
  • 网络Marginal efficiency of capital;Mec
  1. 但在“资本边际效率”(themarginalefficiencyofcapital)这一章后面的一条引文中,粗略地提到了考虑到利息支付之后,新投资的预期收益率。

    There is , however , a reference after the chapter on " the marginal efficiency of capital " , which is roughly speaking the prospective yield of new investment after taking into account interest payments .

  2. 消费需求是由消费倾向所决定的;投资需求是由资本边际效率与利息率决定的。

    Consumption demand depends on consumption tendency while effective demand on capital marginal efficiency and interest rate .

  3. 论周期中资本边际效率的演进、扭曲与崩溃&关于美国次贷危机的政治经济学解读

    On the Evolution , Distortion and Collapse of Marginal Efficiency of Capital in Business Cycle : Political Economic Analyses about US Mortgage Crisis

  4. 本文实证性地对比分析了工业和第三产业的资本边际效率,并以此解释了产业投资与产出之间的偏差。

    By analyzing the capital marginal efficiency on both industry and tertiary industry , this paper explains the deviation of industrial investment and output .

  5. 理论模型表明,金融发展主要是通过影响储蓄率、储蓄向投资的转化比率和资本边际效率来影响经济增长的。

    Theoretical model shows that financial development does affect economic growth through saving ratio , ratio saving channeled to investment and capital marginal efficiency .

  6. 边际消费倾向递减规律造成了消费不足,而资本边际效率递减和流动偏好规律造成了投资不足。

    Diminishing marginal propensity to consume resulted in insufficient consumption , while law of capital diminishing marginal utility and flow preferences caused insufficient investment .

  7. 金融的存在与发展,通过提高企业的融资量、降低企业的融资成本以及提高企业的资本边际效率而使企业的投资净收益得到提高,从而加速了企业的发展。

    The existence and development of finance can increase the net revenue of firm by increasing firm 's financing amount and marginal efficiency of capital , and reducing firm 's financing cost .

  8. 总量性短缺的成因主要是我国人口多、经济发展水平低,教育投资资本边际效率递减趋势、教育投资预期收益相对偏低等;

    The primary causes of the aggregate shortage are the large population , and the low developing level of society and economy , and the marginal efficiency of educational capital , and the lower repay to educational invest .

  9. 随着经济的发展,资源消耗对中国经济增长的贡献作用逐渐降低,下降速度与经济发展水平呈正比,这在某种程度上与资本的边际效率递减规律相吻合。

    The contribution of the resources consumption will be lower down with the development of economy . The decreasing rate is proportion to the economic level . It is consistent with the law of diminishing marginal efficiency of capital .

  10. 如果长期一直注重资本要素的投入,势必会造成资本边际效率递减。

    So if it has been focusing on capital inputs in the long-term , it is bound to result in diminishing capital marginal efficiency .