分:依据设定的一些数学模型,来进行受迫地域耕地保护的资源经济学分析,以求得出合理的建议和方法。

    Part IV : According to some given mathematic models , the protection of the Cultivated land of Suffered area was analyzed from point of view of resource economics , in order to give reasonable suggestions and ways .