
  • 网络the Capital Account;account
  1. WTO下的金融自由化与资本账户的放开并非等同。

    Financial Liberalization if not equal to the opening of capital account under the WTO .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,资本账户管理的两难&保持金融稳定和资本市场改革的矛盾将愈加突出。

    After China'a WTO entry , China 's capital account management will face severe challenges .

  3. G20国家资本账户开放度比较研究&基于改进的约束式测度法

    The Comparison of Capital Account Openness of G20 : An Analysis based on an Improved Restriction Measure

  4. 上世纪90年,imf差点把推动资本账户放开纳入其规章。

    In the 1990s , the IMF came close to including the promotion of capital account liberalisation in its rule book .

  5. 正如安石投资管理公司(ashmoreinvestmentmanagement)所指出的,实现币值有序调整的最佳方式,必定是通过放开资本账户,而不是武断的管制。

    As Ashmore investment management argues , the best way to achieve an orderly realignment of currencies is surely through liberalising capital accounts , not arbitrary controls .

  6. 过去十年间,中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)放松了对国际货币基金组织(IMF)界定的43种资本账户交易中许多交易的管控。

    Over the past decade the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has relaxed controls around many of the 43 capital-account transaction items identified by the International Monetary Fund .

  7. 印度央行印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)本周表示,不久央行将公布一份由政府资助但不具有约束力的报告,概述资本账户可兑换的“路线图”。

    The Reserve Bank of India , the central bank , said this week it would soon make public a government-sponsored but non-binding report outlining a " road map " to capital account convertibility .

  8. 如果中国希望让人民币进入sdr,它可能被迫首先让其资本账户自由化。

    If the Chinese want the yuan included in the SDR , they will probably have to liberalise their capital account first .

  9. 随后探讨了记名提单的法律属性。存股权证(DepositoryReceipts)对中国资本账户管理的作用

    Then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared . The Function of Depository Receipts in the Capital Account Management

  10. 康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)经济学家、曾任职国际货币基金组织(IMF)的普拉萨德(EswarPrasad)说,中国富人的资本账户一直是开放的。

    The wealthy in China have always had an open capital account , ' says Eswar Prasad , a Cornell University economist and former International Monetary Fund official .

  11. 这些国家应鼓励中国加入论坛,并在采取措施将人民币国际化和逐步开放资本账户后,最终加入SDR。

    This group should offer China the incentive to join the forum and eventually the SDR after it takes steps to internationalise the renminbi and moves towards an open capital account .

  12. 加入WTO,是我国资本账户自由化所面临的新形势,因此本文又分析了中国入世过渡期内,我国资本账户自由化的进程安排及资本管制形式和方法的转变。

    Because entry into WTO is a new situation for the Chinese capital account liberalization , this paper also analyzes the course 's arrange of our country 's capital account liberalization and the change of capital control 's form and method in the transition period of China entering into WTO .

  13. 我国在资本账户开放过程中的资本管制不对称,以及我国经济的市场化程度不高,反映在蒙代尔&弗莱明模型中,其BP曲线斜率大于LM曲线。

    China 's asymmetric capital control during the process of opening its capital account , as well as insufficient liberalization of its economy , is reflected in the Mundel-Flemming model with the slope of BP line in M-F model bigger than LM line .

  14. CNY将用于进出口等经常账户交易,而新的币种(HKD/CNH)则用于资本账户的金融交易。

    The CNY would be used for current account transactions such as exports and imports , while the new Chinese dollar ( HKD / CNH ) would cater for capital account financial transactions .

  15. 中国资本账户开放:30年回顾与思考

    China 's Capital Account Opening : A 30-year Review and Reflection

  16. 届时,中国应该已经开放了资本账户。

    China should have an open capital account by that time .

  17. 中国也在继续推进资本账户自由化。

    China continues to move toward capital account liberalisation as well .

  18. 论人民币升值与资本账户的开放

    On the Appreciation of Renminbi and the Opening of Capital Account

  19. 中国资本账户开放度浅析

    Analysis on the degree of opening of China 's capital account

  20. 关于资本账户开放研究的国内研究文献综述

    A Summarize of Domestic Papers on the Opening-up of Capital Account

  21. 印度资本账户开放研究&兼论印度的汇率制度

    Research on Capital Account Liberalization of India and Exchange Rate Regime

  22. 论人民币升值压力与开放中的资本账户管理

    On the Appreciative Pressure on RMB and China 's Capital Account Management

  23. 资本账户开放、腐败与经济增长

    The Open of Capital Accounts , Corruption and Economic Growth

  24. 我国资本账户开放与金融稳定性问题研究

    Study on Capital Account Opening and Financial Stability in China

  25. 当前,中国仍对资本账户实施严格的控制。

    At present , China retains strict controls on its capital account .

  26. 这些增加的投资贷记如下的资本账户

    These additional investments are credited to the capital accounts as shown below

  27. 中国资本账户开放与国家经济安全

    Safety Cartoon The Opening of Chinese Capital Account and National Economic Security

  28. 论人民币汇率形成机制与资本账户开放

    On the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate and capital account opening

  29. 对于中国而言,开放资本账户已不是一个新鲜的话题。

    The open capital account is not a new topic in China .

  30. 资本账户开放初始条件的决定与构成分析

    Orientation and Constructive Analysis of the Precondition of the Capital Account Liberalization