
zī běn zhǔ yì suǒ yǒu zhì
  • system of capitalist ownership
  1. 是资本主义所有制,还是社会主义所有制?

    Capitalist ownership or socialist ownership ?

  2. 第一张皮,是帝国主义所有制。第二张皮,是封建主义所有制。第三张皮,是官僚资本主义所有制。

    Imperialist ownership was the first skin , feudal ownership the second and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership the third .

  3. 旧有的三张:帝国主义所有制,封建主义所有制,官僚资本主义所有制。

    Three of them were old ones , namely , imperialist ownership , feudal ownership and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership .

  4. 此外,还靠一个民族资本主义所有制,一个小生产者所有制即小资产阶级所有制。

    They also depended on national capitalist ownership and on ownership by small producers , that is , petty-bourgeois ownership .

  5. 社会主义革命是革后两张皮:民族资本主义所有制和小生产者所有制。

    The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .

  6. 战后日本的资本主义所有制已从最初分散的私人股份资本所有制的基本形式向法人资本所有制的形态转变。

    After World War II , Japanese capitalist ownership system changes from scattered private share capital ownership system to corporation capital ownership system .

  7. 这一部分包括马克思对前资本主义所有制的考察;马克思对资本主义所有制的考察以及马克思对未来社会所有制的设想。

    This section includes the study of the pre-capitalist ownership ; study of capitalist ownership and social ownership of the vision for the future .

  8. 最后,分别从《资本论》三卷的内容结构上去把握和认识资本主义所有制关系。

    And finally , to grasp and to understand the relations of capitalist ownership from structure of contents in each of three volumes of The Capital .

  9. 第四张皮,是民族资本主义所有制。第五张皮,是小生产所有制,就是农民和手工业者的个体所有制。

    National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .

  10. 在六、七年之内,资本主义所有制和小生产者个体所有制的社会主义改造,就基本上完成了。

    In a matter of six or seven years the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership and of individual ownership by small producers has by and large been completed .

  11. 资本主义所有制关系的演化&《资本论》所有制思想研究该理论所研究的是有理函数而不仅是多次式。

    Evolution of the Relations of Capitalist Ownership - A Study of Ownership Thinking in The Capital ; That theory is concerned with rational functions instead of just polynomials .

  12. 决不能把共同占有、共同支配、共同管理视为共同共有或共同所有&公有制,否则,不仅无法正确认识当代资本主义所有制,而且会严重误导中国公有制经济的改革。

    We can 't attribute the share possession , share control and share management as public hold or public ownership or else we will misunderstand the contemporary capitalist ownership and seriously mislead the reform of Chinese state ownership economy .

  13. 以科学技术进步和生产力发展状况为出发点,以资本主义所有制为基础,以资本本身的社会化进程及其形式变化来划分资本主义发展阶段,应该是最主要的依据。

    The major standards of dividing capitalist development stage are as followings : the springboard is advance of science and technology and productivity development , the base is capitalist ownership , the dividing standard is the socialization course of capital and its form change .

  14. 私人股份资本所有制已不再是资本主义股份制的基本形式,法人资本股东化已成为发达资本主义所有制新变化的标志。

    The personal share capital system of ownership no longer was the fundamental capitalism joint stock system mode , and the legal person capital shareholder has become the symbol of new change of the system of ownership in the developed countries .