
  • 网络capital input
  1. 随着经济国际化浪潮的发展,国际直接投资的广度、深度正不断增加,发展中国家作为资本输入、输出国的地位得到了提高,我国要寻求新的经济增长点,发展国际直接投资是必不可少的。

    With the development of economic internationalization , direct international investment continue develop . Developing countries being capital input and output position both are strengthened . If our country want to find new increasing spot , it is necessary .

  2. 从资金流向角度而言,这一过程就是中国进行资本输入的过程。

    From the perspective of capital flows , this process is the process of capital input .

  3. 试论FDI对资本输入国和资本输出国经济的影响

    On the Economic Effect of FDI to the Host Country and the Mother Country

  4. 与之相对的是资本输入国,其中最为重要的西班牙赤字高达1110亿美元(占GDP的9%)。

    At the opposite end of the spectrum were the capital importers , of which Spain was the most important , with a huge deficit of $ 111bn ( 9 per cent of GDP ) .

  5. 美国&最大的资本输入国和最大债务国

    The United states : the biggest capital importing and debtor nation

  6. 现在,由于某些原因,人力资本输入已经停滞。

    Now for some reason it has stopped .

  7. 然而,一个像中国这样的新兴经济体,应该是一个净资本输入国。

    However , an emerging economy like China ought to be a net capital importer .

  8. 在上述国家中,仅有德国和日本拥有经常账户盈余,其余都是资本输入国。

    Of these countries , only Germany and Japan have current account surpluses . The rest are capital importers .

  9. 美国对资本输入求之若渴,这与过去两年美元大幅贬值有关。

    The nearly desperate need to import capital is connected to the significant dollar depreciation over the past two years .

  10. 所以第三部分我要主要介绍,中国最为资本输入国一些法律规定。

    The third part mainly introduces the provision of China which as a capital-importing county based on the Foreign Investment Law .

  11. 自20世纪80年代以来,中国逐渐形成了全面的、多层次而内外有别的涉外税收优惠格局,使之在很长时间里成为全球范围内最大的资本输入国之一。

    Since the 80 's of the 20th century , China has been one of the great countries to absorb foreign capitals .

  12. 造船厂的项目资金是最近中国资本输入的一部分,它为旧金山湾区长期搁置的开发项目带来新的生命。

    The money flowing into the project is part of a recent infusion of Chinese capital breathing life into long-dormant development projects in the Bay Area .

  13. 外国投资者在资本输入国投资获得的所得既需要在东道国纳税,对其母国也要承担纳税义务,不可避免地出现国际重复征税问题。

    The income of foreign investor should pay tax not only to host county , but also to the mother country , which unavoidably leads to international double taxation .

  14. 许多美国公司,如通用汽车,通用电气和摩托罗拉都扩大了在中国的资本输入,因为中国市场有较高的投资回报率。

    Many US companies , such as General Motors , General Electric and Motorola , have expanded their capital inputs in China , which promises a high investment return .

  15. 应当处理好国际资本输入与我国地区经济协调发展的关系,采取切实措施改善投资环境;

    The government should introduce more capital to invest key manufacture and improve the investment environment to deal with the relationship between international capital 's import and development of areas economy .

  16. 1978年以来,当处于改革开放的初期和中期之时,我国在对外经济领域,主要是作为一个资本输入国。

    Since 1978 , in the period of early and mid-term of reform and opening up , China mainly acted as a capital exporting country in the field of foreign economy .

  17. 作为处于转型发展期、同为资本输入国和输出国的发展中大国,中国面临间接征收问题。

    As a big developing country which is exerting itself to transform the development mode , and a capital importing and exporting country , China is confronted with the problem of indirect expropriation .

  18. 中国是世界上第二大资本输入国,也是发展中国家中最大的资本输入国。

    China is the second largest capital importing country in the world and the largest one among the developing countries and , hence the development of the TRIMs Agreement is crucial to China .

  19. 储蓄盈余不仅仅意味着实际利率处于低位,而且意味着需要刺激资本输入国的需求,以抵消资本流入的影响。其中,美国是最为重要的资本输入国。

    Surplus savings meant not only low real interest rates , but a need to generate high levels of offsetting demand in capital-importing countries , of which the US was much the most important .

  20. 近年来,随着我国逐渐从资本输入国向资本输出国的角色转变,面向非洲、中东、南美洲的对外投资越来越多。

    In recent years , as China has gradually transferred its role from capital-importing country to capital-exporting country , the amount of foreign investment in Africa , Middle East , South America is increasing .

  21. 这也就意味着,这些外商投资者对优惠措施比较敏感,一旦优惠措施有变,利润降低,则资本输入国遭遇撤资的风险很大。

    This means that these foreign investors are more sensitive to incentives , once the incentives have changed , reducing profits , while capital-importing countries will have to face the risk of significant disinvestment .

  22. 由于作为资本输入国的发展中国家和作为资本输出国的发达国家立场不同、利益不同,因此在国际投资的保护问题上经常出现各种争执,进而影响国际投资活动的正常进行。

    Big differences , caused by different standpoints and conflicting interests between developing countries importing capital and developed countries exporting capital , often arouse various disputes and then disturb the normal order of international investment .

  23. 在近代史上,西方国家的商品与资本输入、洋务派官员创办洋务企业的活动、民族资本的艰难发展,共同构成中国经济近代化的洪流。

    During the modern history , the mainstream of Chinese economic modernization was consisted of the input of customs and capital from western countries , the activities of the founding enterprises and the arduous development of domestic capital .

  24. 由于国际投资条约中的公平与公正待遇条款大多措辞简单,没有统一的适用规则,缺乏完善的解释机制,资本输入国、资本输出国、投资者对该标准做出了不同的解读。

    As the expression of fair and equitable treatment provisions in most international investment treaties is simple , and there is lack of uniform application rules , proper interpretation mechanism , capital-importing countries , capital-exporting country and the investor have made different interpretations .

  25. 应当化被动为主动,遵守规则并学会利用规则,处理好国际资本输入与国际商品输入的关系;应当努力保持国际资本输入的资金结构、债务结构比例关系的协调。

    Besides that the government should positively obey the rule and make use of the rule , deal with the relationship between international capital 's import and international production 's export , keep the capital structure of international capital 's import and debt rate structure .

  26. 在国际投资领域,外资法作为资本输入国的外国投资法的简称,是指资本输入国制订的关于调整外国私人直接投资关系的法律规范的总称,是国际投资法的重要组成部分。

    In the international investment area , Foreign Investment Law is the name of category of the laws and rules which are drawn up by capital importing countries to adjust the private direct foreign investment . It is an important constitutive part of international investment law .

  27. 子公司B是下游企业,用中间商品和资本作为输入生产最终商品。

    Subsidiary corporation B is a downstream firm that produces final goods using intermediate goods and capital as input .

  28. 资本的输入是一项顺差。

    An inflow of capital is a surplus .

  29. 资本输出(输入)国

    Capital exporting ( importing ) country

  30. 将人工神经网络用于确定资本化率,输入影响资本化率的主要因素,利用BP网络的自适应学习的特点进行反复训练和自我学习,可得出趋于稳定的输出,即资本化率。

    Using the Back-Propagation ( BP ) of Artificial Neural Net ( ANN ), putting in the main effect-factors of capitalization rate , and then the BP net will train thousands of times till the result go steady , that is the output of the net , capitalization rate .